Dr Joseph Kwarteng is a Research Associate in Responsible AI on the SAGE-RAI project at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi). He focuses on researching, designing, and implementing GenAI educational experiments to enhance educational practices and outcomes. His work lies at the intersection of responsible artificial intelligence (AI), social justice, and education. Drawing on his extensive research into Intersectionality in Hate Speech Detection, particularly "Misogynoir"—a unique form of misogyny experienced by Black women at the intersection of sexism and racism—he's interested in initiatives that integrate these critical areas.
His research interest focuses on exploring the connections between responsible artificial intelligence (AI), computational social science, and generative AI applications in education and hate speech on social media, with a special emphasis on AI's role in promoting social justice. Specifically, he is dedicated to identifying and counteracting bias and discrimination in AI, from understanding intersectional hate speech to ensuring equality and diversity of representation in AI for education.