Dr. Angaraj Duara is a Space Detector Scientist at the Centre for Electronic Imaging (CEI), OU. Funded by the UK Space Agency, Angaraj is currently working on the CMOS sensors for the CASTOR Space Telescope. The Cosmological Advanced Survey Telescope for Optical and UV Research (CASTOR) is a proposed space telescope mission led by the Canadian Space Agency, along with an international team comprising of NASA, UK Space Agency and various research institutes. Angaraj did his PhD from the University of Leicester UK, on SiPM detectors for their application in the largest ground-based gamma ray observatory; The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). He graduated with a 1st class honours in MPhys. Physics with Astrophysics from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester UK.
Instrumentation physics, CMOS sensors, SiPM detectors, Avalanche Photodiode Detectors. UV Astronomy and High-Energy Astrophysics
Dr. Angaraj Duara has delivered numerous public lectures and interactions with media, university students and general public, focusing in the field of physics and space exploration: