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Professor Nigel Harris

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Nigel Harris is Emeritus Professor at the Open University, appointed from 1st Jan 2019; previously he held the position of Professor of Tectonics at the Open University. His valedictory address was presented in January 2019.

My doctoral research focussed on the origin of granites in the Pyrenees (University of Cambridge). Following post-doctoral studies in the field of Archean tectonics and zircon geochronology at the University of Toronto and the Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory (Washington D.C.) I developed my taste for fieldwork as a survey geologist on the Arabian-Nubian Shield (Saudi Arabia) and for mineral exploration on the Semail ophiolite (UAE). Returning to the U.K. I worked as a lecturer for the University of London and then the Open University where my research focussed on crustal growth in the Arabian-Nubian shield and on the evolution of the lower crust (origin of charnockites) in South India. Since 1985 I have been working primarily in Tibet and the Himalaya, linking tectonics, metamorphism and magmatism to improve our understanding of the evolution of both crust and lithospheric mantle during continental collision.

Recently, I have also been concerned with the consequences of mountain building resulting in: (i) extending the use of isotopic proxies for silicate weathering; (ii) testing climate-topography linkages in southern Asia by quantifying the elevation history of the Tibetan Plateau and by exploring its impact on monsoon intensity. Other projects include intra-plate magmatism in Mongolia, post-collisional magmatism in the Caucasus (Georgia) and assessing variations in monsoon intensity on millenia timescales through speleothem studies in NE India. This research has provided projects and logistical support for many PhD studentships and forms an integral part of the outputs of the Dynamic Earth Research Group at the Open University. 

Research interests

The scope of my scientific interests covers the following topics:

  • Isotope geochemistry of high-grade metamorphic and granitic systems.
  • Causes and mechanisms of melt production in tectonically thickened crust.
  • Mountain building and seismic risk at the southern margins of the Eurasian plate.
  • Chemical proxies for global weathering fluxes and linkage to CO2 reservoirs.
  • Linkage between orography and climate.
  • Post-collision and intra-plate magmatism and tectonics.

A complete publications list is available from my Web of Science profile. Most of these are available through ResearchGate.

PhD projects:

I have supervised over 30 PhD students, all to a successful conclusion.

PhD studentships I have recently co-supervised:

  • The formation and age of leucogranite melt in the Garhwal Himalaya (Charlie Oldman, NERC funded - awarded 2023).
  • Enrichment of critical metals in pegmatites: the role of crustal melting and fractionation (Tim Webster, NERC funded - award subject to corrections).

Recent research projects:

  • Testing models for mountain building in the northeastern Himalaya (Royal Society funded).
  • Assessing speleothems from NE India as proxies for monsoon evolution (NERC funded).
  • The role of collisional volcanism in the evolution of the Greater Caucasus (NERC funded).


Teaching interests

Teaching activities are underpinned by synergy with my research activities, covering the broad fields of igneous and metamorphic petrology, Earth systems science and tectonics. I have been particularly active in the provision of field training to Open University students, both as part of the undergraduate curriculum and as extra-curricular activites as exemplified by OUGS Himalayan field trips to Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Ladakh. 

Current teaching appointments:

Earth Processes (S309); module team member and author of Mountains, six weeks tuition on the causes and consequences of mountain building delivered using online fast-track production methods via edX and, more recently, using moodle.

Previous responsibilities:

External Examiner for the Department of Earth Sciences (Part 3, Part 2), University of Cambridge, and previously for universities of Edinburgh and Leicester.

Earth Systems Science (MSc, S808). Exam Board Chair and author of Block 3 (Mountain Building and Climate Change).

Academic lead on residential schools for geoscience fieldwork in FSCs at Blencathra (Cumbria) and Kindrogan (Perthshire).

Author of previous OU modules: Understanding the Continents (S339); Earth Science (S209); Practical Science - Igneous and metamorphic rocks in the field (SXG288); Ancient mountains - Practical geology in Scotland (SXR339); Geology - Magma and Mountains (S276); Our Dynamic Planet (S279); Geology (S260); Earth and Life (S269); How the Earth Works (S267); Directed Studies in Earth Sciences (S431); Science Foundation Course (S102).


