I am a Staff Tutor and Senior Lecturer at the Open University achieving Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Authority several years ago.
My degree in physics led me to research into high temperature gas dynamics applied to the potential for detonation waves in nuclear fuel storage cans. On the completion of my research, I joined the team responsible for the pre-operational safety report for Sizewell B. Prior to joining the OU, I worked in Further Education for a number of years.
Throughout my career in further and higher education, I have been passionate about supporting and enhancing students’ learning experiences. I have a strong focus on problem-based learning, on opening-up access to HE/OU from FE and upskilling the workforce in industry. I work extensively with the OU in Wales on a number of collaborative projects.
I was Production Chair for module T271: Core engineering A and critically read and authored both on T192: Engineering: origins, methods, context and on T193; Engineering: frameworks, analysis, production.
As part of a small team within Engineering and Innovation, I assess prior learning for credit transfer to qualification pathways.