Appointed Professor of Systems at the Open University in 1994, my research and scholarship spans the biophysical and social and is primarily interdisciplinary and collaborative. Upon retirement at the end of 2023 I was made Professor Emeritus by the University. At the Open University I have had periods as head of the former Systems Department (1995-8; 2005-6; 25 academic staff), Director of the Environmental Decision Making Program, and was heavily involved in: (i) managing and presenting the post-graduate program in Systems Thinking in Practice (STiP) and undertaking associated Systems scholarship; (ii) contributing to the activities of the Applied Systems Thinking in Practice (ASTiP) Group, including leading an initiative to create a LEVEL 7 (Masters) Apprenticeship for the Systems Thinking Practitioner based on the UK Apprenticeship Levy and (iii) undertaking international research.
Recent highlights:
My book 'The Hidden Power of Systems Thinking. Governance in a Climate Emergency' co-authored with Ed Straw was published in 2020. See the UK or Australian launches of the book or a podcast discussion of the book by the two authors in the links below:
New Books Network, interview podcast of Ison & Straw by Kevin Lindsay
Australian Book Launch by Prof. The Hon. Bob Carr, former Premier of NSW. Tuesday 20th October
UK Book Launch by Prof. Tim Blackman, VC of the Open University, Thursday 16th April 2020
In 2023 our work was the recipent of the following awards:
GN Alexander Medal for Hydrology & Water Resources, awarded by the National Committee of Water Engineering, Institution of Engineers Australia, for our paper Ison et al (2023) Australasian Journal of Water Resources 27, 346-359.
HSSS (Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies) Fellow Award, in recognition of ‘significant contributions and support for the HSSS scientific initiatives’
Recipient in 2022 of Lifetime Achievement Award, Systems Society of India ‘for contributions to the transformation of society with a systems approach’
In November 2020 I contributed as an invited Thought Leader in ‘Reimagining Government’, run by the OECD OPSI with CPI (Centre for Public Impact) as part of a series called ‘Government After Shock’.
I was elected President of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR), the peak body of the international cybersystemic community, in 2018 and relected in 2020, 2022 and 2024.
Earlier highlights:
My Keynote presentation to WOSC 2017 (World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics) in January in Rome is available on-line.
In 2016 I was appointed an Academician of IASCYS (International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences) in ‘recognition of outstanding contributions to research and practice in systems and cybernetic sciences’. In the same year Wesley College (University of Sydney) awarded me its Foundation Medal for an “extraordinary contribution to Wesley College, to society in general or both”.
From 2014-15 I was President of the ISSS (International Society for the Systems Sciences); in 2016 I was elected as a Vice President of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR). I am also a Director of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC), and Chair of Trustees of the American Society of Cybernetics as well as a member of the UKSS.
In 2008 I moved from a full-time to a fractional appointment at the Open University. In the other fraction I was from 2008-15 Professor, Systems for Sustainability at the Monash Sustainability Institute (MSI), Monash University, Melbourne, where I founded and led the Systemic Governance Research Program.
In addition to my continuing OU responsibilities I have from 2016 managed an additional portfolio of research, scholarship and consulting activities mainly in Australia, South Africa and China. I also have appointments as a Director of the Director of the Systemic Change Lab of the European School of Governance, Berlin, an Adjunct Professor, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney; as a Director, Systemic Development Institute (Australia) and as a Fellow, Centre for Policy Development (Australia).
The main focus of my research in the last 20 years has been systems praxeology (the science of practical action with STiP) and systemic governance (based on the design and enactment of designed feedback or learning processes).
A recent example of research impact comes from the formal establishment of a new organisation based in Melbourne called Garden's for Wildlife Victoria of which I am now a Board member. This organisation is a product of the institutionalisation of research outcomes conducted as a set of nested systemic co-inquiries (see publications by Allan et al and Murmow et al). The research began as "Enhancing the governance of natural resources in Victoria through collaboration" with funding to stakeholder consortia funded by DELWP and philanthropic sources.
I am currently co-supervising two PhD students: Houda Khayame How to institutionalise systemic models of governance of the Anthropocene in a context of global warming emergency? A systemic inquiry (2020 + PT PhD) (with Dr Kevin Collins) & Barbara Schmidt-Abbey Systemic policy analysis and evaluation at the science / policy interface – reconciling ‘systemic’ and ‘systematic’ inquiry modes (with Dr Martin Reynolds).
