'Can recycling food waste help us move towards a plastic-free future?' EPSRC DTP PhD student, Katy Woodason is researching how to transform food waste such as vegetable peels into environmentally friendly packaging. Read the full story here.
PhD studentships are advertised on findaphd.com, jobs.ac.uk and the OU jobs page, as well as the STEM schools and institute PhD student pages listed below. Calls for applications are usually issued in December-January of each year.
PhD studentships are fully funded for 3 years and 3 months. Funding covers a monthly stipend (in line with UKRI rates), fees and a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG). RTSG is for the student to use to fund training and development opportunities and other consumables required for the project. Students start annually on 1st October (or 1st February).
We have a 30% cap on non-UK students.
PhD studentships can be:
Recruitment of OU EPSRC DTP students is overseen by a STEM DTP management group that includes the DTP lead, STEM Associate Dean for Research and representatives from each discipline area. The following processes will be used to invite potential DTP projects from supervisors and applications from potential DTP students:
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