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Dr Catherine Rolph

Profile summary

Professional biography

Catherine is a Lecturer in Environmental Engineering. Her work is currently focused on the measurement and size fractionation of bioaerosols emitted from waste sources such as composting facilities. Catherine has an EngD in environmental engineering, where she worked closely with water industry partners to develop biological treatments for removing pesticides from drinking water. She also has experience in aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability testing of waste materials. Her interests include sustainable waste and water treatment.  

Externally funded projects

Emissions of Microorganisms from IndusTrial Sources (EMITS)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator18 Mar 201917 Oct 2021Innovate UK

Sampling for airborne microorganisms downwind of waste management and intensive farming facilities is an area that requires further research – these types of facilities are known to emit bioaerosols of health significance but currently there is a lack of information on the most appropriate sampling techniques, target microorganisms, analytical approaches and the best way in which to achieve an accurate representation of emissions from facilities which recognises their spatial and temporal nature.