Honorary Associate (retired Senior Lecturer) in the School of Life, Health & Chemical Sciences
My research is mainly in the area of autonomic neuroscience, particularly the development and ageing of neurons that regulate bowel and bladder function. In addition I have been involved in collaborative research on age-related changes in gut hormones and also changes in microRNAs during ageing of the blood-brain barrier.
The major focus of my current research is concerned with the biology of ageing. Our work primarily involves analysis of how the cells of the gut change during ageing, and the mechanisms that underlie these changes. I also collaborate on research on ageing of the central autonomic neurons that regulate bowel and bladder function (with Dr Rachel Ranson, Northumbria University).
Much of my research is on the intrinsic innervation of the gut. The majority of neurons that regulate gut functions are located in a complex network of ganglia known as the enteric nervous system, which lies embedded within the gut wall, and contains many millions of neurons. We use a range of techniques to analyse the properties of these neurons. In addition to electron and light microscopy, molecular and immunological studies, we developed methods to isolate enteric neurons and neural progenitors from the gut, and have used cell and tissue culture methods to analyse the effects of neurotrophic and neuroprotective factors on these cells in vitro (tissue culture).
In collaborative work on the ageing gut, with Rachel Ranson and Dr Mark Yeoman (University of Brighton), we are employing a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the physiological and cellular changes that occur in the terminal bowel during ageing. Such changes may contribute to faecal incontinence, which severely undermines the quality of life in the elderly.
Other research, with Dr Vicky Taylor (Open University) investigates changes in appetite-regulating gut hormones during pregnancy, lactation and ageing.
In summary:
I have taught in the Life and Health Sciences programmes. I contributed to a number of modules, including S294 Cell Biology and Molecular and Cell Biology (S377). Previously, I contributed to: Investigative Biology (SXR270), Biology: Uniformity and Diversity (S204), Issues in Brain and Behaviour (SD805), Human Biology and Health (SK220), and Biology: Form and Function (S203).
Committee Membership:
2015 - 2019: Core member BBSRC Committee C
2014: Member of BBSRC Committee A
Editorial responsibility:
2013-2014: Co-guest editor of Special Issue of Biogerontology
Conference organisation:
2013: BSRA committee member representative leading the team organising the 2013 annual BSRA conference
2012: Organiser of BBSRC and AgeUK-sponsored Symposium ‘Ageing bladder and bowel’ at the BSRA annual conference, Aston University
2005: Symposium organiser at British Neuroscience Association Annual meeting.‘The enteric nervous system: function, development and ageing of a complex peripheral neural network’
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Biomedical Research Network (BRN) | Network | Faculty of Science |
Decreases in mucosally‐evoked tachykinin signaling pathways can explain age‐related reductions in murine colonic motility patterns (2024-11)
Yeoman, Mark S.; Fidalgo, Sara; Hobby, India; Hafeez, Ali; Ranson, Rachel N.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Patel, Bhavik Anil
Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 36, Article e14891(11)
Age-Associated mRNA and miRNA Expression Changes in the Blood-Brain Barrier (2019-06-25)
Goodall, Emily F.; Leach, Vicki; Wang, Chunfang; Cooper-Knock, Johnathan; Heath, Paul R.; Baker, David; Drew, David R.; Saffrey, M. Jill; Simpson, Julie E.; Romero, Ignacio A. and Wharton, Stephen B.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, Article 3097(12)
Changes in neuromuscular structure and functions of human colon during ageing are region-dependent (2019-06-07)
Broad, John; Kung, Victor W. S.; Palmer, Alexandra; Elahi, Shezan; Karami, Azadeh; Darreh-Shori, Taher; Ahmed, Shafi; Thaha, Mohamed Adhnan; Carroll, Rebecca; Chin-Aleong, Joanne; Martin, Joanne E.; Saffrey, M. Jill; Knowles, Charles H. and Sanger, Gareth John
Gut, 68(7) (pp. 1210-1223)
Gastrointestinal capacity, gut hormones and appetite change during rat pregnancy and lactation (2019-05-31)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Taylor, Victoria Jane
Reproduction, 157(5) (pp. 431-443)
Interstitial cell network volume is reduced in the terminal bowel of ageing mice (2018-10)
Gamage, Prasanna P. K. M.; Patel, Bhavik A.; Yeoman, Mark S.; Ranson, Rachel N. and Saffrey, M. Jill
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 22(10) (pp. 5160-5164)
Changes in murine anorectum signaling across the life course (2018-10)
Fidalgo, S.; Patel, B. A.; Ranson, R. N.; Saffrey, M. J. and Yeoman, M. S.
Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 30, Article e13426(10)
Age-associated changes in the blood brain barrier: Comparative studies in human and mouse (2018-03-25)
Goodall, Emily F.; Wang, Chunfang; Simpson, Julie E.; Baker, David J.; Drew, David R.; Heath, Paul R.; Saffrey, M. Jill; Romero, Ignacio A. and Wharton, Stephen B.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 44(3) (pp. 328-340)
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) increases in plasma and colon tissue prior to estrus and circulating levels change with increasing age in reproductively competent Wistar rats (2017-04-30)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Taylor, Victoria J.
Peptides, 90 (pp. 55-62)
Plasma Ghrelin Concentrations Were Altered with Oestrous Cycle Stage and Increasing Age in Reproductively Competent Wistar Females (2016-11-09)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Taylor, Victoria J.
PLoS ONE, 11, Article e0166229(11)
Neurogenic mechanisms in bladder and bowel ageing (2015-04-01)
Ranson, Richard N. and Saffrey, M. Jill
Biogerontology, 16(2) (pp. 265-284)
Aging of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract: a complex organ system (2014-12)
Saffrey, M. Jill
AGE - The Journal of the American Aging Association, 36, Article 9603(3) (pp. 1019-1032)
Loss of UCHL1 promotes age-related degenerative changes in the enteric nervous system. (2014-06)
Coulombe, Josée; Gamage, Prasanna; Gray, Madison T.; Zhang, Mei; Tang, Matthew Y.; Woulfe, John; Saffrey, M. Jill and Gray, Douglas A.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6, Article 129
Impaired colonic motility and reduction in tachykinin signalling in aged mouse (2014-05)
Patel, Bhavik Anil; Patel, Nikkita; Fidalgo, Sara; Wang, Chunfang; Ranson, Richard N.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Yeoman, Mark S.
Experimental Gerontology, 53 (pp. 24-30)
Cellular changes in the enteric nervous system during ageing (2013-10)
Saffrey, M. Jill
Developmental Biology, 382(1) (pp. 344-355)
Changes in the innervation of the mouse internal anal sphincter during aging (2013-07)
Wang, C.; Houghton, M. J.; Gamage, P. P.K.M; Collins, H. E.; Patel, B. A.; Yeoman, M. S.; Ranson, R. N. and Saffrey, M. J.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 25(7) (e469-e477)
Myenteric neuron numbers are maintained in aging mouse distal colon (2013)
Gamage, P. P. K. M.; Ranson, R. N.; Patel, B. A.; Yeoman, M. S. and Saffrey, M. J.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 25(7) (e495-e505)
Postmitotic neurons develop a p21-dependent senescence-like phenotype driven by a DNA damage response (2012-12)
Jurk, Diana; Wang, Chunfang; Miwa, Satomi; Maddick, Mandy; Korolchuk, Viktor; Tsolou, Avgi; Gonos, Efstathios S.; Thrasivoulou, Christopher; Saffrey, M. Jill; Cameron, Kerry and von Zglinicki, Thomas
Aging Cell, 11(6) (pp. 996-1004)
Effects of aging on cholinergic neuromuscular transmission in isolated small intestine of ad libitum fed and calorically-restricted rats (2012-06)
Hoyle, C. H. V. and Saffrey, M. J.
Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 24(6) (pp. 586-592)
Differing effects of NT-3 and GDNF on dissociated enteric ganglion cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide in vitro (2012-05-31)
Korsak, Kris; Silva, Ayona T. and Saffrey, M. Jill
Neuroscience Letters, 517(2) (pp. 102-106)
Ageing of enteric neurons: oxidative stress, neurotrophic factors and antioxidant enzymes (2012)
Korsak, Kris; Dolatshad, Nazanin F.; Silva, Ayona T. and Saffrey, M. Jill
Chemistry Central Journal, 6(80)
Colostrinin™ alleviates amyloid-β induced toxicity in rat primary hippocampal cultures (2010)
Froud, Kristina E.; Wardhaugh, Tina; Banks, Duncan; Saffrey, M. Jill and Stewart, Michael G.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(2) (pp. 423-426)
Neural progenitors from isolated postnatal rat myenteric ganglia: expansion as neurospheres and differentiation in vitro (2008-07-07)
Silva, Ayona Therese; Wardhaugh, Tina; Dolatshad, Nazanin Fatima; Jones, Sarahlouise and Saffrey, Margaret Jill
Brain Research, 1218 (pp. 47-53)
Differential expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha-2 isoforms in rat urinary bladder and intestine (2007-03)
Dolatshad, N. F. and Saffrey, M. J.
