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Space Awareness

H2020 Project ID: 638653 Funded under:  H2020-EU. - Enabling European competitiveness, non-dependence and innovation of the European space sector

EUSPACE-AWE uses the excitement of space to attract young people to science and technology and stimulate European and global citizenship. Its main goal is to increase the number of young people that choose space-related careers by targeting diverse groups that influence career decisions, showing teenagers the opportunities offered by space science and engineering and inspiring primary-school children when their curiosity is high, their value systems are being formed and seeds of future aspirations are sown.

Activities include; 1. Acquainting young people with topical cutting-edge research and “role-model” engineers, 2. Demonstrating to teachers the power of space as a motivational tool and the opportunities of space careers, 3. Providing a repository of innovative peer-reviewed educational resources, including toolkits highlighting seductive aspects of Galileo and Copernicus and 4. Setting up a “space career hub” and contest designed to appeal to teenagers.  Particular attention will be paid to stimulating interest amongst girls and ethnic minorities and reaching children in underprivileged communities, where most talent is wasted. Targeting policy makers via high-impact events will help ensure sustainability and demonstrate the social value of the space programme.

EUSPACE-AWE will complement existing space-education programs and coordinate closely with ESA.We maximise cost effectiveness by 1 “Piggy backing” on existing ESERO and other teacher training courses and 2. Exploiting and expanding infrastructures of proven FP7-Space projects, EU Universe Awareness for young children and Odysseus for teenagers.

EUSPACE-AWE will complement existing space-education programs and coordinate closely with ESA. We shall reach European teachers, schools and national curricula through host organisations of ESEROs and the extensive networks of European Schoolnet, Scientix and UNAWE. Designated nodes will provide curriculum and resource localisation and test beds for professional evaluation. A partnership with the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development in Cape Town ensures global reach.                                                                                      

The Open University is engaged in setting up the space career hub and, through the production of a series of interview videos, showcasing researchers who can be role models for the next generation of European space scientists and engineers.

For further details see the website

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation

programme under grant agreement No 638653”.