There has never been a more exciting time for the study and application of mathematics. Modern society relies on Mathematics in numerous and often surprising ways. Our teaching explores topics such as group theory and quantum physics and allows an appreciation of mathematics pure logic, relationships and structure.
All the above qualifications contribute to membership of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)
Dr Andrey Umerski, in the School of Mathematics and Statistics is a theoretical physicist whose research into electron ‘spintronics’ has impacted on each and every one of us who carries a device with a hard drive, from computers to mobile phones. Find out more about a new type of solid state memory called MRAM which will change the future for us all.
The Open University doesn't just teach: it's a global leader in research and innovation too, with OU research and development ranking in the top third of UK universities. The Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has a long and distinguished record of conducting high quality, internationally leading research. These researchers contribute to our state of the art curriculum material ensuring our teaching is up to date, informed by scientific research.
You can get a flavour of our published research in mathematics and statistics through our Open Research Online (ORO) website
For what it is worth, I regard the OU as one of this country's crowning achievements. I am proud to be an alumnus and sing its praises at every opportunity.
Dr David Platt
Gained a BSc in mathematics with the OU and then completed a PhD at the University of Bristol. Read more
The effort that I put in to studying at the OU in my mid-30s in order to become a qualified mathematician meant that as I turned 40 my career really accelerated, and I now have the opportunity to make a contribution to the railway industry at an international level.
David Worsley
Who is the Risk & Value Manager for Network Rail's London North Eastern Route, and is also a Visiting Lecturer at the Centre for Railway Research at Newcastle University. He has a Diploma in Statistics, Certificate in Mathematics, and a Certificate in Quantitative Studies for Business from the Open University.Read more
In addition to teaching on Open University modules our academics are engaged in ground breaking research that benefits individuals and society.
Explore our qualifications and courses by requesting one of our prospectuses today.
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