Neuroscience Letters, 415(3) (pp. 215-218)
Reactive oxygen species, dietary restriction and neurotrophic factors in age-related loss of myenteric neurons (2006-06)
Thrasivoulou, C.; Soubeyre, V.; Ridha, H.; Giuliani, D.; Giaroni, C.; Michael, G.J.; Saffrey, M.J. and Cowen, T.
Aging Cell, 5(3) (pp. 247-257)
Ageing of the enteric nervous system (2004-12)
Saffrey, M. Jill
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 125(12) (pp. 899-906)
Identification of GFR alpha-2 isoforms in myenteric plexus of postnatal and adult rat intestine (2002-10-30)
Dolatshad,, Nazanin F.; Silva, Ayona T. and Saffrey, M. Jill
Molecular Brain Research, 107(1) (pp. 32-38)
Enteric nervous system: Neurotrophic factors (2009)
Saffrey, Jill
In: Squire, Larry R. ed. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (pp. 1097-1102)
ISBN : 978-0-08-045046-9 | Publisher : Academic Press | Published : Oxford, UK
Aging of the nervous system (2004-01)
Saffrey, M.J.
In: Aspinall, Richard ed. Aging of the organs and systems. Biology of aging and its modulation (3) (pp. 243-270)
ISBN : 140201743X | Publisher : Kluwer Academic Publishers
Hyperphagia of pregnancy and lactation is associated with changes in appetite-regulating hormones and gastrointestinal modifications in Wistar rats (2016-08-23)
Johnson, Michelle; Saffrey, M. J. and Taylor, V. J.
In : Annual Meetings of the Endocrine Society of Australia and Society for Reproductive Biology and Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society 2016 (21-24 Aug 2016, Gold Coast, Australia)
Pup sex and body mass of rats raised in different lactation litter sizes affect ghrelin and peptide-YY concentrations (2016-07-11)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Taylor, Victoria J.
In : Society for Reproduction and Fertility Annual Conference 2016 (11 Jul 2016, Winchester, UK)
Hyperphagia of pregnancy and lactation is associated with changes in appetite-regulating hormones and gastrointestinal modifications in Wistar rats (2015-07-22)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, Jill and Taylor, Vicky J.
In : Society for Reproduction and Fertility Annual Conference (20-22 Jul 2015, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford)
Sex differences in gut satiety hormones peptide-YY and glucagon-like peptide-1 in pups raised in larger lactation litter sizes (2014-09)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Taylor, Vicky J.
In : Society for Reproduction and Fertility Annual Conference 2014 (1-2 Sep 2014, Edinburgh)
Lactation litter size differentially affects satiety hormone concentrations and gut adaptations in Wistar rat dams (2014-09)
Johnson, Michelle L.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Taylor, Vicky J.
In : World Congress of Reproductive Biology 2014 (2-4 Sep 2014, Edinburgh)
Changes in appetite hormone-producing enteroendocrine cells in the C57BL/6 mouse stomach during ageing (2014)
Johnson, M. L.; Taylor, V. J.; Ranson, R. N. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : British Society for Research on Ageing 64th Annual Scientific meeting. 'Exercise, Activity and Ageing Mechanisms' (7-9 Jul 2014, Liverpool John Moores University)
Changes in immunoreactive terminals containing serotonin, substance P, vesicular glutamate transporter 2 and corticotropin-releasing factor in the lumbosacral spinal cord of aged C56BL/6J male mice. (2014)
Tsang, Hayley; Zhang, Meng; Black, Gary W.; Saffrey, M. Jill and Ranson, Richard N.
