Daniel completed his undergraduate studies in Computer Science at the University of Bath, where he also completed his MSc in HCI. His postgraduate study was also at the University of Bath where he also did an internship at Yahoo's Research Lab in San Jose. His PhD focussed on the development of haptic communication technology for long distance couples.
In 2013 he joined the University of Birmingham as a Research Fellow, moving to the Institute of Education/UCL to continue working on the EU-funded ILearnRW project, exploring the use of tablet software for children with dyslexia. He joined the Open University as a Research Associate on the MK:Smart project in 2015 where he led the citizen engagement work package.
He was appointed as a lecturer in the School of Computing and Communications in 2017. Since then he has supervised a number of PhD students and been a co-investigator on a number of grants relating to privacy, mobile and ubiquitous computing, and digital health and wellbeing. He has contributed to a range of modules, particularly in HCI (TM356) and in our level 1 curriculum (TM112 and TM129).
Daniel is principally a human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher. His research interests are motivated by wanting to understand how we can best design technology to fit within, and where necessary change, peoples practices and behaviour. The work he does is interdisciplinary, cutting across computer science, psychology, information science, design and education.
His research takes place in two broad contexts. The first is Digital Health and Wellbeing, where he has worked on a number of EPSRC funded grants. He also has an interest in communication technologies, both small-scale (personal relationship technology) and large-scale communication and community building, particularly around civic engagement and Smart City projects.
Daniel's main teaching interest is in how we can provide practical experience of relevant methods, tools and techniques, something particularly challenging when teaching at a distance.
He current chairs TM129 (Technologies in Practice) where he is working with the OpenSTEM Lab to provide students access to Raspberry Pi clusters at a distance. He is also part of the module team for TM356 (Interaction design and the user experience) where he leads the hackathon day-event where students get hands-on experience of prototyping techniques.
He has previously worked on the TM112 (Introduction to computing and information technology 2) module team and been an author on TT284 (Web technologies).
As one of the PGRTs within the School of C&C, Daniel also runs the PhD training program for PhD students across C&C and KMi, as well as running the annual conference.
Impact and a public engagement is an important part Daniel's practice, particularly with regards to his research interest in digital civics.
The Smart City initiative he ran in Milton Keynes, Our MK, had public engagement at its core. He organised over 10 events, attended by around 500 people, and the web-based platform had 13,000 visits to the website. Our MK has been featured in the NESTA report “What Next For Digital Social Innovation” as an excellent example of citizen outreach within Smart Cities. Our MK and its associated projects won several awards, and was heavily featured in the local press.
Daniel has been working closely with Blaine Price on the PainPad device, which is used extensively across Milton Keynes University Hospital to record patient pain. He has been analysing this unique data set to answer medical-related questions, and help support patient care.
Daniel works closely with clinicians and researchers at Milton Keynes University Hospital as well as the community activists at Community Action: MK. He has also been working with Age UK on the STRETCH and SERVICE research projects.
