Dr. Christian Nold is a researcher, artist and designer inventing new models for collective representation. He is experienced in Citizen Science, having coordinated and evaluated the EU-funded ‘Doing It Together Science' project and worked on the 'EveryAware' and 'EU.Citizen-Science' projects. He has written numerous books and journal papers including ‘Emotional Cartography: Technologies of the Self’ and 'The Internet of People for a Post-Oil World' and given keynotes and public lectures across the world. In the last decades he created large-scale public projects such as the widely acclaimed 'Bio Mapping', 'Emotion Mapping' and ‘Bijlmer Euro’ that have been staged with thousands of participants across sixteen countries. Before joining the Open University he was a Research Fellow at the Social Design Institute (UAL) and researcher in the Extreme Citizen Science group (UCL).
Keywords: Citizen Science, Participatory Design, Internet of Things, Actor-Network Theory, Ontological Politics, Anarchism
My current research interests focus on developing Design for Public Controversies as a way for designers to directly intervene in creating new realities. I am doing this by connecting ideas from Science and Technology Studies such as 'ontological politics' (Mol 2002) and 'care' (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017) with design and Citizen Science practices.
Puig de la Bellacasa, M. (2017). Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds. University of Minnesota Press.
Mol, A. (2002). The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice. Duke University Press.
I am a member of the Open Ecologies research group at the OU.
Keen to supervise PhD students around the politics of design and using design practices to intervene in the world directly. I have expertise in using social science theory that can offer new understandings of design. Keen to support methods of design ethnography to see how design operates in the real world.
Lead Supervisor for:
Samantha Osys - The ethical decisions in digital product design
2018 - 2019 DoomsDay Blockchain, Collusion, Cambridge
Artistic research exploring blockchain insertions. https://ddbc.io
2014 - 2016 Hubbub, Wellcome Trust, London
Citizen monitoring network to materialise the impact of Heathrow airport.
2011 - 2014 Money Lab, Pixelache, Helsinki, Finland
Three-year experimental local currency for a Finnish fortress island.
2010 - 2011 Rennes Emotion Map, Les Bouillants, Rennes, France
2010 Control Maps, Impakt Festival, Utrecht, Arnheim & Enschede, Holland
Participatory mapping project to visualise ‘control’ in three Dutch cities.
2009 - 2010 The Bijlmer Euro, Imagine IC, Amsterdam, Holland
15-month experimental RFID parasite local currency that supports local identity
2009 - 2010 Sensory Journeys, Sustrans, Bristol, UK
Participatory mapping with three schools to trace children travel experience.
2009 Sensing the Future of Hedehusene, Copenhagen International Theatre, Copenhagen, Denmark
Town-scale air & noise pollution monitoring network with real-time citizen voting.
2009 BioTagging Manchester, Futuresonic, Manchester, UK
Citizen Science collaboration with Natural History Museum and Meteorological Office.
2009 Bethlehem Biopsy, Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, USA
Participatory mapping involving hundred residents and local government to create urban visualisation.
2008 Complexity Maps, World Design Capital, Turin, Italy
Summer school visualising heroin trade networks with 30 international design students.
2008 Strange Weather, Studio for Urban Projects, Berkeley Art Museum, USA
Winner of the Eyebeam EcoViz competition.
2008 Emotional Tourism?, Santiago de Compostela Council, Spain
2007 Networked Identity, BBC Blast, Serpentine Gallery & Science Museum, London
2007 Bio Mapping, Hayward Gallery Projects, Brixton & Clapham, London
2006 - 2007 Bio Mapping, Wellcome Trust Sciart R&D Grant, London
2008 The Brentford Biopsy, Watermans Gallery, London
2008 Emotion Map East Paris, Arslonga Gallery, Paris, France
2007 - 2008 Creative Mapping, Iniva, London
2007 Stockport Emotion Map, Stockport Council & Lendlease, Stockport, UK
2007 San Francisco Emotion Map, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, USA
2006 - 2007 Mapping Fulham, Fulham NDC, London
2005 - 2006 Greenwich Emotion Map, Independent Photography, London