Other recent collaborative research projects include a NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) project on "medium - to long-term decision support methods on water resources management in the Heihe River Basin, China - Application of systems thinking and approaches to developing river basin science" in collaboration with A/Prof Yongping Wei, University of Queensland and Professor Xin Li and colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). Another part of this collaboration includes a project “Co-production processes of knowledge of global water governance”. This research developed an understanding of co-evolutionary production processes of knowledge of global water governance based on the datasets of research articles on hydrology/water resources published on the web of science from 1900 to 2012.
Recent OU-based projects include:
During 2014-15 I initiated and led a systemic inquiry into "Governing the Anthropocene: Cybersystemic Possibilities", at Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover with VWStiftung funding via WINS (Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems), Humbolt University, Berlin. The design and outcomes are accessible on this site.
From 2013-20 I was committed to the "RESILIM-Olifants Governance" action research initiative. RESILIM-O is an US$8.5 million project called “Building improved transboundary governance and management of the Olifants Catchment of the Limpopo Basin for enhanced resiliency of its people and ecosystems to environmental change through systemic and participatory approaches”. My roles included: (i) guiding and participating in systemic action research on governing the RESILIM project together with AWARD; (ii) contributing to joint publications on systemic governance research; (iii) providing conceptual and methodological guidance to RESILIM-O and (iv) acting as a member of the International Reference group for the program:
I have led and/or contributed to a number of other major research programs and projects including:
In all I have edited or co-edited nine Special Editions of Journals which have each had significant impact:
I have been involved in undergraduate and postgraduate, including PhD, teaching at three Universities - what is now The Western Sydney University (Hawkesbury), The University of Sydney and The Open University (UK). In all three situations I have sought to conceptualise 'teaching' as a scholalry and systemic action research process. A number of publications and grants testify to success in this regard.
At the OU I have contributed to undergraduate systems courses (e.g. T306 Managing Complexity. A Systems Approach) as well as PG courses (e.g. T860 and T863 Environmental Decision Making. A systems approach; T861 Environmental Ethics). From 2008-10 Chris Blackmore and I developed the module TU812, ‘Managing systemic change: inquiry, action and interaction, a core module in the OU's Systems Thinking in Practice (STiP) Program. This very successful module was presented from 2010-2020 with 1100 students successfully completing. Much of 2019-2021 has been devoted to preparing the replacemtn module, TB872. 'Managing Change with Systems Thinking in Practice'.
In 2012 the STIPII (Systems Thinking in Practice Innovation Initiative) was launched by Chris Blackmore, Martin Reynolds and myself as an action-research and scholarship framing for the ongoing presentation and development of the STiP program. The first funded project, "Building a community of practice and employer engagement to enhance Systems Thinking in Practice" was supported by the OU's eSTeEM program. Subsequent projects include:
2019-20 Martin Reynolds and Ray Ison, £6928 “Changing the way the game is played: transforming postgraduate curriculum praxis and workplace capabilities” Funded by eSTEeM - The OU Centre for STEM Pedagogy, STEM Faculty, The Open University (18E-MRRI-EI-01)
2017-18 £2551 ‘Transforming curriculum praxis and workplace capabilities’. M Reynolds & R. Ison (Co-PIs). Funded by eSTEeM, The OU Centre for STEM Pedagogy, STEM Faculty, The Open University (17C-MR-EI-02).
A number of books were co-published by the OU and Springer to support the STiP program in 2010 and three have been reissued as second editions in 2017 or 2020.
Wherever possible I provide support to a very vibrant STiP alumni community on LinkedIn.
With my OU colleague Chris Blackmore and Prof. Sri Sriskandarajah (formerly of the Swedish Agricultural University) I have developed and co-facilitated/delivered a number of international programes for PhD students in Systems Thinking in Practice. All have been organised and run as systemic inquiries, viz:
The following on-line published essays, commentaries and on-line interviews evidence engagement and impact:
Straw, Ed & Ison RL (2021) Preferential lobbying: a scourge on our democracy (Part 4 of 4) Pearls & Irritations 18 February 2021
Straw, Ed & Ison RL (2021) Preferential lobbying: no explicit deals, all unstated understandings. How it works behind the scenes (Part 3 of 4) Pearls & Irritations 17 February 2021
Straw, Ed & Ison RL (2021) Money talks … loudly. (Part 2 of 4). Pearls & Irritations 16 February 2021
Straw, Ed & Ison RL (2021) Preferential lobbying: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer (Part 1 of 4) Pearls & Irritations 15 February 2021,
Ison, Ray (2020) Cock-ups, conspiracies or system failures? Pearls & Irritations. Public Policy Journal 29th September
Ison, Ray and Straw, Ed (2019). Systemic 'biodiversity' governing. In: ‘Seeds of change: provocations for a new research agenda’, Biodiversity Revisited Symposium Conference Proceedings (Wyborn, C.; Kalas, N. and Rust, N. eds.), 11-13 Sep 2019, Vienna, Austria, pp. 80–83.