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Sep 2024 | 31 Aug 2025 | EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council;UK Research and Innovation;University of Southampton |
This project brings together a multidisciplinary team to co-produce open educational resources to enhance knowledge, awareness, confidence of, and the use of AI in legal contexts. It seeks to educate and empower the public, legal advice organisations, small and medium law firms, students and academics on the application, implications, and ethical use of AI in a legal context. It will empower learners through the provision of open access accessible and engaging educational resources that encourage the ethical and responsible use of AI. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Aug 2020 | 31 Mar 2022 | EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council |
The STRETCH team at the Open University, University of Exeter, and Nottingham Trent University are proposing to develop a novel multi-platform digital intervention addressing isolation and loneliness of older adults exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. This app facilitates a) expression and logging emotions to increase feelings of control, b) visualization and analysis of personal support networks to increase resilience, c) enabling individuals to communicate their emotions and feelings of loneliness with family and friends to provide a reliable source of emotional support, d) analysis of these data to offer personalized insights. We expect this app to have concrete benefits on feelings of loneliness, social efficacy and security which in turn will have measurable long-term health benefits. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 14 Feb 2020 | 30 Sep 2020 | UK Research and Innovation |
Older adults can face many health challenges as a result of being overweight, including diabetes, heart disease, some forms of cancer and stroke. One way to decrease these risks is by losing weight, which often means increasing the amount of physical activity someone is doing. Both social support and technology devices can support older adults in increasing the amount of exercise they undertake. This project aims to understand how community support can make fitness tracking technology more effective. We want to explore the use of community displays which receive individuals' health tracking data, combine the data for a community and presenting it, alongside targeted health information, back to the community through shared displays. Fundamental to this proposal is to work with communities to understand their needs and desires around supporting people's health through community technology. We want to run a series of workshops to better understand the questions communities think we should be asking, and then work with these communities to collaboratively design how the community displays could work. In doing so, this will have two key benefits. Firstly, the workshops will be designed to be a two-way conversation with older adults, and act as a two-way educational experience. This will empower the community and increase community awareness of health-related activities and behaviours. Secondly, these workshops would help us understand how to utilise citizen science co-design methods in this complex multi-disciplinary setting, allowing us to continue using these methods across other aspects of our research. ************************************************************** Final report due in 3 months after the submission date ie, 31.07.2020 |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Apr 2017 | 28 Feb 2021 | EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council |
The aim of this project will be to build a dynamic and resilient socio-technical system that sustains care for people with chronic illnesses in old age. Its principle novelty will be the integration of human and technical resources into a single system that will have resilient care at its heart. Resilience will mean both social resilience and technical resilience. To deliver social resilience we will explore how technology can help to harness existing social support as well as building wider social capital around older people. To deliver technical resilience we will design systems that integrate existing technological capacity in novel configurations as well as integrating new sensing / Internet of Things capability. However, the key innovation will be that the integrated socio-technical system will allow for the interchange between human assets and technological assets in the delivery of a resilient care architecture for older people. The system will not seek to replace human resource with a technology derived alternative, but to harness the capacities of all elements of the system in a way that serves the needs of the older person. Sometimes the system will respond to need through mobilising human resources, at other times the same need could be met through technological capability. In that sense, the system will have the needs of the older person at its core. |
