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Dr Vasiliki Evdoridou

Profile summary

Professional biography

I am a Lecturer of Pure Mathematics. I obtained my PhD from the Open University and have also worked at the University of Barcelona, University of Warsaw, IMPAN, MSRI and University of Liverpool. 

Research interests

My research focuses on Complex Dynamics and Complex Analysis. I am particularly interested in the iteration of transcendental entire functions.

Together with Dan Rust we organise the Dynamical Systems seminar series.


Boundary dynamics for holomorphic sequences, non-autonomous dynamical systems and wandering domains (2024)
Benini, Anna Miriam; Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Fagella, Núria; Rippon, Philip and Stallard, Gwyneth
Advances in Mathematics, 446, Article 109673

Unbounded fast escaping wandering domains (2023-03-15)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Glücksam, Adi and Pardo-Simón, Leticia
Advances in Mathematics, 417, Article 108914

On the basins of attraction of a one-dimensional family of root finding algorithms: from Newton to Traub (2023-03)
Canela, Jordi; Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Garijo, Antonio and Jarque, Xavier
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 303, Article 55(3)

Dynamics of generalised exponential maps (2023-01)
Comdühr, Patrick; Evdoridou, Vasiliki and Sixsmith, Dave
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 174(1) (pp. 123-136)

Classifying simply connected wandering domains (2022)
Rippon, Philip; Stallard, Gwyneth; Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Fagella, Nuria and Benini, Anna Miriam
Mathematische Annalen, 383 (pp. 1127-1178)

Oscillating simply connected wandering domains (2022)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Rippon, Philip and Stallard, Gwyneth
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 43(4)

The Topology of the Set of Non-Escaping Endpoints (2021-05)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki and Sixsmith, David J.
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021(10) (pp. 7644-7676)

On the connectivity of the escaping set in the punctured plane (2021)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Martí-Pete, David and Sixsmith, David J.
Collectanea Mathematica, 72 (pp. 109-127)

On a Result of Hayman Concerning the Maximum Modulus Set (2021)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Pardo-Simón, Leticia and Sixsmith, David J.
Computational Methods and Function Theory, 21 (pp. 779-795)

Fatou’s Associates (2020)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Rempe, Lasse and Sixsmith, David J.
Arnold Mathematical Journal, 6 (pp. 459-493)

Singularities of inner functions associated with hyperbolic maps (2019-09-01)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Fagella, Núria; Jarque, Xavier and Sixsmith, David J.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 477(1) (pp. 536-550)

Non-escaping endpoints do not explode (2018-10)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki and Rempe-Gillen, Lasse
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 50(5) (pp. 916-932)

Fast escaping points of entire functions: A new regularity condition (2016-01)
Evdoridou, V.
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 160(1) (pp. 95-106)

Fatou's web (2016)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (pp. 5227-5240)

Rates Of Escape Under Iteration Of Analytic Functions (2017-01-09)
Evdoridou, Vasiliki
PhD thesis The Open University