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Dr Katherine Staden

Katherine Staden

Profile summary

Professional biography

I am a lecturer in pure maths in the School of Mathematics and Statistics; I joined the OU in January 2022. I was an undergraduate at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, and received a PhD from the University of Birmingham in 2015, followed by postdoctoral research at Warwick and Oxford.

Research interests

I am interested in combinatorics (discrete mathematics); in particular extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Recently I've been working on graph decompositions and some problems in extremal graph theory.

Externally funded projects

Graph decompositions via probability and designs
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jul 202230 Jun 2025EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The notion of decomposition, or splitting a larger object into smaller pieces, is ubiquitous in mathematics. Sometimes one does this to better understand the larger object, for example representing a function by a Fourier series, or factorising an integer. On the ... Show more


Ringel’s tree packing conjecture in quasirandom graphs (2025-02-21)
Keevash, Peter and Staden, Katherine
Journal of the European Mathematical Society ((early access))

Universality for transversal Hamilton cycles (2025-01-10)
Bowtell, Candy; Morris, Patrick; Pehova, Yanitsa and Staden, Katherine
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society ((Early access))

Ringel's tree packing conjecture in quasirandom graphs (2024)
Keevash, Peter and Staden, Katherine
Journal of the European Mathematical Society ((In Press))

Exact results for the Erdős-Rothschild problem (2024)
Pikhurko, Oleg and Staden, Katherine
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12, Article e8

Stability from graph symmetrisation arguments with applications to inducibility (2023-09)
Liu, Hong; Pikhurko, Oleg; Sharifzadeh, Maryam and Staden, Katherine
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 108(3) (pp. 1121-1162)

Stability for the Erdős-Rothschild problem (2023-03-31)
Pikhurko, Oleg and Staden, Katherine
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 11, Article e23