Impact and engagement

My work currently attracts citations at a rate of ~2000 pa, with an h-index of 78 (Google Scholar), 70 (Web of Science).

In recent years I have presented international seminars and led workshops on mountain building and on the Indian monsoon at institutions in India (University of Delhi, University of Kashmir, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology), China (China University of Geosciences Wuhan), Turkey (Istanbul Technical University), Germany (Ruhr-University Bochum), Vietnam (Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology, Hanoi University of Mining & Geology), Lithuania (Vilnius University), Estonia (Tallinn University of Technology), Cyprus (Cyprus University of Technology) and Malta (University of Malta) and at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia), Albanian Academy of Sciences (Tirana) and the Moldovan Academy of Sciences (Chesinau).

External collaborations

UK collaborations in recent years have been with Dr Ian Parkinson (University of Bristol), Prof Mark Allen (University of Durham), Dr Nick Roberts (British Geological Survey), Prof Randy Parrish (University of Portsmouth), Prof Mike Bickle (University of Cambridge) and Prof Dave Mattey (University of London).

International links that enable my research include the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (Prof Talat Ahmad), NODIA Institute of Geophysics, Tbilisi (Prof Shota Adamia) and China University of Geosciences, Wuhan (Prof Hongfei Zhang). I am a member of the College of Expert Reviewers for the European Science Foundation. 

In November 2018 I led the Oxford-Cambridge universities alumni excursion The Making of the Himalaya: a geological traverse across Bhutan.


Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Earth, Planetary, Space and Astronomical Research (CEPSAR)CentreFaculty of Science


Externally funded projects

CENTA 2016 intake
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Oct 201630 Sep 2020NERC Natural Environment Research Council

CENTA is a geographically and scientifically coherent consortium offering a wide range of excellent NERC science embedded in a vibrant multidisciplinary environment. The Universities (Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Open and Warwick) and Institutes (British Geological Survey and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) have a strong track record of producing PhD graduates fit for further research or other relevant employment. The Open University STEM Faculty has match-funded 3 studentships in the 2016 intake.


Lithosphere tearing and foundering during continental subduction: insights from Oligocene-Miocene magmatism in southern Tibet (2024-01-01)
Pan, F.; Zhang, H.; He, X.; Harris, N.; Dai, H.-K.; Xiong, Q.; Luo, B.; Liu, D.; Kusky, T. and Sadiq, I.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(1-2) (pp. 583-596)

From source to emplacement: the origin of leucogranites from the Sikkim-Darjeeling Himalaya, India (2024-01)
Srivastava, Tanya; Harris, Nigel; Mottram, Catherine; Joshi, Kumar and Wanjari, Nischal
Geoscience Frontiers, 15, Article 101733(1)

Magnesium isotopes archive the initial carbonate abundances of metasedimentary rocks prior to thermal decarbonation (2024)
Shi, Qingshang; He, Yongsheng; Zhao, Zhidan; Rolfo, Franco; Groppo, Chiara; Harris, Nigel; Wu, Hongjie; Qi, Ningyuan and Ke, Shan
Geophysical Research Letters, 51(14) ((Early access))

Tracing high-pressure metamorphism in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis using detrital zircon and monazite from modern stream sediments (2023-09-01)
Zhang, Yunxuan; Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hongfei; Harris, Nigel; Xu, Wangchun; She, Zhenbing and Luo, Tao
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135(9-10) (pp. 2375-2390)

Kyanite petrogenesis in migmatites: resolving melting and metamorphic signatures (2023-02)
Phillips, Stacy E.; Argles, Tom W.; Warren, Clare J.; Harris, Nigel B. W. and Kunz, Barbara E.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 178, Article 10(2)

