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Dr Caroline Hyde

Profile summary

Professional biography

Professional Expertise:

Cell & Molecular Biologist with 13+ years’ experience in Translational Research of which 7+ years supporting and consulting on academic Clinical Trial research – field of Pharmaceutical Medicine.

Areas of research emphasis in the field of translational science have been on chronic inflammatory conditions and combining knowledge of cellular & molecular signalling pathways with insights from structural biology and medicinal chemistry to investigate and characterise novel treatment interventions, primarily in the field of tumour growth & metastasis. Practical insights from clinical and pre-clinical laboratory research associated with university teaching hospitals on squamous cell carcinomas, pancreatitis, and role of epigenetics in gynaecological tumours.
Advanced training in Tumour Biology, Clinical Neuroscience, Human Physiology, Human & Animal Ethics, and Laboratory Animal Science (anaesthesia & analgesia, animal husbandry; FELASA category C - animal study director’s licence). Experience of handling and isolating primary cells from animal & human tissues, cell line cultures (mono and co-cultures, planar migration assays, chemotaxis assays, spheroid sprouting assays, transient and stable transfections), ex ovo chorioallontoic membrane (CAM) assays, mouse & rat tumour models, antibody production in rabbits, modification of small molecule inhibitors (SMIs) and peptides for systemic targeting using liposomal encapsulation or radionuclide coupling, Western blotting, PCR & qPCR, immunofluorescence microscopy; isolation, purification & characterisation of peptide molecules (single chain variable fragments: scFvs & design ankyrin repeat proteins: DARPins) using various biochemical assays and biophysical methods including: isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis, and size exclusion chromatography multi angle light scattering (SEC-MALS).
Active STEM Ambassador (Hub Staffordshire & Shropshire), yr 22/23 and 23/24.

Psychologist with BPS Stage 1 training in Health Psychology and SDS Level 2 training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Practical experience in piloting health interventions (increasing physical activity in elderly using a community science approach) with the aim of promoting life-style behaviour changes to support health & well-being for treatment interventions in the area of chronic non-communicable diseases such as COPD, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, obesity and mental health conditions. Clinical/research experience stemming from placements in Geriatric Neuropsychology (research into structural and functional implications of sexual dimorphism using MRI data; intervention to improve cognitive function in elderly depressed patients including design of a programme for visual perception disorders), as well as Childhood Autism (implications of early interventions and Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) teaching).
Midlands Health Psychology Network (MHPN) Co-Chair, yr 24/25. 4+ years’ experience as active MHPN Committee Member and Social Media & Events Co-Lead, supporting employability events (skill-based training and careers events), as well as knowledge exchange by organising seminars and an annual research conference for BSc & MSc Students and Trainee HP Practitioner Psychologists.


Roles within The Open University:

STEM Faculty:

  • S826 Module Chair, yr 23/24
  • Module Team Member SK322 (production), yr 23/24
  • Staff Tutor in School of Life Health and Chemical Sciences (LHCS), since yr 22/23
    yr 22/23: cluster manager on modules SDK100 J & B, S290 J, S295 J and Link Staff Tutor on S350 J
    yr 23/24: cluster manager on modules SDK100 B, S290 J, S295 J and Link Staff Tutor on S350 J
  • Open, Access and Combined STEM Lead (LHCS), yr 23/24
  • Module Team Member on S826 (Introduction to Mental Health Science, PG module on MSc in Mental Health Sciences qualification), yr 22/23
  • Nominated Science Academic for BBC Ideas Film on Functional Neurological Disorders / Mind-Body (Dec 2022):
    -> view film: The misdiagnosis that sent me to psychiatric hospital
    -> additional information on OU connect: Should we drop the distinction between physical and mental health?
    -> part of The OU Playlist on BBC Ideas - Anthem Awards BRONZE winner in category Partnership/Community Engagement.
  • Academic Conduct Officer (LHCS), yr 22/23
  • Associate Lecturer/Tutor on SK298 (Brain, mind and mental health) – currently on leave/secondment


FASS Faculty:

  • Assistant Staff Tutor - Region 4 (academic year 21/22)
  • Associate Lecturer/Tutor on D110 (Exploring psychological worlds: thinking, feeling, doing), yr 23/24
  • Associate Lecturer/Tutor on DE100 (Investigating Psychology 1), yr 21/22 and 22/23
  • AL Consultant/Plagiarism Checker: DE100 (Investigating Psychology 1), yr 21/22 and 22/23 / D110 (Exploring psychological worlds: thinking, feeling, doing), yr 23/24
  • D110 J Cluster Coordinator, yr 23/24
  • AL Mentor on D110, yr 23/24
  • Script Marker on DE100 (Investigating Psychology 1), yr 21/22 and 22/23
  • Monitor on DE100 (Investigating Psychology 1), yr 21/22


List of publications:


Supporting the wellbeing of oncodriven lung cancer patients online: a qualitative study (2024-04)
Harrison, Virginia; Jones, Katie; Hyde, Caroline; Doshi, Deepa; Terry, Angela and Montague, Debra
Lung Cancer, 190, Article 107697(1)

Marine Natural Products with Activities against Prostate Cancer: Recent Discoveries (2023)
Montuori, Eleonora; Hyde, Caroline; Crea, Francesco; Golding, Jon and Lauritano, Chiara
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, Article 1435(2)

ScFvs as Allosteric Inhibitors of VEGFR-2: Novel Tools to Harness VEGF Signaling (2018-05)
Ballmer-Hofer, Kurt; Hyde, Caroline A.C.; Schleier, Thomas and Avramovic, Dragana
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, Article 1334(5)

Die extrazelluläre Inhibition des VEGF-Rezeptors-2 durch Antikörper-ähnliche Peptidmoleküle: Implikationen für die Tumortherapie (2012-12-12)
Hyde, Caroline Anna Clara and Ballmer-Hofer, Kurt
Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 12(50)

Targeting Extracellular Domains D4 and D7 of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 Reveals Allosteric Receptor Regulatory Sites (2012)
Hyde, Caroline A. C.; Giese, Alexandra; Stuttfeld, Edward; Abram Saliba, Johan; Villemagne, Denis; Schleier, Thomas; Binz, H. Kaspar and Ballmer-Hofer, Kurt
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 32(19) (pp. 3802-3813)

Epigenetics of ovarian cancer: From the lab to the clinic (2010-07)
Asadollahi, Reza; Hyde, Caroline A.C. and Zhong, Xiao Yan
Gynecologic Oncology, 118(1) (pp. 81-87)

Inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism and its implication on cell proliferation and tumour-angiogenesis (2009-06)
Hyde, C.A.C. and Missailidis, S.
International Immunopharmacology, 9(6) (pp. 701-715)

Finding New Partnerships: The Function of Individual Extracellular Receptor Domains in Angiogenic Signalling by VEGF Receptors (2014-05-07)
Hyde, Caroline A. C.; Berger, Philipp and Ballmer-Hofer, Kurt
In: Feige, Jean-Jacques; Pagès, Gilles and Soncin, Fabrice eds. Molecular Mechanisms of Angiogenesis (pp. 47-75)
ISBN : 978-2-8178-0465-1 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Paris

Modulation of tumour angiogenesis by targeting p38 MAPK signalling in tumour-associated macrophages (2009-07-15)
Hyde, Caroline A. C.; Kumar, Sushil; Steiner, Rudolf and Schwendener, Reto A.
In : Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Angiogenesis (15-17 Jul 2009, University of Chester)

Using eHealth to support the wellbeing of lung cancer patients; a systematic review. (2024)
Jones, Katie; Harrison, Virginia and Hyde, Caroline
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), York, UK.