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Miss Tanvi Chopra

Profile summary

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Professional biography

I am a Post Graduate Researcher at the Open University, researching ‘Rapid emplacement of the Lower Deccan Traps and it’s implications for Late Cretaceous environmental change’ I have completed my BSc (Hons) Geology and Physical Geography graduate (2.1), followed by an MRes research titled 'Modelling lahars at Merapi (Indonesia) and Rainier (USA) volcanoes using Titan2d and LaharZ models’, from Edge Hill University. I am an explorative and analytical Geology postgraduate, with an enthusiasm for using geological modelling, stratigraphy and GIS to understand volcanological processes and hazards. I possess an aptitude for learning new skills and have experience in conducting fieldwork in a variety of settings. Adaptable and capable of working efficiently and collaboratively as part of a team while developing professional relationships with a variety of groups. Keen on pursuing a career in professional scientific research.

Research interests

  • Volcanology
  • Geochemistry
  • Large Igneous Provinces
  • Environmntal Change
  • Geohazards
  • GIS

External collaborations

Appointed as a student intern for research internship with EMODnet Geology Work Package 5 (from Dec 2020 to July 2022) under the supervision of Professor Cherith Moses (Edge Hill University) and Dr Heteren van Sytze (The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)). Responsible for processing environmental data and extract relevant data and maps from documents and literature describing European Coastal Vulnerability. Utilised GIS skills to accurately Geo-reference the images obtained from relevant literature on the European Coastline using ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS online. Harmonised the data to create Pan-European Coastal vulnerability map and common legend for the EMODnet database. Conrtibuted to the coastal migration map visible on: EMODnet Map Viewer (

Related publications:

  • MOSES, C., BUTTERILL, C., CHOPRA, T., HUMPHRIES, A., AND VAN HETEREN, S., (2022, May). Pan-European coastal vulnerability: translating incomplete data and information for communicating situational awareness, Presented at European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna.
  • MOSES, C., BUTTERILL, C., CHOPRA, T., HUMPHRIES, A., AND VAN HETEREN, S., (2021, June). Pan-European coastal vulnerability: translating incomplete data and information for communicating situational awareness, Presented at the EMODnet Open Conference, online.