Quaternary Collision-Zone Magmatism of the Greater Caucasus (2022-05)
Bewick, Sam; Parkinson, Ian J; Harris, Nigel; Adamia, Shota; Sadradze, Nino; Allen, Mark B and Hammond, Sam
Journal of Petrology, 63, Article egac037(5)

Critical metal enrichment in crustal melts: the role of metamorphic mica (2022)
Kunz, Barbara E.; Warren, Clare J.; Jenner, Frances E.; Harris, Nigel B. W. and Argles, Tom W.
Geology, 50(11) (pp. 1219-1223)

Petrogenesis of Himalayan leucogranites: Perspective from a Combined Elemental and Fe‐Sr‐Nd isotope study (2021-08-17)
Shi, Qingshang and ,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, Article e2021JB021839.(8)

Tectonic and climatic drivers of Asian monsoon evolution (2021-06-29)
Thomson, James R.; Holden, Philip B.; Anand, Pallavi; Edwards, Neil R.; Porchier, Cécile A. and Harris, Nigel B. W.
Nature Communications, Article 4022(12)

Evolution of the melt source during protracted crustal anatexis: An example from the Bhutan Himalaya (2020)
Hopkinson, Thomas; Harris, Nigel; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Warren, Clare J.; Hammond, Sam; Spencer, Christopher J. and Parrish, Randall R.
Geology, 48(1) (pp. 87-91)

Tectonic erosion and crustal relamination during the India-Asian continental collision: Insights from Eocene magmatism in the southeastern Gangdese belt (2019-12-15)
Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Luo, Bi-Ji; Zhang, Wen and Xu, Wang-Chun
Lithos, 346-347, Article 105161

Garnet–monazite rare earth element relationships in sub-solidus metapelites: a case study from Bhutan (2019)
Warren, Clare J.; Greenwood, Lucy V.; Argles, Tom W.; Roberts, Nick M. W.; Parrish, Randall R. and Harris, Nigel B. W.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 478(1) (SP478.1)

The identification and significance of pure sediment-derived granites (2017-06-01)
Hopkinson, Thomas N.; Harris, Nigel B. W.; Warren, Clare J.; Spencer, Christopher J.; Roberts, Nick M. W.; Horstwood, Matthew S. A. and Parrish, Randall R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 467 (pp. 57-63)

Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, trace-element and Hf isotope geochemistry of the metasedimentary rocks in the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis: Tectonic and paleogeographic implications (2017-01)
Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Xu, Wang-Chun and Pan, Fa-Bin
Gondwana Research, 41 (pp. 207-221)

The geology and tectonics of central Bhutan (2016-03-31)
Greenwood, Lucy V.; Argles, Tom W.; Parrish, Randall R.; Harris, Nigel B. W. and Warren, Clare
Journal of the Geological Society, 173(2) (pp. 352-369)

Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous magmatism in the Lhasa terrane and its tectonic implications: Evidences from detrital zircons in the Nyingchi Complex (2016-02-15)
Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Xu, Wang-Chun and Pan, Fa-Bin
Lithos, 245 (pp. 47-59)

Argon behaviour in an inverted Barrovian sequence, Sikkim Himalaya: the consequences of temperature and timescale on 40Ar/39Ar mica geochronology (2015-12-01)
Mottram, Catherine M.; Warren, Clare J.; Halton, Alison M.; Kelley, Simon P. and Harris, Nigel B. W.
Lithos, 238 (pp. 37-51)

Using U-Th-Pb petrochronology to determine rates of ductile thrusting: time windows into the Main Central Thrust, Sikkim Himalaya (2015-07-31)
Mottram, Catherine M.; Parrish, Randall R.; Regis, Daniele; Warren, Clare J.; Argles, Tom W.; Harris, Nigel B. W. and Roberts, Nick M. W.
Tectonics, 34(7) (pp. 1355-1374)

On discrimination between carbonate and silicate inputs to Himalayan rivers (2015-02)
Bickle, Mike J.; Tipper, Ed; Galy, Albert; Chapman, Hazel and Harris, Nigel
American Journal of Science, 315(2) (pp. 120-166)