Boukardt et al (2018) Submission to the Productivity Commission on Information Request 1 in response to term (3). The Commission’s assessment approach.
Ison, R.L. & Straw, E. (2018) Duality, dualism, duelling and Brexit. Open Democracy, March 1st.
Ison, R.L & Biggs, D. (2017) Regards. “Frame” capture – why the war on poaching can never be won: about the John Hanks’ book Operation Lock and the war on rhino poaching, Natures Sciences Sociétés 25, 1, 63-69
Significant international inter-organisational research and scholarship initiatives have developed in recent years e.g. my role as an external examiner as well as PhD & STiP Training Workshop developer/deliverer in the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Science, Witzenhausen, University of Kassel, Germany in 2018/19 or as invited presenter and participant in ‘Symposium – Transformative Designs for Sustainability. Facilitating Mindshifts and Collective Action for Anthropocene-Prosperity’ hosted by the VolkswagenStiftung, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover in June 2018.
These are extensive; recent examples include:
2020 (February) Scientific Committee Panel judging the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award and Günther Ossimitz Memorial Award 2019 (see ).
External Invitations/presentations 2016 +
Governance in the time of COVID‐19: Systemic implications for governing in an Anthropocene world based on experiences from Australia and Brazil (2024-11-17)
Ison, Ray L. and Schlindwein, Sandro L.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science ((Early Access))
Global analysis of social learning’s archetypes in natural resource management: understanding pathways of co-creation of knowledge (2024-11-05)
Bonatti, Michelle; Lana, Marcos; Medina, Leonardo; Chevelev, Paul; Baldivieso, Carla; Erismann, Carla; Gleich, Pia; Rodriguez, Tatiana; Eufemia, Luca; da Silva Rosa, Teresa; Borba, Juliano; Matavel, Custodio; Schlindwein, Sandro; Ison, Ray; Eisenack, Klaus; Hellin, Jon; Pacillo, Grazia; Vadez, Vincent; Bossuet, Jérôme; Dolinska, Aleksandra and Sieber, Stefan
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, Article 1476(1)
Ouvrages en débat: The quantified scholar. How research evaluations transformed the British social sciences by Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Columbia University Press, 2022 (2024-10-23)
Ison, Raymond
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 32(2) (pp. 236-240)
[Book Review] Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, The Quantified Scholar. How Research Evaluations Transformed the British social sciences. Columbia University Press, 2022 (2024-04)
Ison, Ray
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 32(2) (pp. 234-240)
Valuing who we are in relation to others: The ‘ praxis of co ’ in an Anthropocene‐world. The 2025 agenda for the cybersystems community (2024)
Klein, Louis; Buckle, Pamela; Nguyen, Nam; Preiser, Rika; Vandenbroeck, Philippe and Ison, Ray
Systems Research and Behavioral Science ((Early access))
Critical social perspectives in forest and landscape restoration – a systematic review (2024)
Shelton, Madeline R; Kanowski, Peter J.; Kleinschmit, Daniela and Ison, Ray L.
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, Article 1466758
Addressing complexity in chronic disease prevention research (2023-06-27)
Pescud, Melanie; Rychetnik, Lucie; Friel, Sharon; Irving, Michele J.; Riley, Therese; Finegood, Diane T.; Rutter, Harry; Ison, Ray and Allender, Steven
Systems, 11, Article 332
Toward adaptive water governance: the role of systemic feedbacks for learning and adaptation in the eastern transboundary rivers of South Africa (2023-03)
Pollard, Sharon Rae; Riddell, Edward; du Toit, Derick R.; Retief, Daniel C. and Ison, Ray L.
Ecology and Society, 28, Article 47(1)
Beyond Covid: Reframing The Global Problematique With STIP (Systems Thinking In Practice) (2023-02)
Ison, Raymond L.
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 32(1) (pp. 1-15)
Dramaturgies for Re-imagining Murray-Darling Basin governing (2023)
Ison, Raymond L.; Rubenstein, Naomi; Shelton, Madeline R. and Wallis, Philip J.