In : British Society for Research on Ageing 64th Annual Meeting 'Exercise, Activity and Ageing Mechanisms' (7-9 Jul 2014, Liverpool John Moores University)
Gastrointestinal changes during lactation are further altered by litter size in Wistar rats (2013-07)
Johnson, Michelle; Saffrey, Jill and Taylor, Victoria
In : The Society for Reproduction and Fertility Annual Meeting 2013 (11-13 Jul 2013, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge)
Increased glucagon-like peptide-1 concentration in rat descending colon during proestrus is associated with decreased food intake at estrus (2013-07)
Johnson, Michelle; Saffrey, Jill and Taylor, Victoria
In : SSR's 46th Annual Meeting Reproductive Health: Nano to Global (22-26 Jul 2013, Montréal, Québec, Canada) (pp. 150-151)
Changes in appetite hormones and gut tissue architecture during the rat reproductive cycle, pregnancy and lactation (2013-04)
Johnson, Michelle; Saffrey, Jill and Taylor, Victoria
In : Programming obesity: central and peripheral contributors (14-16 Apr 2013, Cambridge, UK)
Degenerative changes in neurons and interstitial cells of cajal in mouse internal anal sphincter during aging (2013)
Saffrey, M. Jill; Gamage, Prasanna P. K. M.; Davies, Heather A.; Colyer, Frances M.; Patel, Bhavik A.; Yeoman, Mark S. and Ranson, Richard N.
In : American Aging Association 42nd Annual Meeting: Aging: Prevention, Reversal, and Slowing (31 May - 3 Jun 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA)
Age-related changes to lumbosacral spinal cord motoneurons that modulate bladder and bowel functions in male C57BL/6 mice (2013)
Tsang, H.; Zhang, M.; Black, G.; Saffrey, M. J. and Ranson, R. N
In : British Society for Research on Ageing Annual Scientific Meeting (2-4 Sep 2013, Institute of Food Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich) (p 25)
Ultrastructural analysis of changes in neurons of the mouse internal anal sphincter during ageing (2013)
Saffrey, M.Jill; Gamage, Prasanna; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Yeoman, Mark and Ranson, Richard N.
In : British Society for Research on Ageing Annual Scientific Meeting (2-4 Sep 2013, Institute of Food Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich) (p 32)
Age-related changes in blood-brain barrier integrity in C57BL/6J mice (2013)
Wang, C.; Saffrey, M. J. and Romero, I. A.
In : British Society for Research on Ageing Annual Scientific Meeting (2-4 Sep 2013, Institute of Food Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich) (p 36)
Do circulating and tissue concentrations of ghrelin and peptide-YY (PYY) change during the oestrous cycle in Wistar Rats? (2012-07)
Johnson, Michelle; Saffrey, Jill and Taylor, Victoria
In : Society for Reproduction and Fertility Annual Conference 2012 (9-11 Jul 2012, Edinburgh)
Effect of age on mucosal serotonin signalling and circular muscle contractions in the murine rectum (2012)
Patel, B.; Parmar, L.; Fidalgo, S.; Wang, C.; Ranson, R.; Saffrey, J. and Yeoman, M.
In : Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (6-8 Sep 2012, Bologna, Italy) (p 84)
Age-related change in cholinergic and nitrergic signaling in the mouse rectum (2012)
Patel, B.; Fidalgo, S.; Ranson, R.; Saffrey, J. and Yeoman, M.
In : Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (6-8 Sep 2012, Bologna, Italy) (p 120)
Analysis of changes in the cells of the mouse internal anal sphincter during aging (2012)
Saffrey, M. J.; Wang, C.; Gamage, P.; Davies, H.; Colyer, F.; Houghton, M.; Patel, B.; Yeoman, M. and Ranson, R.
In : Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (6-8 Sep 2012, Bologna, Italy) (p 125)
Decrease in serotonin-induced tachykinin signaling can account for age-related reductions in the amplitude and the frequency of Colonic Migrating Motor Complexes (CMMCS) in the murine distal colon (2012)
Patel, B.; Yeoman, M.; Fidalgo, S.; Dhulia, P.; Girdlestone, I.; Ranson, R. and Saffrey, J.
In : Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (6-8 Sep 2012, Bologna, Italy) (p 128)
Age-related changes in colonic motility, faecal output and the properties of faecal pellets in the mouse. (2012)
Patel, B.; Patel, N.; Fidalgo, S.; Ranson, R.; Saffrey, J. and Yeoman, M.
In : Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (6-8 Sep 2012, Bologna, Italy) (p 129)
Age-related changes in nitrergic and purinergic signaling in the mouse internal anal sphincter (2012)
Patel, B.; Fidalgo, S.; Ranson, R.; Saffrey, J. and Yeoman, M.
In : Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting (6-8 Sep 2012, Bologna, Italy) (p 125)
Analysis of changes in the enteric nervous system of the mouse during ageing (2012)
Saffrey, M. J.; Gamage, P. P. K. M.; Davies, H. A.; Colyer, F. M.; Houghton, M.; Wang, C. and Ranson, R. N.