Developing an inverted Barrovian sequence; insights from monazite petrochronology (2014-10-01)
Mottram, Catherine M.; Warren, Clare J.; Regis, Daniele; Roberts, Nick M. W.; Harris, Nigel B. W.; Argles, Tom W. and Parrish, Randall R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403 (pp. 418-431)

Tectonic interleaving along the Main Central Thrust, Sikkim Himalaya (2014-03-31)
Mottram, Catherine M.; Argles, T. W.; Harris, N. B. W.; Parrish, R. R.; Horstwood, M. S. A.; Warren, C. J. and Gupta, S.
Journal of the Geological Society, 171(2) (pp. 255-268)

Late Cretaceous (~81Ma) high-temperature metamorphism in the southeastern Lhasa terrane: implication for the Neo-Tethys ocean ridge subduction. (2013-11)
Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Pan, Fa-Bin and Xu, Wang-Chun
Tectonophysics, 608 (pp. 112-126)

Geochronology and geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic granitoids in the Lhasa terrane, south Tibet: implications for the early evolution of the Lhasa terrane (2013-10)
Xu, Wang-Chun; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Guo, Liang; Pan, Fa-Bin and Wang, Shuai
Precambrian Research, 236 (pp. 46-58)

Rapid Eocene erosion, sedimentation and burial in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its geodynamic significance (2013-03)
Xu, Wang-Chun; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Guo, Liang and Pan, Fa-Bing
Gondwana Research, 23(2) (pp. 715-725)

Cenozoic volcanism on the Hangai Dome, Central Mongolia: geochemical evidence for changing melt sources and implications for mechanisms of melting (2012-09)
Hunt, A. C.; Parkinson, I. J.; Harris, N. B. W.; Barry, T. L.; Rogers, N. W. and Yondon, M.
Journal of Petrology, 53(9) (pp. 1913-1942)

Paleogene crustal anatexis and metamorphism in Lhasa terrane, eastern Himalayan syntaxis: evidence from U–Pb zircon ages and Hf isotopic compositions of the Nyingchi Complex (2012-01)
Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Parrish, Randall; Xu, Wang-Chun and Shi, Zhang-Liang
Gondwana Research, 21(1) (pp. 100-111)

A novel palaeoaltimetry proxy based on spore and pollen wall chemistry (2012)
Lomax, Barry H.; Fraser, Wesley T.; Harrington, Guy; Blackmore, Stephen; Sephton, Mark A. and Harris, Nigel B. W.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 353 (pp. 22-28)

Oligocene magmatism in the eastern margin of the east Himalayan syntaxis and its implication for the India–Asia post-collisional process (2012)
Pan, Fa-Bin; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Xu, Wang-Chun and Guo, Liang
Lithos, 154 (pp. 181-192)

Origin and evolution of multi-stage felsic melts in eastern Gangdese belt: constraints from U–Pb zircon dating and Hf isotopic composition (2011-11)
Guo, Liang; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Harris, Nigel; Pan, Fa-Bin and Xu, Wang-Chun
Lithos, 127(1-2) (pp. 54-67)

Crustal melting and the flow of mountains (2011-08)
Jamieson, Rebecca A.; Unsworth, Martyn J.; Harris, Nigel B. W.; Rosenberg, Claudio L. and Schulmann, Karel
Elements, 7(4) (pp. 253-260)

A short-duration pulse of ductile normal shear on the outer South Tibetan detachment in Bhutan: Alternating channel flow and critical taper mechanics of the eastern Himalaya (2011-04)
Chambers, Jennifer; Parrish, Randall; Argles, Tom; Harris, Nigel and Horstwood, Matthew
Tectonics, 30, Article TC2005(2)

Contribution of crustal anatexis to the tectonic evolution of Indian crust beneath southern Tibet (2011-01-01)
King, Jess; Harris, Nigel; Argles, Tom; Parrish, Randall and Zhang, Hongfei
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 123(1-2) (pp. 218-239)

