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Achievement of Excellence in Electron Processes for Future Technologies (ELEvaTE)


Horizon 2020 Project ID: 692335. Funded under:  H2020-EU.4.b. - Twinning of research institutions

This H2020 Twinning project ‘Achievement of Excellence in Electron Processes for Future Technologies’ (ELEvaTE) is aimed at advancing the excellence of the Electron and Plasma Physics Laboratory (EPPL) in the Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava such that it becomes a centre of international excellence and an exemplar for other Slovakian HEI while furthering the Strategy for Smart Specialization of the Slovak Republic. EPPL has an internationally established scientific reputation and has exploited its research expertise to develop novel future technologies.

The goal of the ELEvaTE is to provide the EPPL opportunity to learn from two leading research groups in two major European Universities to achieve the ambition of developing EPPL as a centre of excellence. ELEvaTE will twin EPPL with the Molecular Physics Group at the Open University (OU) in United Kingdom and Nano-Bio-Group at the Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics at the University of Innsbruck (UIBK). The OU is experienced in the development and coordination of European  grants  (e.g through the Horizon 2020 programme) and  has developed expertise in dissemination of research results to a wide range of stakeholders and outreach. The UIBK combines its research with enterprise including development of ‘spin out’ companies such as Ionicon, the world's leading producer of Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometers (PTRMS). Both the OU and UIBK are exemplars of ‘widening participation and gender sensitive research’ and are strong in preparing IPR.

ELEvaTE will be implemented through work packages with clear and measurable deliverables. The UIBK will lead the academic-industry cooperation and technology transfer while the OU will focus on impact and dissemination and developing a strategy for applying for H2020 programmes. The EPPL will adopt new codes of practice on technology transfer, academic-industry partnerships and revise its management structures to implement and sustain excellent science. The EPPL will transfer its knowledge and scientific excellence to other HEIs in Slovakia.

For more details see the website and/or contact Professor Štefan Matejčík at EEPL, Comenius University

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692335.