Australasian Journal of Water Resources, 27(2) (pp. 346-359)
Reframing governance possibilities for urban biodiversity conservation through systemic co-inquiry (2023)
Mumaw, Laura M.; Ison, Ray; Corney, Helen; Gaskell, Nadine and Kelly, Irene
Environmental Policy and Governance, 33(5) (pp. 517-530)
Navigating the polycrisis—governing for transformation: The 2024 agenda for the systems community (2023)
Klein, Louis; Buckle, Pamela; Nguyen, Nam; Preiser, Rika and Ison, Ray
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 40(6) (pp. 973-977)
River basin governance enabling pathways for sustainable management: A comparative study between Australia, Brazil, China and France (2022-08)
Bouckaert, Frederick Willem; Wei, Yongping; Pittock, James; Vasconcelos, Vitor and Ison, Ray
Ambio, 51(8) (pp. 1871-1888)
Characterising water sensitive cities through inquiry-based learning systems (2022-05)
Shelton, M. R.; Bos, J. J.; Collins, K. B; Ison, R. L. and Iaquinto, B. L.
Australasian Journal of Water Resources, 26(2) (pp. 162-174)
Mutual Arisings: Conversations with Humberto (2022)
Ison, Ray
Cybernetics and Human Knowing A Journal of Second Order Cybernetics, Autopoiesis & Cybersemiotics, 29(1-2) (pp. 147-152)
Diverse Ways of Knowing: Challenges for Responding to Climate Change (2022)
du Toit, Derick; Pollard, Sharon; Chikunda, Charles and Ison, Ray
NORRAG Special Issue 7: Education in Times of Climate Change, 7 (pp. 69-73)
[Book Review] Feeling the heat. International perspectives on the prevention of wildfire ignition by Janet Stanley, Alan March, James Ogloff and Jason Thompson (2022)
Ison, Ray
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 30(2) (pp. 215-216)
Unfolding the complexity in water reallocation decision-making in the Heihe River Basin, China (2022)
Wei, Yongping; Wu, Shuanglei; Lu, Zhixiang; Ison, Ray; Western, Andrew and Sivapalan, Murugesu
International Journal of Water Resources Development, 39(4) (pp. 576-594)
Growing a community of conversation and understanding: The 2023 agenda for the systems community (2022)
Klein, Louis; Buckle, Pamela; Nguyen, Nam; Preiser, Rika and Ison, Ray
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 39(6) (pp. 1103-1107)
Leadership for systems change: Researcher practices for enhancing research impact in the prevention of chronic disease (2022)
Pescud, Melanie; Rychetnik, Lucie; Allender, Steven; Irving, Michelle J.; Howse, Eloise; Rutter, Harry; Ison, Ray; Riley, Therese; Friel, Sharon and Finegood, Diane T.
Frontiers in Public Health, 10, Article 1045001
From Understanding to Impactful Action: Systems Thinking for Systems Change in Chronic Disease Prevention Research (2021-09)
Pescud, Melanie; Rychetnik, Lucie; Allender, Steven; Irving, Michelle J.; Finegood, Diane T.; Riley, Therese; Ison, Raymond; Rutter, Harry and Friel, Sharon
Systems, 9, Article 61(3)
Designing an inquiry-based learning system: innovating in research praxis to transform science-policy-practice relations for sustainable development (2021)
Ison, R. L.; Collins, K. B. and Iaquinto, B. L.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 38(5) (pp. 610-624)
Rethinking agency—The 2022 agenda for the systems community (2021)
Klein, Louis; Buckle, Pamela; Nguyen, Nam; Preiser, Rika and Ison, Raymond
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 38(6) (pp. 717-720)
Towards Systemic Evaluation in Turbulent Times – Second-order practice shift (2020-04)
Schmidt-Abbey, Barbara; Reynolds, Martin and Ison, Ray
Evaluation, 26(2) (pp. 205-226)
Confronting total systemic failure? The May 2018 truckers' strike in Brazil (2020)
Schlindwein, Sandro Luis and Ison, Ray L.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 37(1) (pp. 119-127)
Jumping Off the treadmill: transforming NRM to systemic governing with systemic co-inquiry (2020)
Allan, Catherine; Ison, Ray L.; Colliver, Ross; Mumaw, Laura; MacKay, Moragh; Perez-Mujica, Luisa and Wallis, Philip
Policy Studies, 41(4) (pp. 350-371)
Enabling political legitimacy and conceptual integration for climate change adaptation research within an agricultural bureaucracy: a systemic inquiry (2019-10)
Grant, Andrea; Ison, Ray; Faggian, Robert and Sposito, Victor
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 32(5) (pp. 573-600)
Community participation: exploring legitimacy in socio-ecological systems for environmental water governance (2019)