Reflections on using the story completion method in designing tangible user interfaces (2024-12)
Gooch, Daniel; Bandara, Arosha K.; Bennaceur, Amel; Giles, Emilie; Harkin, Lydia; Katz, Dmitri; Levine, Mark; Mehta, Vikram; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Stevenson, Clifford; Stuart, Avelie; Talbot, Catherine and Price, Blaine A.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 192, Article 103360
Exploring the Profile of University Assessments Flagged as Containing AI-Generated Material (2024-06-10)
Gooch, Daniel; Waugh, Kevin; Richards, Mike; Slaymaker, Mark and Woodthorpe, John
ACM Inroads, 15(2) (pp. 39-47)
Bob or Bot: Exploring ChatGPT’s answers to University Computer Science Assessment (2024-01-14)
Richards, Mike; Waugh, Kevin; Slaymaker, Mark; Petre, Marian; Woodthorpe, John and Gooch, Daniel
ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 24, Article 5(1) (pp. 1-32)
Flexible minimalist self-tracking to support individual reflection (2024)
Barker-Canler, Matthew; Gooch, Daniel; van der Linden, Janet and Petre, Marian
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 31(3) (pp. 1-35)
The challenges of technology adoption in the NHS: lessons learnt from deploying PROMs collection devices (2023-10-31)
Pearce, Oliver; Gooch, Daniel; Price, Linda and Price, Blaine
The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 105(8) (pp. 376-378)
Digital Intervention in Loneliness in Older Adults: Qualitative Analysis of User Studies (2023-01-27)
Stuart, Avelie; Yan, Ronnie Jieru; Harkin, Lydia Jo; Katz, Dmitri; Stevenson, Clifford; Mehta, Vikram; Giles, Emilie; Talbot, Catherine; Gooch, Daniel; Bennasar, Mohamed; Self, Tara; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Price, Blaine
JMIR Formative Research, 7, Article e42172
Being cut off from social identity resources has shaped loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic: A longitudinal interview study with medically vulnerable older adults from the United Kingdom (2023)
Harkin, Lydia; Stuart, Avelie; Stevenson, Clifford; Talbot, Catherine; Daly, Rosie; Park, Miriam Sang‐Ah; Katz, Dmitri; Gooch, Daniel and Price, Blaine
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(1)
A Device for Prehabilitation of Total Knee Replacement Surgery (Slider): Usability Study (2023)
Islam, Riasat; Gooch, Daniel; Karlakki, Sudheer and Price, Blaine
JMIR Formative Research, 7, Article e48055
Significant Features for Human Activity Recognition Using Tri-Axial Accelerometers (2022-10)
Bennasar, Mohamed; Price, Blaine; Gooch, Daniel; Bandara, Arosha and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Sensors, 22, Article 7482(19)
Loneliness in older people and COVID-19: Applying the social identity approach to digital intervention design (2022-05)
Stuart, Avelie; Katz, Dmitri; Stevenson, Clifford; Gooch, Daniel; Harkin, Lydia; Bennasar, Mohamed; Sanderson, Lisa; Liddle, Jacki; Bennaceur, Amel and Levine, Mark
Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 6, Article 100179
Designing Tangibles to Support Emotion Logging for Older Adults: Development and Usability Study (2022-04-22)
Gooch, Daniel; Mehta, Vikram; Stuart, Avelie; Katz, Dmitri; Bennasar, Mohamed; Levine, Mark; Bandara, Arosha; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Bennaceur, Amel and Price, Blaine
JMIR Human Factors, 9, Article e34606(2)
Passive or active learning: the challenges of teaching distributed computing using Raspberry Pi clusters to open distance university students (2022)
Gooch, Daniel; Rosewell, Jonathan; Leith, Douglas and Richards, Mike
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning ((Early Access))
A Design Exploration of Health-Related Community Displays (2021-04)
Gooch, Daniel; Price, Blaine; Klis-Davies, Anna and Webb, Julie
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW, 5, Article 85(CSCW1)
