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Undergraduate Subject Areas

Image of Orion Nebular complex, Shutterstock, Giovanni Benintende

Astronomy and Planetary Science

From planets orbiting other stars to the extreme conditions near a black hole, astronomy and planetary science is all about the discovery of the Universe.

Image of newt in waterlilly


Discover the structure and function of cells, the importance of biology in human health and technology, and how evolutionary adaptations contribute to the survival of whole organisms.

Image of microcrystals


Understanding molecules, their shape, structure, how they are made and react, is the linchpin of all the sciences.

Close up image of a computer motherboard

Computing and IT

Computing and Information Technology is the foundation to modern society and business.

Image of fractal graphic

Design and Innovation

Design and innovation has never been more important to society and our everyday lives.

Image of mountain range viewed across lake © Clare Warren

Earth Sciences

Discover the fascinating world of geology and learn about the Earth by studying with us.

Abstract image of the blades of a molecular vacuum pump


Engineering solves challenges, from the constant miniaturisation of electronics to gravity defying super structures.

Image of city in palm of a hand

Environmental Management and Technology

Environmental Management and Technology addresses the ever increasing pressures and demands of modern business and society on the natural and built environments.  These complex challenges require effective environmental management which is why we draw upon a range of different discipline areas including science, technology, the social sciences and management.

Image of oxeye daisies at Yarton meadow, Michael Dodds OU

Environmental Sciences

Environmental sciences is a vital and vibrant subject, exploring the complexities of the natural environment and our relationship with it.

Image of DNA, courtesy of dream designs at

Health Sciences

Health Sciences is focused on the improvement of health through scientific research.

Image of complex hypercubes, abstract geometric background


There has never been a more exciting time for the study and application of mathematics. Modern society relies on Mathematics in numerous and often surprising ways.

Close up image of test tube and pipette

Natural Sciences

Businesses and society increasingly look to our scientists to provide solutions and create opportunities. However breakthroughs often require insights from more than one area of science.

Image of plasma lamp, abzee


Exploring the world of physics is fascinating and changes how people think about the world.

Image of document with chart and calculator


Arguably the most important science, since all other sciences are dependent upon it, statistics enables us to learn from data.

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Head and shoulders of male OU academic

In addition to teaching on Open University modules our academics are engaged in ground breaking research that benefits individuals and society.

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