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Professor Adrian Hopgood

Profile summary


A multi-view automatic table tennis umpiring framework (2024-12)
Wong, Patrick; Myint, Hnin; Dooley, Laurence and Hopgood, Adrian
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 238(4) (pp. 339-351)

Introduction of misfit dislocations into strained-layer GaAs/InxGa1–xAs/GaAs heterostructures by mechanical bending (2020)
Liu, X. W. and Hopgood, A. A.
Journal of Applied Physics, 128, Article 125708(12)

Keeping a distance-education course current through elearning and contextual assessment (2007-02)
Hopgood, A. A. and Hirst, A. J.
IEEE Transactions on Education, 50(1) (pp. 85-96)

Comparison of an self-organizing migration algorithm with simulated annealing and differential evolution for automated waveform tuning (2005-10)
Nolle, L.; Zellinka, I.; Hopgood, A. A. and Goodyear, A.
Advances in Engineering Software, 36(10) (pp. 645-653)

Formation of misfit dislocations in strained-layer GaAs/InxGa1–xAs/GaAs heterostructures during postfabrication thermal processing (2003-12-15)
Liu, X.W.; Hopgood, A.A.; Usher, B.F.; Wang, H. and Braithwaite, N.St.J.
Journal of Applied Physics, 94(12) (pp. 7496-7501)

Automated control of an actively compensated Langmuir probe system using simulated annealing (2002-07)
Nolle, L.; Goodyear, A.; Hopgood, A.A.; Picton, P.D. and Braithwaite, N.St.J
Knowledge-Based Systems, 15(5-6) (pp. 349-354)

Accelerating Cyber-Breach Investigations through Novel use of Artificial Immune System Algorithms (2022)
Donnachie, Benjamin; Verrall, Jason; Hopgood, Adrian; Wong, Patrick and Kennedy, Ian
In : Artificial Intelligence XXXIX: 42nd SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (13-15 Dec 2022, Cambridge, UK) (pp. 297-302)

Tracking a table tennis ball for umpiring purposes using a multi-agent system (2016-07)
Myint, Hnin; Wong, Patrick; Dooley, Laurence and Hopgood, Adrian
In : The 20th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (25-28 Jul 2016, Las Vegas, USA)

Tracking a table tennis ball for umpiring purposes (2015-05-18)
Myint, Hnin; Wong, Patrick; Dooley, Laurence and Hopgood, Adrian
In : Fourteenth IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2015) (18-22 May 2015, Tokyo, Japan)

DARBS: A Distributed Blackboard System (2001-12)
Nolle, L.; Wong, K.C.P. and Hopgood, A.A.
In : 21st SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence (10-12 Dec 2001, Cambridge, UK) (pp. 161-170)

Development of a distributed knowledge-based system (2001-06)
Wong, K.C.P.; Nolle, L. and Hopgood, A.A.
In : International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001 (25-28 Jun 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA) (pp. 1219-1224)