Privacy Care: A Tangible Interaction Framework for Privacy Management (2021-02)
Mehta, Vikram; Gooch, Daniel; Bandara, Arosha; Price, Blaine and Nuseibeh, Bashar
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Article 25
The benefits and challenges of using crowdfunding to facilitate community-led projects in the context of digital civics (2020-02)
Gooch, Daniel; Kelly, Ryan; Stiver, Alexandra; van der Linden, Janet; Petre, Marian; Richards, Mike; Klis-Davies, Anna; MacKinnon, Jessica; Macpherson, Robbie and Walton, Clare
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 134 (pp. 33-43)
Supporting urban change: using a MOOC to facilitate attitudinal learning and participation in smart cities (2019-02)
Hudson, Lorraine; Wolff, Annika; Gooch, Daniel; van der Linden, Janet; Kortuem, Gerd; Petre, Marian; ten Veen, Rianne and O'Connor-Gotra, Sinead
Computers & Education, 129 (pp. 37-47)
“It’s More Like a Letter”: An Exploration of Mediated Conversational Effort in Message Builder (2018-11-08)
Kelly, Ryan; Gooch, Daniel and Watts, Leon
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2, Article 87(CSCW)
Amplifying Quiet Voices: Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Design at an Urban Scale (2018-02-24)
Gooch, Daniel; Barker, Matthew; Hudson, Lorraine; Kelly, Ryan; Kortuem, Gerd; van der Linden, Janet; Petre, Marian; Brown, Rebecca; Klis-Davies, Anna; Forbes, Hannah; MacKinnon, Jessica; Macpherson, Robbie and Walton, Clare
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 25, Article 2(1)
Digital games-based learning for children with dyslexia: A social constructivist perspective on engagement and learning during group game-play (2017-11-30)
Vasalou, Asimina; Khaled, Rilla; Holmes, Wayne and Gooch, Daniel
Computers & Education, 114 (pp. 175-192)
Creating an Understanding of Data Literacy for a Data-driven Society (2016)
Wolff, Annika; Gooch, Daniel; Cavero Montaner, Jose J.; Rashid, Umar and Kortuem, Gerd
Journal of Community Informatics, 12(3) (pp. 9-26)
The Impact of Social Presence on Feelings of Closeness in Personal Relationships (2015-11-30)
Gooch, Daniel and Watts, Leon
Interacting with Computers, 27(6) (pp. 661-674)
Social Presence and the void in distant relationships: How do people use communication technologies to turn absence into fondness of the heart, rather than drifting out of mind? (2014-11)
Gooch, Daniel and Watts, Leon
AI & SOCIETY, 29(4) (pp. 507-519)
Engaging with the Smart City Through Urban Data Games (2017-01-01)
Wolff, Annika; Valdez Juarez, Alan; Barker, Matthew; Potter, Stephen; Gooch, Daniel; Giles, Emilie and Miles, John
In: Nijholt, Anton ed. Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground. Gaming Media and Social Effects (1) (pp. 47-66)
Publisher : Springer
Children's perspectives on pain-logging: Insights from a Co-Design Approach (2024-07)
Price, Linda; Rauf, Irum; Gooch, Daniel; Katz, Dmitri; Pearce, Oliver and Price, Blaine
In : DIS '24: Designing Interactive Systems Conference (1 Jul 2024-5 July 2024, IT University of Copenhagen Denmark) (pp. 1306-1318)
Socio-Technical Resilience for Community Healthcare (2023-07-11)
Bennaceur, Amel; Stuart, Avelie; Price, Blaine; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Clare, Linda; Cohen, Jessica; Mccormick, Ciaran; Mehta, Vikram; Bennasar, Mohamed; Gooch, Daniel; Gavidia-Calderon, Carlos; Kordoni, Anastasia and Nuseibeh, Bashar
In : TAS '23 First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (11-12 Jul 2023, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
A Card-based Ideation Toolkit to Generate Designs for Tangible Privacy Management Tools (2023-02-26)
Mehta, Vikram; Gooch, Daniel; Bandara, Arosha; Price, Blaine A. and Nuseibeh, Bashar
In : TEI '23: The Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (26 Feb - Mar 1 2023, Warsaw, Poland)
Slider®-A Novel Device For Remote Tracking Of Physiotherapy Exercises In Patients With Osteoarthritis Of The Knee: An Early Report (2023)
Islam, Riasat; Gooch, Daniel; Sampath, Shameem; Karlakki, Sudheer; Jones, Teresa; Sayers, Christopher and Price, Blaine
In : EFORT Annual Congress 2023 (24 to 26 May 2023, Vienna, Austria)
Up Close and Personal: Exploring User-preferred Image Schemas for Intuitive Privacy Awareness and Control (2021)
Mehta, Vikram; Bandara, Arosha; Price, Blaine; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Gooch, Daniel
In : TEI '21: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (14-17 Feb 2021, Salzburg, Austria)