Godden, Lee and Ison, Ray
Australasian Journal of Water Resources, 23(1) (pp. 45-57)
Revisiting deliberative policy analysis through systemic co-inquiry: some experiences from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in England (2019)
Foster, Natalie; Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Collins, Kevin
Policy Studies, 40 (pp. 510-533)
Towards appropriate mainstreaming of “Theory of Change” approaches into agricultural research for development: Challenges and opportunities (2018-09)
Maru, Yiheyis Taddele; Sparrow, Ashley; Butler, James R.A.; Banerjee, Onil; Ison, Ray; Hall, Andy and Carberry, Peter
Agricultural Systems, 165 (pp. 344-353)
Improving the role of River Basin Organisations in sustainable river basin governance by linking social institutional capacity and basin biophysical capacity (2018-08)
Bouckaert, Frederick; Wei, Yongping; Hussey, Karen; Pittock, Jamie and Ison, Ray
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 33 (pp. 70-79)
Governing the human-environment relationship: systemic practice (2018-08)
Ison, Ray
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 33 (pp. 114-123)
Governing in the Anthropocene: are there cyber-systemic antidotes to the malaise of modern governance? (2018)
Ison, Ray; Alexandra, Jason and Wallis, Phil
Sustainability Science, 13(5) (pp. 1209-1223)
Understanding ourselves and the environment in which we live (2018)
Wei, Yongping; Ison, Ray; Western, Andrew W. and Lu, Zhixiang
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 33 (pp. 161-166)
Developing Learning Systems For Addressing Uncertainty In Farming, Food And Environment: What Has Changed In Recent Times? (2018)
Blackmore, Chris; Sriskandarajah, Nadarajah and Ison, Ray
International Journal of Agricultural Extension (pp. 03-15)
Towards cyber-systemic thinking in practice (2018)
Ison, Ray
World Futures, 75(1-2) (pp. 5-16)
Fruits of Gregory Bateson’s epistemological crisis: embodied mind-making and interactive experience in research and professional praxis (2017-08-01)
Russell, David and Ison, Ray
Canadian Journal of Communication, 42(3) (pp. 485-514)
"Frame" capture - why the war on poaching can never be won: about the John Hanks’ book Operation lock and the war on rhino poaching (2017)
Ison, Ray and Biggs, Duan
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 25(1) (pp. 63-69)
Watershed systems science – a new paradigm to understand and govern the impact of human activities on the earth’s surface in the Anthropocene (2017)
Ison, Ray and Wei, YongPing
Science China Earth Sciences, 60 (pp. 2225-2227)
Critical Reflections on Building a Community of Conversation about Water Governance in Australia (2016)
Rubenstein, Naomi; Wallis, Philip J.; Ison, Raymond L. and Godden, Lee
Water Alternatives, 9(1) (pp. 81-98)
Governing in the Anthropocene: What Future Systems Thinking in Practice? (2016)
Ison, Ray
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33(5) (pp. 595-613)
Governing in the Anthropocene: Contributions from Systems Thinking in Practice? (2016)
Ison, Ray and Shelley, Monica
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33(5) (pp. 589-594)
Mediating boundaries between knowledge and knowing: ICT and R4D praxis (2016)
Reichelt, N. T.; Wallis, P. J.; Ison, R. L.; Davies, J.; Carberry, P.; Sparrow, A; Hall, A and Maru, Y.
Outlook on Agriculture, 45(4) (pp. 238-245)
Water Governance in England: Improving Understandings and Practices through Systemic Co-Inquiry (2016)
Foster, Natalie; Collins, Kevin; Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Chris
Water, 5, Article 540
The governance of farming and natural resource management (2016)
Jiggins, Janice; Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Ray and Röling, Niels
Outlook on Agriculture, 45(4) (pp. 217-219)
Institutionalising social learning: towards systemic and adaptive governance (2015-11-30)
Ison, Raymond L.; Collins, Kevin B. and Wallis, Philip J
Environmental Science & Policy, 53(Part B) (pp. 105-117)
Science–policy processes for transboundary water governance (2015-09)
Armitage, Derek; de Loë, Rob C.; Morris, Michelle; Edwards, Tom W. D.; Gerlak, Andrea K.; Hall, Roland I.; Huitema, Dave; Ison, Ray; Livingstone, David; MacDonald, Glen; Mirumachi, Naho; Plummer, Ryan and Wolfe, Brent B.