Tectonic implications of garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths exhumed by Quaternary magmatism in the Hangay dome, central Mongolia (2010)
Harris, Nigel; Hunt, Alison; Parkinson, Ian; Tindle, Andrew; Yondon, Magisuren and Hammond, Samantha
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160(1) (pp. 67-81)

The significance of Cenozoic magmatism from the western margin of the eastern syntaxis, south-east Tibet (2010)
Zhang, Hongfei; Harris, Nigel; Guo, Liang and Wu, Wangchun
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160(1) (pp. 83-98)

Timing of granulite-facies metamorphism in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its tectonic implications (2010)
Xu, Wang-Chun; Zhang, Hong-Fei; Parrish, Randall; Harris, Nigel; Guo, Liang and Yuan, Hong-Lin
Tectonophysics, 485(1-4) (pp. 231-244)

Empirical constraints on extrusion mechanisms from the upper margin of an exhumed high-grade orogenic core, Sutlej valley, NW India (2009)
Chambers, Jennifer; Caddick, Mark; Argles, Thomas; Horstwood, Matthew; Sherlock, Sarah; Harris, Nigel; Parrish, Randall and Ahmad, Talat
Tectonophysics, 477(1-2) (pp. 77-92)

Tectonic implications of Palaeoproterozoic anatexis and Late Miocene metamorphism in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence, Sutlej Valley, NW India (2008-05)
Chambers, Jennifer; Argles, Thomas; Horstwood, Matthew; Harris, Nigel; Parrish, Randall and Ahmad, Talat
Journal of the Geological Society, 165(3) (pp. 725-737)

Tectonic Evolution of Metasediments from the Gangdise Terrane, Asian Plate, Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, Tibet (2008)
Zhang, Hong-Fei; Xu, Wang-Chun; Zong, Ke-Qing; Yuan, Hong-Lin and Harris, Nigel
International Geology Review, 50(10) (pp. 914-930)

Burial and exhumation history of a Lesser Himalayan schist: Recording the formation of an inverted metamorphic sequence in NW India (2007-12)
Caddick, M. J.; Bickle, M. J.; Harris, N. B. W.; Holland, T. J. B.; Horstwood, M. S. A.; Parrish, R. R. and Ahmad, T.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 264(3-4) (pp. 375-390)

Channel flow and the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen: a critical review (2007-05)
Harris, Nigel
Journal of the Geological Society, 164(3) (pp. 511-523)

Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of granitoids from western Qinling belt: Constraints on basement nature and tectonic affinity (2007)
Zhang, H. F.; Jin, L. L.; Zhang, L.; Harris, N.; Zhou, L.; Hu, S. H. and Zhang, B. R.
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 50(2) (pp. 184-196)

First field evidence of southward ductile flow of Asian crust beneath southern Tibet (2007)
King, Jess; Harris, Nigel; Argles, Tom; Parrish, Randy; Charlier, Bruce; Sherlock, Sarah and Zhang, Hong Fei
Geology, 35(8) (pp. 727-730)

The Elevation history of the Tibetan Plateau and its implications for the Asian monsoon (2006-11-01)
Harris, Nigel
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 241(1) (pp. 4-15)

An Ar-40-Ar-39 laser-probe study of pseudotachylites in charnockite gneisses from the Cauvery Shear Zone system, South India (2006-11)
Rao, Y. J. B.; Kelley, S. P.; Harris, N. B. W.; Narayana, B. L. and Srikantappa, C.
Gondwana Research, 10(3-4) (pp. 357-362)

U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of intrusive rocks from the Longshan–Tianshui area in the southeast corner of the Qilian orogenic belt, China: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic affinity (2006-10-01)
Zhang, Hong-Fei; Zhang, Ben-Ren; Harris, Nigel; Zhang, Li; Chen, Yue-Long; Chen, Neng-Song and Zhao, Zhi-Dan
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 27(6) (pp. 751-764)

