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Dr Tim Lowe

Picture of Tim Lowe

Profile summary

Professional biography

I am a Senior Lecturer, and currently the Director of Teaching, in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, based in Milton Keynes.

I joined the Open University in 2006 having previously held positions at Cranfield University and the University of Leeds. I have a BSc and PhD in mathematics from the University of Leeds.

Contact details
Schol of Mathematics and Statistics
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Tel: +44 (0) 1908 653840

Research interests

My background is as an applied mathematician, with interests in fluid mechanics, geometric modelling, optimization and numerical methods.

More recently, I have been interested in the use of computer-based systems to support and enhance the learning of mathematics. This has included online tutoring, interactive animiations and computer assisted assessment. I have led the adoption of the STACK e-assessment system within the Open University, have written many questions and helped with others.

CATE award logo
In 2017 I was part of a team including the University of Edinburgh and Loughborough University to receive a HEA (now Advance HE) Colloborative Award for Teaching Excellence 


I am also interested in ensuring mathematics teaching materials are as accessible as possible.

Teaching interests

I currently a member of the module team for Optimisation (M373).

From 2011-2015 I co-chaired the production of Essential mathematics 1 (MST124) and Essential mathematics 2 (MST125)  I was also involved with the production of Discovering mathematics (MU123)  and have assisted with the the production of several other modules.

I have been an Associate Lecturer (tutor) on Open mathematics (MU120),  Using mathematics (MST121) and Essential mathematics 1 (MST124).


A collaboratively-derived research agenda for e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics (2024-04)
Kinnear, George; Jones, Ian; Sangwin, Chris; Alarfaj, Maryam; Davies, Ben; Fearn, Sam; Foster, Colin; Heck, Andre; Henderson, Karen; Hunt, Tim; Iannone, Paola; Kontorovich, Igor; Larson, Niclas; Lowe, Tim; Meyer, John; O'Shea, Ann; Rowlett, Peter; Sikurajapathi, Indunil and Wong, Thomas
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 10 (pp. 201-234)

Using STACK to support student learning at masters level: a case study (2020-06)
Lowe, T. W. and Mestel, B. D.
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 39(2) (pp. 61-70)

Perceptions of Online Tutorials for Distance Learning in Mathematics and Computing (2016-07-22)
Lowe, Tim; Mestel, Ben and Williams, Gareth
Research in Learning Technology, 24, Article 30630

Master’s students’ perceptions of Microsoft Word for mathematical typesetting (2015-06)
Loch, Birgit; Lowe, Tim W. and Mestel, Ben D.
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 34(2) (pp. 91-101)

Online quizzes for distance learning of mathematics (2015)
Lowe, Timothy
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 34(3) (pp. 138-148)

Do screencasts help to revise prerequisite mathematics? An investigation of student performance and perception (2014)
Loch, Birgit; Jordan, Camilla R.; Lowe, Tim. W. and Mestel, Ben. D.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45(2) (pp. 256-268)

Determination of PIXE spectra from specific depths (2006)
Broadhurst, A.; Lane, D. W.; Rogers, K. D. and Lowe, T. W.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 249 (pp. 808-811)

Design of partial differential equation hull surfaces using genetic algorithms (2005-07)
Lowe, Tim W.
Ship Technology Research (Schiffstechnik), 52(3) (pp. 124-133)

Determination of depth-dependent diffraction data: a new approach (2005-01)
Broadhurst, A.; Rogers, K. D.; Lowe, T. W. and Lane, D. W.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography, A61 (pp. 139-146)

The direct determination of X-ray diffraction data from specific depths (2005)
Broadhurst, A.; Rogers, K. D.; Lane, D. W. and Lowe, T. W.
Powder Diffraction, 20(3) (pp. 233-240)

Conceptual hull design using a genetic algorithm (2003-09)
Lowe, T. W. and Steel, J.
Journal of Ship Research, 47, Article 4(3) (pp. 222-236)

Variable-complexity hydrodynamic optimisation of a yacht hull (2001)
Lowe, T. W.
Mathematical Engineering in Industry, 8(3) (pp. 253-274)

Computation of Stokes flow in a channel with a collapsible segment (1995)
Lowe, T. W. and Pedley, T. J.
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 9(8) (pp. 885-905)

The automatic functional design of hull surface geometry (1994)
Lowe, T. W.; Bloor, M. I. and Wilson, M. J.
Journal of ship research, 38(4) (pp. 319-328)

Functionality in blend design (1990-12)
Lowe, T. W.; Bloor, M. I. G. and Wilson, M. J.
Computer-Aided Design, 22(10) (pp. 655-665)

Access to mathematics in web resources for people with a visual impairment: Considerations and developments in an open and distance learning context (2008)
Cooper, Martyn; Lowe, Tim and Taylor, Mary
In: Miesenberger, Klaus; Zagler, Wolfgang; Klaus, Joachim and Karshmer, Arthur eds. Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5105/2008) (pp. 926-933)
ISBN : 9783540705390 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Berlin

Finite element solution of Stokes flow in a channel with a collapsible segment (1994)
Lowe, T. W. and Pedley, T. J.
In: Crolet, J. M. and Ohayon, R eds. Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics (306) (pp. 220-229)
ISBN : 0-582-23691-6 | Publisher : Longman Scientific & Technical | Published : Harlow, U.K.

Do short screencasts improve learning? (2012-03)
Jordan, Camilla and Lowe, Tim
In : CETL-MSOR Conference 2011 (5-6 Sep 2011, Coventry University) (pp. 63-67)

Assessment for learning: Using Moodle quizzes in mathematics (2011-05)
Lowe, Timothy and Hasson, Robert
In : CETL-MSOR Conference 2010 (6-7 Sep 2010, University of Birmingham)

Electronic marking of mathematics assignments using Microsoft Word 2007 (2008-07)
Lowe, Tim; Mestel, Ben and Arrowsmith, Gaynor
In : 12th International CAA Conference: Research into e-Assessment (8-9 Jul 2008, Loughborough University, UK)