Ambio, 44(5) (pp. 353-366)
Reframing water governance praxis: does reflection on metaphors have a role? (2015)
Ison, Raymond; Allan, Catherine and Collins, Kevin
Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 33 (pp. 1697-1713)
Book Review of "Participatory action research. Theory and methods for engaged enquiry" by Jacques M. Chevalier & Daniel J. Buckles (2015)
Ison, Raymond
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 23 (pp. 75-76)
Insights into operationalizing communities of practice from SSM-based inquiry processes (2014-12)
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris; Collins, Kevin; Holwell, Sue and Iaquinto, Ben
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27 (pp. 91-113)
Scenario praxis for systemic governance: a critical framework (2014-08-01)
Ison, Raymond; Grant, Andrea and Bawden, Richard
Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 32(4) (pp. 623-640)
Narrative research in climate change adaptation - exploring a complementary paradigm for research and governance (2014-07-31)
Paschen, Jana-Axinja and Ison, Raymond
Research Policy, 43 (pp. 1083-1092)
In search of systemic innovation for sustainable development: a design praxis emerging from a decade of social learning inquiry (2014-05-31)
Colvin, John; Blackmore, Chris; Chimbuya, Sam; Collins, Kevin; Dent, Mark; Goss, John; Ison, Ray; Roggero, Pier Paolo and Seddaiu, Giovanna
Research Policy, 43 (pp. 760-771)
Designing and developing a reflexive learning system for managing systemic change. (2014)
Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Chris
Systems, 2(2) (pp. 119-136)
Managing complexity in Australian urban water governance: transitioning Sydney to a water sensitive city. (2014)
Floyd, Joshua; Iaquinto, Benjamin L.; Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin
Futures, 61 (pp. 1-12)
Opening and closing the future: climate change, adaptation, and scenario planning (2014)
Rickards, Lauren; Ison, Ray; Fünfgeld, Hartmut and Wiseman, John
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(4) (pp. 587-602)
Programmes, projects and learning inquiries: institutional mediation of innovation in research for development (2014)
Ison, Ray; Carberry, Peter; Davies, Jocelyn; Hall, Andy; McMillan, Larelle; Maru, Yiheyis; Pengelly, Bruce; Reichelt, Nicole; Stirzaker, Richard; Wallis, Phillip J.; Watson, Ian and Webb, Sarah
Outlook on Agriculture, 43(3) (pp. 165-172)
Special issue: System innovation – towards sustainable agriculture. Introduction (2014)
Jiggins, Janice; Ison, Ray and Röling, Niels
Outlook on Agriculture, 43(3) (pp. 145-146)
Governing irrigation renewal in rural Australia (2014)
Wallis, Philip J.; Iaquinto, Benjamin L.; Ison, Raymond L. and Wrigley, Roger J.
International Journal of Water Governance, 2(4) (pp. 19-36)
Towards systemic and adaptive governance: exploring the revealing and concealing aspects of contemporary social-learning metaphors (2013-03)
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Iaquinto, Benjamin L.
Ecological Economics, 87 (pp. 34-42)
Identifying the conditions for social learning in water governance in regional Australia (2013-03)
Wallis, Philip; Ison, Raymond L. and Samson, Katelyn
Land Use Policy, 31 (pp. 412-421)
Reframing water governance: a multi-perspective study of an over-engineered catchment in China (2012-04)
Wei, Yongping; Ison, Ray; Colvin, John and Collins, Kevin
Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 55(3) (pp. 297-318)
Sustainable catchment managing in a climate changing world: new integrative modalities for connecting policy makers, scientists and other stakeholders (2011-12)
Ison, Ray; Collins, Kevin; Colvin, John; Jiggins, Janice; Roggero, Pier Paolo; Seddaiu, Giovanna; Steyaert, Patrick; Toderi, Marco and Zanolla, Chiara
Water Resources Management, 25(15) (pp. 3977-3992)
Editorial: water governance in a climate change world: appraising systemic and adaptive effectiveness (2011)
Godden, Lee; Ison, Raymond I. and Wallis, Philip J.
Water Resources Management, 25(15) (pp. 3971-3976)
Appreciating institutional complexity in water governance dynamics: a case from the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia (2011)
Wallis, Philip J. and Ison, Raymond L.
Water Resources Management, 25(15) (pp. 4081-4097)
Creating communities of practice: scoping purposeful design (2011)
Iaquinto, Ben; Ison, Raymond and Faggian, Robert
Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1) (pp. 4-21)
Institutional change in multiscalar water governance regimes: a case from Victoria, Australia (2011)
Wallis, Philip J. and Ison, Raymond L.
Journal of Water Law, 22(2/3) (pp. 85-94)
Cybersystemic conviviality: addressing the conundrum of ecosystems services (2011)
Ison, Ray
Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 18(1-2) (pp. 135-141)
Trusting emergence: some experiences of learning about integrated catchment science with the Environment Agency of England and Wales (2010)
Collins, Kevin B. and Ison, Ray L.
Water Resources Management, 24(4) (pp. 669-688)
Jumping off Arnstein's Ladder: Social learning as a new policy paradigm for climate change adaptation (2009-11-26)
Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray
Environmental Policy and Governance, 19(6) (pp. 358-373)
Editorial: Living with environmental change: adaptation as social learning (2009-11)
Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray
Environmental Policy and Governance, 19(6) (pp. 351-357)
Building learning catchments for integrated catchment managing: Designing learning systems based on experiences in the UK and South Africa (2009)
Collins, Kevin; Colvin, John and Ison, Ray
Water Science & Technology, 59(4) (pp. 687-693)
Methodological challenges of trans-disciplinary research: Some systemic reflections (2008-07)
Ison, Ray
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 16(3) (pp. 241-251)
Challenges to science and society in the sustainable management and use of water: investigating the role of social learning (2007-10)
Ison, Ray; Roling, Niels and Watson, Drennan
Environmental Science and Policy, 10(6) (pp. 499-511)
Learning Participation as Systems Practice (2007-09)
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Armson, Rosalind
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 13(3) (pp. 209-225)
Illuminating the possibilities for social learning in the management of Scotland’s water (2007-06)
Ison, Ray and Watson, Drennan
Ecology and Society, 12, Article 21(1)
Systemic environmental decision making: designing learning systems (2007)
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris; Collins, Kevin and Furniss, Pam
Kybernetes, 36(9-10) (pp. 1340-1361)
Epistemological awareness: a systemic inquiry (2007)
Ison, Ray
Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 14(2-3) (pp. 197-200)
Social learning: an alternative policy instrument for managing in the context of Europe's water. (2007)
Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Raymond and Jiggins, Janice
Environmental Science & Policy, 10(6) (pp. 493-498)
A Systemic approach to scoping of factors influencing more sustainable land use in Herefordshire (2006-12)
Morris, Dick; Oreszczyn, Sue; Blackmore, Christine; Ison, Raymond and Martin, Stephen
Local Environment, 11(6) (pp. 683-699)
Think, act & play im Leadership der Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung (2006-10)
Ison, Raymond and Armson, Rosalind
Lernende Organisation(33) (pp. 13-23)
Guest Editorial: Geoffrey Vickers 2004: Contemporary applications and changing appreciative settings (2005-07)
Ison, Raymond
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 22(4) (pp. 277-284)
The researcher of human systems is both choreographer and chorographer (2005)
Russell, David and Ison, Ray
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 22(2) (pp. 131-138)
Human knowing and perceived complexity: implications for systems practice (2004)
Schlindwein, Sandro Luis and Ison, Ray
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 6(3) (pp. 27-32)
Conceptual Metaphors: a review with implications for human understandings and systems practice (2004)
McClintock, D. and Ison, R.
Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 11(1) (pp. 25-47)
Maturana's intellectual contribution as a choreography of conversation and action (2004)
Russell, David and Ison, R.
Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 11(2) (pp. 36-48)
Metaphors for reflecting on research practice: researching with people (2003-09)
McClintock, David; Ison, Raymond and Armson, Rosalind
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 46(5) (pp. 715-731)
Rapid institutional appraisal (2001-12)
Armson, R.; Ison, R.L.; Short, L.; Ramage, M. and Reynolds, M.
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14(6) (pp. 763-777)
Appreciating systems: critical reflections on the changing nature of systems as a discipline in a systems-learning society (2000-08)
Maiteny, P.T. and Ison, R.L.
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 13(4) (pp. 559-586)
Guest Editorial: applying systems thinking to higher education (1999)
Ison, Ray
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 16(2) (pp. 107-112)
Listening, interpretative cycles and dialogue: process design for collaborative research and development. (1998)
Kersten, S. and Ison, R.
Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension, 5(3) (pp. 163-177)
Systems methodologies for sustainable natural resources research and development. (1997-10)
Ison, R. L.; Maiteny, P.T and Carr, S.
Agricultural Systems, 55 (pp. 257-272)
Participatory rural appraisal design: conceptual and process issues (1995)
Webber, Lynn M. and Ison, R. L.
Agricultural Systems, 47(1) (pp. 107-131)
Diversity in yearly calendars on pastoral properties in western New South Wales: a constructivist perspective (1994)
Kersten, S. and Ison, R.
