The effectiveness of microwave heating as an ISRU extraction technique on different arrangements of icy lunar regolith (2025-01)
Cole, James D.; Sheridan, Simon; Lim, Sungwoo; Sargeant, Hannah M.; Anand, Mahesh; Chinnery, Hannah; Mortimer, James and Morse, Andrew
Planetary and Space Science, 255, Article 106011
PTFE as a viable sealing material for lightweight mass spectrometry ovens in dusty extraterrestrial environments (2024-01)
Abernethy, Feargus A J; Chinnery, Hannah; Lindner, Robert and Barber, Simeon J.
RAS Techniques and Instruments, 3(1) (pp. 80-88)
PROSPECT: A comprehensive sample acquisition and analysis package for lunar science and exploration (2024)
Trautner, R.; Barber, S. J.; Fisackerly, R.; Heather, D.; Houdou, B.; Howe, C.; Iacobellis, S.; Leese, M.; Mariani, A.; Meogrossi, G.; Murray, N.; Panza, C.; Reiss, P.; Rusconi, A.; Abernethy, F.; Cann, N.; Chinnery, H.; Gscheidle, C.; Landsberg, P.; Lindner, R.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Nicolae, L.; Picchi, P.; Sheridan, S. and Verchovsky, A.
Frontiers in Space Technologies, 5, Article 1331828
Metastable Dihydrate of Sodium Chloride at Ambient Pressure (2024)
Hamp, Rachael E.; Salzmann, Christoph G.; Amato, Zachary; Beaumont, Milz L.; Chinnery, Hannah E.; Fawdon, Peter; Headen, Thomas F.; Henry, Paul F.; Perera, Liam; Thompson, Stephen P. and Fox-Powell, Mark G.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15 ((Early access))
The Penetration of Solar Radiation into Granular Carbon Dioxide and Water Ices of Varying Grain Sizes on Mars (2020-04)
Chinnery, H.E.; Hagermann, A.; Kaufmann, E. and Lewis, S.R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, Article e2019JE006097(4)
The Penetration of Solar Radiation into Water and Carbon Dioxide Snow, with reference to Mars (2019-02-07)
Chinnery, H. E.; Hagermann, A.; Kaufmann, E. and Lewis, S. R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(2) (pp. 337-348)
The Penetration of Solar Radiation into Carbon Dioxide Ice (2018-03-25)
Chinnery, H. E.; Hagermann, A.; Kaufmann, E. and Lewis, S. R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123(4) (pp. 864-871)
Microstructure controls longevity of exposed salt-rich ices on icy worlds (2024)
Chinnery, Hannah and Fox-Powell, Mark
In : 4th British Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Jun 2024, Leicester, UK)
Experimentally Exploring Factors Affecting Water Ice Sublimation Rates to Inform Development of ESA’s PROSPECT Package (2020)
Mortimer, James; Chinnery, Hannah; Barber, Simeon and Leese, Mark
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)
Sample Containment For In Situ Analysis on the Moon: Testing Sealing Materials in the Presence of Dust (2020)
Chinnery, Hannah; Abernethy, Feargus and Barber, Simeon
In : European Lunar Symposium 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)
The Penetration of Solar Radiation in Martian Ice Analogues (2020-01-09)
Chinnery, Hannah Elizabeth
PhD thesis The Open University