In : 8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience (14-18 Jul 2012, Barcelona, Spain)
Changes in the enteric nervous system and surrounding cells during ageing (2012)
Saffrey, M.J.
In : 3rd International Symposium on Development of the Enteric Nervous System: Cells Signals, and Genes (25-28 Mar 2012, Hong Kong) (p 62)
Aging of the mammalian gastrointestinal system (2011)
Saffrey, M. Jill
In : 40th Annual American Aging Association meeting:'Mechanisms of Aging: Emerging Concepts' (4-6 Jun 2011, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA) (pp. 44-45)
Culture models of enteric neurones and glia: potential use in intestinal tissue engineering (2009-04-02)
Saffrey, M. J.
In : Tissue Engineering: A New Dimension to Animal Replacement (1-2 Apr 2009, London)
Midline1 and the development of the cranial peripheral nervous system (2008)
Latta, Elizabeth; Saffrey, Jill and Golding, Jon
In : Joint meeting of the British and Spanish Developmental Biology Societies (24-27 Sep 2008, Seville, Spain)
The protective effect of colostrinin CLN(TM) against beta-amyloid and an oxidative stress inducer, menadione, in primary hippocampal cultures (2008)
Froud, K.; Saffrey, M. J.; Stewart, M. G.; Banks, D. and Wardhaugh, T.
In : FENS Forum 2008 (12-16 Jul 2008, Geneva)
Investigation of the mechanism of action of Colostrinin(TM) on neurons in culture (2006-07)
Froud, K. E.; Wardhaugh, T.; Stewart, M. G.; Banks, D. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : 5th Forum of European Nueroscience (8-12 Jul 2006, Vienna, Austria)
Investigating the effect of photodynamic therapy on nerves using tissue engineered culture models (2006)
Wright, K.E.; Liniker, E; MacRobert, A.J.; Brown, R.A.; Saffrey, M.J. and Phillips, J.B.
In : Tissue & Cell Engineering Society 2006 (3-4 Jul 2006, Sheffield, UK)
Use of a tissue engineered model to investigate the effects of photodynamic therapy on peripheral nerves (2006)
Wright, K. E.; Liniker, E; MacRobert, A. J.; Saffrey, M. J.; Brown, R. A, and Phillips, J. B.
In : European Chapter Meeting 2006 (8-11 Oct 2006, Rotterdam) (p 193)
Role of neurotrophic factors (NTF) and extracellular matrix components (ECM) on VIP expression in the rat enteric nervous system (ENS) (2005)
Xeniou, Ourania; Romero, I.A. and Saffrey, M.J.
In : Physiological Society Meeting, King's College London (Dec 2004, London, UK)
Selective neuronal loss in the ageing enteric nervous system: causes and effects (2005)
Saffrey, Jill
In : 18th National Meeting of The British Neuroscience Association (3-6 Apr 2005, Brighton, England) (p 121)
Protective effects of neurotrophic factors in the ENS in vitro (2004)
Korsak, K. K. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (23-27 Oct 2004, San Diego, USA)
Effects of neurotrophic factors on neurochemical differentiation of postnatal rat myenteric plexus ganglion cells in vitro (2003)
Xeniou, Ourania; Romero, Ignacio A and Saffrey, Jill
In : British Neuroscience Association 17th National meeting (13-16 Apr 2003, Harrogate, UK) (p 48)
The role of neurotrophic factors and extracellular matrix components in postnatal myenteric neuronal differentiation (2003)
Xeniou, O.; Romero, I. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : Enteric Nervous System 2003, An International Conference devoted to studies of the enteric nervous system (9-13 Jul 2003, Banff, Alberta, Canada) (p 201)
Effects of age and diet on cholinergic neurotransmission in rat ileum (2002)
Hoyle, C. H. V.; Cowen, T. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : Society for Neuroscience 32nd Annual Meeting (2-7 Nov 2002, Orlando, Florida)
Expression of the GDNF and its receptors in the ageing gut (2001)
Silva, A. T.; Dolatshad, N. F.; Soubeyre, V.; Hoyle, C. H.V.; Cowen, T. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : Society for Neuroscience 31st Annual Meeting (10-15 Nov 2001, San Diego, California)
Free radical induced cell death in ageing rat enteric neurons: role of diet and neurotrophic factors (2001)
Soubeyre, V.; Thrasivoulou, C.; Ridha, H.; Hoyle, C. H. V.; Saffrey, M. J. and Cowen, T.
In : Society for Neuroscience 31st Annual Meeting (10-15 Nov 2001, San Diego, California)