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The OpenHealth Laboratory

The OpenHealth Lab encapsulates experiments and activities that are used in our Health Science and related qualifications.

Follow the links below to try some of our activities:

A photo of a tissue sample as seen under a microscope. This image is also a link to the Histology & histopathology Virtual microscopy experiment on the OpenScience Laboratory.

Histology & histopathology

The histology and histopathology collection includes two sets (light-boxes) of normal tissues and ten sets of pathological sections grouped according to their tissue type. The entire collection constitutes 320 sections which are presented through a virtual microscope that models the functions of a conventional light microscope.

A picture that has a representation of a human breathing with their lungs visible into a Spirometer on the left-hand side. On the right-hand side is a representation of a computer screen showing the output of the Spirometer in the format of a graph. This image is also a link to the Spirometer Virtual microscopy experiment on the OpenScience Laboratory.


Spirometry is a simple technique used to measure the dynamic function of lungs. And this application, which is based on data collected from over 7,000 healthy human subjects, allows you to explore how lung function changes with age, height, and gender.

For more details about Open University courses in Health Science see here.

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