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Our students

David Worsley

David Worsley

The effort that I put in to studying at the OU in my mid-30s in order to become a qualified mathematician meant that as I turned 40 my career really accelerated, and I now have the opportunity to make a contribution to the railway industry at an international level.

Dr David Platt

For what it is worth, I regard the OU as one of this country's crowning achievements. I am proud to be an alumnus and sing its praises at every opportunity.

Neil McIvor

Neil McIvor

This could be life changing for you, as it was for me.

Vicky Bowskill

Vicky Bowskill

I’m definitely not the same person I was when I started – you learn as much about yourself with the OU as you do about your subject

Dr Mandy Bailey

Dr Mandy Bailey

I never dreamt I would do the things I have, the observing residential school in Mallorca was a turning point – I knew then what I really wanted to do.

Michael Howard

Michael Howard

Getting a Microbiology Prize was a real high. It has made me want to push my learning boundaries, even further.

Meet our Academics

Head and shoulders of male OU academic

In addition to teaching on Open University modules our academics are engaged in ground breaking research that benefits individuals and society.

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