U–Pb zircon ages, geochemical and isotopic compositions of granitoids in Songpan-Garze fold belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the basementevolution of the basement (2006-07)
Zhang, Hong-Fei; Zhang, Li; Harris, Nigel; Jin, Lan-Lan and Yuan, Honglin
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 152(1) (pp. 75-88)

Correlation of lithotectonic units across the Eastern Himalaya, Bhutan (2006-05)
Richards, Andy; Parrish, Randall; Harris, Nigel; Argles, Tom and Zhang, Li
Geology, 34(5) (pp. 341-344)

Li and δ7Li in Himalayan rivers: proxies for silicate weathering? (2005-09-15)
Kısakűrek, Basak; James, Rachael H. and Harris, Nigel B.W.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237(3-4) (pp. 387-401)

Himalayan architecture constrained by isotopic tracers from clastic sediments (2005-08-15)
Richards, Andy; Argles, Tom; Harris, Nigel; Parrish, Randy; Ahmad, Talat; Darbyshire, Fiona and Draganits, Erich
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236(3-4) (pp. 773-796)

Relative contributions of silicate and carbonate rocks to riverine Sr fluxes in the headwaters of the Ganges (2005-05-01)
Bickle, Mike J.; Chapman, Hazel J.; Bunbury, Judith; Harris, Nigel B.W.; Fairchild, Ian J.; Ahmad, Talat and Pomiès, Catherine
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(9) (pp. 2221-2240)

Mapping granite and gneiss in domes along the North Himalayan antiform with ASTER SWIR band ratios (2005)
Watts, Doyle R. and Harris, Nigel B. W.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117(7-8) (pp. 879-886)

Causes and consequences of protracted melting of the mid-crust exposed in the North Himalayan antiform (2004-11-30)
Zhang, Hongfei; Harris, Nigel; Parrish, Randy; Kelley, Simon; Zhang, Li; Rogers, Nick; Argles, Tom and King, Jess
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 228(1-2) (pp. 195-212)

The pressure–temperature–time path of migmatites from the Sikkim Himalaya (2004-04)
Harris, N.B.W.; Caddick, M.; Kosler, J.; Goswami, S.; Vance, D. and Tindle, A.G.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 22(3) (pp. 249-264)

Erosion history of the Tibetan Plateau since the last Interglacial: constraints from the first studies of cosmogenic 10Be from Tibetan bedrock (2004-01-01)
Lal, Devendra; Harris, Nigel B.W.; Sharma, Kewal K.; Gu, Zhaoyan; Ding, L.; Lui, Tungsheng; Dong, Weiquan; Caffee, Marc W. and Jull, A.J.T.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 217(1-2) (pp. 33-42)

Nature of the source regions for post-collisional, potassic magmatism in southern and northern Tibet from geochemical variations and inverse trace element modelling (2004)
Williams, H.M.; Turner, S.P.; Pearce, J.A.; Kelley, S.P. and Harris, N.B.W.
Journal of Petrology, 45(3) (pp. 555-607)

Isotope studies reveal a complete Himalayan section in the Nanga Parbat syntaxis (2003-12)
Argles, Tom; Foster, Gavin; Whittington, Alan; Harris, Nigel and George, Mark
Geology, 31(12) (pp. 1109-1112)

Silicate weathering rates decoupled from the 87Sr/86S ratio of the dissolved load during Himalayan erosion (2003-11-14)
Oliver, Lee; Harris, Nigel; Bickle, Mike; Chapman, Hazel; Dise, Nancy and Horstwood, Matthew
Chemical Geology, 201(1-2) (pp. 119-139)

A granite-gabbro complex from Madagascar; constraints on melting of the lower crust (2003-08)
McMillan, Andy; Harris, Nigel B. W.; Holness, Marian; Ashwal, Lewis; Kelley, Simon and Rambeloson, Roger
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 145(5) (pp. 585-599)

