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Dr Andrew Neate

Profile summary

Professional biography

I originally studied for a PhD in Stochastic Analysis at Swansea University before working in the insurance industry. I returned to academia in 2007 as a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Swansea University. I joined the Open University in 2021 as a Staff Tutor.

Research interests

My background is in probability theory and stochastic analysis together with their application to problems from mathematical physics. In the past I have worked on Feynman-Kac formula representations of the solutions of stochastic Burgers, Hamilton-Jacobi and heat equations in the limit of vanishing viscosity. I have also worked on the correspondence limit of stationary states in the context of stochastic mechanics with a particular focus on the Coulomb problem.

I am currently involved in several projects applying probability theory to modelling in animal movement and foraging and also in mathematics education research with projects looking at the transition from school to university mathematics and online teaching and outreach.

Teaching interests

I have written and taught courses in many areas of applied mathematics including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, analytical dynamics, electromagnetics, mathematical modelling, diffrerential equations, numerical analysis and probability theory. I have also been involved in projects to enhance employability skill development in mathematics degree programmes and develop student's mathematical modelling skills.

Currently I am Chair of the module MST124 "Essential Mathematics 1" and am on the module teams for MST125 "Essential Mathematics 2", MS327 "Deterministic and stochastic dynamics" and M343 "Applications of Probability".

Impact and engagement

I am the External Engagement Lead for the School of Mathematics and Statistics and organise outreach events for the School across the UK. 

I have been involved in mathematics outreach work throughout my career and have regularly worked in collaboration with the Further Mathematics Support Programme Wales. In particular I have delivered workshops and masterclasses across Wales, participated in the Urdd Eisteddfod and Swansea Science Festival and regularly presented at the Royal Institute Maths Masterclass series in South West Wales. 

External collaborations

I am a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.


The new normal: What does maths and stats support and teaching look like post pandemic? (2024)
Pawley, Susan and Neate, Andrew
MSOR Connections, 22(1) (pp. 69-75)

Engagement and online mathematics enrichment for secondary students (2024)
Lyakhova, Sofya and Neate, Andrew
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA ((Early access))

Luck and tactics in foraging success: the case of the imperial shag (2022-01-20)
Wilson, Rory P.; Holton, Mark D.; Neate, Andrew; Del’Caño, Monserrat; Quintana, Flavio; Yoda, Ken and Gómez-Laich, Agustina
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 682 (pp. 1-12)

Further Mathematics, student choice and transition to university: part 2—non-mathematics STEM degrees (2021-09)
Lyakhova, Sofya and Neate, Andrew
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 40(3) (pp. 210-233)

Further Mathematics, student choice and transition to university: part 1 - Mathematics degrees (2019-12)
Lyakhova, Sofya and Neate, Andrew
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 38(4) (pp. 167-190)

Wind prevents cliff-breeding birds from accessing nests through loss of flight control (2019)
Shepard, Emily; Cole, Emma-Louise; Neate, Andrew; Lempidakis, Emmanouil and Ross, Andrew
eLife, 8

Luck in Food Finding Affects Individual Performance and Population Trajectories (2018)
Wilson, Rory P.; Neate, Andrew; Holton, Mark D.; Shepard, Emily L.C.; Scantlebury, D. Michael; Lambertucci, Sergio A.; di Virgilio, Agustina; Crooks, Elaine; Mulvenna, Christina and Marks, Nikki
Current Biology, 28(23) (pp. 3871-3877.e5)

Semiclassical stochastic mechanics for the Coulomb potential with applications to modelling dark matter (2016)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57, Article 52103(5)

Choosing Further Mathematics (2016)
Tanner, Howard; Lyakhova, Sofya and Neate, Andrew
Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, 18(2)

Semiclassical wave functions and semiclassical dynamics for the Kepler/Coulomb problem (2014)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47, Article 225302(22)

A stochastic Burgers-Zeldovich model for the formation of planetary ring systems and the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn (2013)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54, Article 33512(3)

The stochastic Burgers equation with vorticity: Semiclassical asymptotic series solutions with applications (2011)
Neate, Andrew; Reasons, Scott and Truman, Aubrey
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52(8) (p 83512)

The correspondence limit of the atomic elliptic state (2008-11)
Durran, R.; Neate, A.; Truman, A. and Wang, F.-Y.
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 84, Article 30003(3)

The divine clockwork: Bohr’s correspondence principle and Nelson’s stochastic mechanics for the atomic elliptic state (2008)
Durran, Richard; Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, Article 32102(3)

On the divine clockwork: The spectral gap for the correspondence limit of the Nelson diffusion generator for the atomic elliptic state (2008)
Durran, Richard; Neate, Andrew; Truman, Aubrey and Wang, Feng-Yu
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49(10) (p 102103)

Geometric Properties of the Maxwell Set and a Vortex Filament Structure for Burgers Equation (2007)
Neate, A. D. and Truman, A.
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 80(1) (pp. 19-35)

A One Dimensional Analysis of Turbulence and Its Intermittence for the d-dimensional Stochastic Burgers Equation (2007)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
Markov Processes and Related Fields, 13(2) (pp. 213-238)

A one-dimensional analysis of real and complex turbulence and the Maxwell set for the stochastic Burgers equation (2005)
Neate, A. D. and Truman, A.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38(32) (pp. 7093-7127)

A Burgers-Zeldovich Model for the Formation of Planetesimals via Nelson's Stochastic Mechanics (2012)
Durran, Richard; Neate, Andrew; Truman, Aubrey and Smolyanov, Oleg
In: Zhao, Huaizhong and Truman, Aubrey eds. New Trends in Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences (pp. 127-139)
Publisher : World Scientific

Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and the Stochastic Elementary Formula (2012)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
In: Zhao, Huaizhong and Truman, Aubrey eds. New Trends in Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences (pp. 399-437)
Publisher : World Scientific

On the Stochastic Burgers Equation and Some Applications to Turbulence and Astrophysics (2008)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
In: Morters, Peter; Moser, Roger; Penrose, Mathew; Schwetlick, Hartmut and Zimmer, Johannes eds. Analysis and Stochastics of Growth Processes and Interface Models (pp. 281-305)
ISBN : 978-0-19-923925-2 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford

A One-Dimensional Analysis of Singularities and Turbulence for the Stochastic Burgers Equation in d Dimensions (2008)
Neate, Andrew and Truman, Aubrey
In: Dalang, Robert; Russo, Francesco and Dozzi, Marco eds. Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications V. Progress in Probability (pp. 305-330)
ISBN : 978-3-7643-8458-6 | Publisher : Birkhauser

Secondary students engaging in a live online enrichment programme (2021-06)
Lyakhova, Sofya; Neate, Andrew; Durbin, Samantha and Dorris, Rachel
In : Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (5/6/2021, Online)

Learning from the pandemic: Capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges for mathematics teaching and learning practices with and through technology (2021)
Clark-Wilson, Alison; Bretscher, Nicola; Crisan, Cosette; Geraniou, Eirini; Gono, Ebert; Neate, Andrew and Shore, Chris
In : Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (5/6/2021, Online)

Further Mathematics and the transition between school and university mathematics (2017)
Lyakhova, Sofya and Neate, Andrew
In : Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions (10/7/2017-12/7/2017, University of Birmingham)