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Accessing our expertise

Our academics, researchers and PhD students work at the forefront of new research and technology, generating knowledge that has practical and commercial applications.

Developing your people

The OU offers a range of training and learning resources to equip your organisation with the skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the competition.

Image of nano indenter in Open University laboratory

Facilities and Contract Services

The Faculty enjoys state of the art research facilities including world leading analytical facilities and a comprehensive suite of biosciences laboratories.  Many of these facilities are made available commercially to our industrial partners. 

Media training

The Open University offers a unique media training programme in the form of three one-day facilitated workshops, delivered by BAFTA award winning BBC trained Open University staff.

Meet our Academics

Head and shoulders of male OU academic

In addition to teaching on Open University modules our academics are engaged in ground breaking research that benefits individuals and society.

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