I started my professional career as a junior engineer in a private construction company and moved on to working on a number of natural disaster projects during my course of postgrad degree, as a research assistant in the institute of space technology, and later as a researcher in an artificial intelligence lab. These days I am working on analysing the impact of heatwaves on the urban trees in Milton Keynes.
My research interest mainly revolves around studying different natural disasters and their impacts on ecology mainly using GIS and RS technologies.
Chaotic Behavior of Lorenz-Based Chemical System under the Influence of Fractals (2024)
Marwan, Muhammad; Xiong, Anda; Han, Maoan and Khan, Ramla
Match Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 91(2) (pp. 307-336)
Existence of Solution and Self-Exciting Attractor in the Fractional-Order Gyrostat Dynamical System (2022-08-01)
Marwan, Muhammad; Ali, Gauhar and Khan, Ramla
Complexity, 2022, Article 3505634
Global drought monitoring with drought severity index (DSI) using Google Earth Engine (2021)
Khan, Ramla and Gilani, Hammad
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 146(1-2) (pp. 411-427)