Further infomration about my work is on this Open University page:
My research interests straddle Logic and Combinatorics. In particular I have worked with automorphism groups, the Small index property and transitivity properties all with respect to infinite designs.
I have also worked on gender and STEM research projects.
As well as working on entry level modules I make materials for the university's open learning platform, Open Learn.
My OpenLearn articles are available on my OpenLearn Porfile.
In 2018 I became CEO of MathsWorldUK, a registered charity which aims to establish the UK's first interactive Mathematics Discovery Centre. The Centre will show that maths is to be enjoyed and explored by everyone and that it is at the cutting edge of innovation in most sectors. All information is at MathsWorldUK's website
So that people could get their hands on some real problem solving and fun puzzles I created the app Perplex with the UKMT. The puzzle can be played online or via an app.
In 2015 some members of the Maths and Statistics dept entered the BBC game show Beat the Brain. See how Weapons of Maths Instruction got on.
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Pure Maths: Combinatorics Research Group | Group | Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology |
Four Math Museums Around the World: From Oldest to Newest (2024-10)
Bowman, Joshua; Chicot, Katie and Kayamaz, Mustafa
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 71(9) (pp. 1210-1217)
Creating a Mathematics Discovery Centre in the UK (2024-08)
Chicot, Katie
Matematica, Cultura e Società, Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, 9(2-3) (pp. 125-138)
Please do touch: maths you cannot resist grabbing (2024)
Gasking, Nina and Chicot, Katie
European Mathematical Society Magazine(134) (pp. 45-48)
MathsWorldUK: Creating the UK’s first National Mathematics Discovery Centre (2021-07)
Chicot, Katie
European Mathematical Society Magazine(120) (pp. 50-54)
A Classification of Countable Lower 1-transitive Linear Orders (2018-07)
Barbina, Silvia and Chicot, Katie
Order, 35(2) (pp. 215-231)
On sparse countably infinite Steiner triple systems (2010)
Chicot, K. M.; Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S. and Webb, B. S.
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 18(2) (pp. 115-122)
The small index property for countable 1-transitive linear orders (2005-01)
Chicot, K. and Truss, J.K.
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 47(1) (pp. 69-75)
Countable 1-transitive trees (2017-06-28)
Chicot, Katie M. and Truss, John K.
In: Droste, Manfred; Fuchs, László; Goldsmith, Brendan and Strüngmann, Lutz eds. Groups, Modules and Model Theory - Surveys and Recent Developments, in Memory of Rüdiger Göbel (pp. 225-268)
ISBN : 978-3-319-51717-9 | Publisher : Springer International Publishing AG
Distance travelled: supporting women returning to STEM careers (2012-04)
Herman, Clem; Whitelegg, Liz; Kirkup, Gill and Chicot, Katie
In : HEA STEM Annual Conference (12-13 Apr 2012, London, UK)