Fluxes of Sr into the headwater of the Ganges (2003-07-15)
Bickle, Mike J.; Bunbury, Judith; Chapman, Hazel J.; Harris, Nigel B W.; Fairchild, Ian J. and Ahmad, Talat
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(14) (pp. 2567-2584)

Melt Generation and Fluid Flow in the Thermal Aureole of the Bushveld Complex (2003-06)
Harris, Nigel; McMillan, Andy; Holness, Marian; Uken, Ron; Watkeys, Mike; Rogers, Nick and Fallick, Anthony
Journal of Petrology, 44(6) (pp. 1031-1054)

Constant elevation of southern Tibet over the past 15 million years (2003-02-06)
Spicer, Robert A.; Harris, Nigel B.W.; Widdowson, Mike; Herman, Alexei B.; Guo, Shuangxing; Valdes, Paul J.; Wolfe, Jack A. and Kelley, Simon P.
Nature, 421(6923) (pp. 622-624)

The Tertiary collision-related thermal history and tectonic evolution of the NW Himalaya (2002-12)
Foster, G.; Vance, D.; Argles, T. and Harris, N.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20(9) (pp. 827-844)

Controls on the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of carbonates in the Garhwal Himalaya, Headwaters of the Ganges (2001-11)
Bickle, M.J.; Harris, N. B. W.; Bunbury, J.M.; Chapman, H.J.; Fairchild, I.J. and Ahmad, T.
Journal of Geology, 109(6) (pp. 737-753)

Age and composition of dikes in Southern Tibet: New constraints on the timing of east-west extension and its relationship to postcollisional volcanism (2001-04)
Williams, Helen; Turner, Simon; Kelley, Simon and Harris, Nigel
Geology, 29(4) (pp. 339-342)

Fluid-enhanced melting during prograde metamorphism (2001-03)
Prince, C.; Harris, N. and Vance, D.
Journal of the Geological Society, 158(2) (pp. 233-241)

The significance of monazite U–Th–Pb age data in metamorphic assemblages: a combined study of monazite and garnet chronometry (2000-09)
Foster, Gavin; Kinny, Pete; Prince, Christophe; Vance, Derek and Harris, Nigel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 181(3) (pp. 327-340)

From sediment to granite: timescales of anatexis in the upper crust (2000-01)
Harris, Nigel; Vance, Derek and Ayres, Mike
Chemical Geology, 162(2) (pp. 155-167)

Isotopic constraints on the structural relationships between the Lesser Himalayan Series and the High Himalayan Crystalline Series, Garhwal Himalaya (2000)
Ahmad, Talat; Harris, Nigel; Bickle, Mike; Chapman, Hazel; Bunbury, Judith and Prince, Christophe
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 112(3) (pp. 467-477)

Metamorphic rocks of the 1985 Tibet Geotraverse, Lhasa to Golmud (1988)
Harris, N. B. W.; Holland, T. J. B. and Tindle, A. G.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 327(1594) (pp. 203-213)

Geochemical characteristics of collision zone magmatism (1986)
Harris, Nigel B. W.; Pearce, Julian A. and Tindle, Andrew G.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 19 (pp. 67-81)

Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks (1984)
Pearce, Julian A.; Harris, Nigel B. W. and Tindle, Andrew G.
Journal of Petrology, 25 (pp. 956-983)

Boosting the petrochronology arsenal: REE partitioning between garnet and monazite in Bhutanese pelitic metasediments (2017-01-11)
Warren, C. J.; Argles, T. W.; Greenwood, L. V.; Harris, N. B. W. and Roberts, N. M. W.
In : 35th International Geological Congress (27 Aug 2016-4 Sep 2016, Cape Town, South Africa)

Chemical evolution of Himalayan leucogranites based on an O, U-Pb and Hf study of zircon (2015-04)
Hopkinson, Thomas N.; Warren, Clare J.; Harris, Nigel B. W.; Hammond, Samantha J. and Parrish, Randall R.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (12-17 Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria)

Tectonics (2018)
Harris, N. B. W.
Times Books