How are you feeling? Using Tangibles to Log the Emotions of Older Adults (2020-02)
Gooch, Daniel; Mehta, Vikram; Price, Blaine; McCormick, Ciaran; Bandara, Arosha; Bennaceur, Amel; Bennasar, Mohamed; Stuart, Avelie; Clare, Linda; Levine, Mark; Cohen, Jessica and Nuseibeh, Bashar
In : Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’20) (9-12 Feb 2020, Sydney, Australia) (pp. 31-43)
50 Shades of Green and Brown: Comparing Grid Carbon Intensity with Consumption for Households with PV Generation and Battery Storage (2019-03-21)
Chowdhury, Niaz; Price, Blaine; Smith, Andrew; Gooch, Daniel and van der Linden, Janet
In : 2018 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech) (11-13 Nov 2018, Long Beach, CA, USA)
A Sensor Platform for Non-invasive Remote Monitoring of Older Adults in Real Time (2019)
Bennasar, Mohamed; Mccormick, Ciaran; Price, Blaine; Gooch, Daniel; Stuart, Avelie; Mehta, Vikram; Clare, Linda; Bennaceur, Amel; Cohen, Jessica; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark and Nuseibeh, Bashar
In : Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare Systems, and Multimedia (Jun 2019) (pp. 125-135)
Designing for Reflection on Sender Effort in Close Personal Communication (2018-12-05)
Kelly, Ryan; Gooch, Daniel and Watts, Leon
In : OzCHI '18: 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (4-7 Dec 2018, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) (pp. 314-325)
Mining a MOOC to examine international views of the “Smart City” (2018-06-28)
Gooch, Daniel; Hudson, Lorraine; Barker, Matthew; Wolff, Annika and Petre, Marian
In : Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE First International Conference on Smart City Innovations (SCI 2017) (4-8 Aug 2017, California, USA)
Demanding by Design: Supporting Effortful Communication Practices in Close Personal Relationships (2017)
Kelly, Ryan; Gooch, Daniel; Patil, Bhagyashree and Watts, Leon
In : Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing - CSCW '17 (25 Feb - 1 Mar 2017) (pp. 70-83)
Using Gamification to Motivate Students with Dyslexia (2016-05-12)
Gooch, Daniel; Vasalou, Asimina; Benton, Laura and Khaled, Rilla
In : CHI 2016 (7-12 May 2016, San Jose) (pp. 969-980)
Creating sustainability through Smart City Projects (2016-05-07)
Gooch, Daniel and Kortuem, Gerd
In : Workshop on Design patterns, principles, and strategies for Sustainable HCI. Hosted at the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016) (7-8 May 2016, San Jose)
Season's Greetings: An Analysis of Christmas Card Use (2016-05)
Gooch, Daniel and Kelly, Ryan
In : Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '16 (7-12 May 2016, San Jose, CA, USA) (pp. 2105-2111)
Data Literacy to Support Human-centred Machine Learning (2016)
Wolff, Annika; Gooch, Daniel and Kortuem, Gerd
In : CHI 2016 (7-12 May 2016, San Jose California, USA)
DevOps for the Urban IoT (2016)
Moore, John; Kortuem, Gerd; Smith, Andrew; Chowdhury, Niaz; Cavero, Jose and Gooch, Daniel
In : 2nd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (Urb-IoT '16) (24-25 May 2016, Tokyo) (pp. 78-81)
Reimagining the role of citizens in Smart City projects (2015-09-07)
Gooch, Daniel; Wolff, Annika; Kortuem, Gerd and Brown, Rebecca
In : First International Workshop on Smart Cities: People, Technology and Data (07 Sep 2015, Osaka) (pp. 1587-1594)
Removing barriers for citizen participation to urban innovation (2015-06)
Wolff, Annika; Gooch, Daniel; Mir, Umar; Cavero, Jose and Kortuem, Gerd
In : Digital Cities 9 (27 Jun 2015, Limerick)
Diversity for design: a framework for involving neurodiverse children in the technology design process (2014-04-26)
Benton, Laura; Vasalou, Asimina; Khaled, Rilla; Johnson, Hilary and Gooch, Daniel
In : Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) (26 Apr - 01 May 2014, Toronto, Canada) (pp. 3747-3756)
Developing robust assessment in the light of Generative AI developments (2024-07)
Hardie, Liz; Lowe, Jonquil; Pride, Mychelle; Waugh, Kevin; Hauck, Mirjam; Ryan, Francine; Gooch, Daniel; Patent, Volker; McCartney, Kieran; Maguire, Claire; Richards, Mike and Richardson, Heather
NCFE; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Best Practices in using Technological Infrastructures (2020-07)
Howson, Oliver; Adeliyi, Adeola; Willis, Alistair; Hirst, Tony; Charlton, Patricia; Gooch, Daniel; Rosewell, Jonathan; Richards, Mike; Wermelinger, Michel; Piwek, Paul; Savage, Simon; Lowndes, Charly; Thomas, Elaine and Smith, Andrew
The Institute of Coding