The Rangeland Journal, 16(2) (pp. 206-220)
Changing community attitudes (1993)
Ison, R. L.
The Rangeland Journal, 15(1) (pp. 154-166)
Meeting the challenge of problem based learning. (1993)
Humphreys, Catherine and Ison, Raymond
Higher Education Research and Development, 12(1) (pp. 107-111)
Rapid rural appraisal: a participatory problem formulation method relevant to Australian agriculture (1992)
Ison, R. L. and Ampt, P. R.
Agricultural Systems, 38(4) (pp. 363-386)
University education for multiple-goal agriculture in Australia (1992)
Pearson, C. J and Ison, R. L.
Agricultural Systems, 38(4) (pp. 341-362)
Comparative growth and development of Kenya clover (Trifolium semipilosum) and white clover (T. repens cv. Haifa): I. Seedling and plant growth. (1992)
Ison, R. L.; Parson, Anne E. B. and Jacobs, B. C.
Tropical Grasslands, 26(1) (pp. 40-50)
Agricultural education in universities: time to ask for whom and how? (1990-07)
Pearson, Craig and Ison, Ray
Agricultural Science, 3(4) (pp. 24-28)
Predicting and managing change in the seed industry (1989)
Ison, Raymond
Agricultural Science, 4 (pp. 44-48)
Soft-systems methodology for action research: the role of a college farm in an agricultural education institution. (1988)
Packham, R. G; Ison, R. L. and Roberts, R. J
Agricultural Administration and Extension, 30(2) (pp. 109-126)
Short-day cycle requirements for floral initiation of Stylosanthes guianensis (Aublet) Sw. var. guianensis (1985)
Ison, R. L.
Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 12(3) (pp. 291-296)
Effects of temperature on the flowering and seed production of Stylosanthes guianensis cultivars. (1984-04)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
Annals of Applied Biology, 104(2) (pp. 347-355)
Flowering of Stylosanthes guianensis in relation to juvenility and the long-short day requirement (1984-01)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 35(1) (pp. 121-126)
Day and night temperature control of floral induction in Stylosanthes guianensis var. guianensis cv. Schofield. (1984)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
Annals of Botany, 53(2) (pp. 207-212)
Flowering of Stylosanthes guianensis in controlled temperatures under natural photoperiod. (1984)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35(2) (pp. 219-228)
Development of floral apex after floral induction in stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl) Sw. var. guianensis) (1984)
Ison, R. L.
Annals of Botany, 54(6) (pp. 813-820)
Altitudinal effects on Stylosanthes guianensis at a low latitude site. 1. Flowering (1983)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 101(1) (pp. 223-230)
Altitudinal effects on Stylosanthes guianensis at a low latitude site. 2. Seed Production (1983)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 101(1) (pp. 231-240)
Investigations of ripeness to flower in tobacco (1982)
Hopkinson, J. M. and Ison, R. L.
Field Crops Research, 5 (pp. 335-348)
Stabilization of aeolian sands in the Braidwood area (1980)
Packer, I. J and Ison, R. L.
Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales., 36(2) (pp. 90-99)
The Hidden Power of Systems Thinking: Governance in a Climate Emergency (2020)
Ison, Raymond and Straw, Ed
Systems Thinking
ISBN : 9781138493988 | Publisher : Routledge
Systems Practice: How to Act. In situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate-change world. 2nd Edition (2017)
Ison, Ray
Publisher : Springer & The Open University
Systems Practice: How to Act in a Climate-Change World (2010)
Ison, Raymond
ISBN : 9781849961240 | Publisher : Springer
Agronomy of Grassland Systems [second edition] (1997)
Pearson, C.J and Ison, R.L.
ISBN : 9780511038174 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Agronomia de los Sistemas Pastoriles (1994-04)
Pearson, C.J. and Ison, R.L.
ISBN : 978-9505045204 | Publisher : Editorial Hemisferio Sur | Published : Buenos Aires
Teaching threatens sustainable agriculture. (1990)
Ison, Raymond L.
Gatekeeper Series
ISBN : 978-1-84369-327-7 | Publisher : IIED | Published : London
Agronomy of Grassland Systems [first edition] (1987)
Pearson, C.J. and Ison, R.L.
ISBN : 9780521310093 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Systems-Based Governance: For a Complex Sustainable Future (2024-07-31)
Ison, Ray
In: Lester, Michael and dela Rama, Marie eds. Innovation Pathways to Sustainability: Conversations Towards Complex Systems of Governance (pp. 299-309)
ISBN : 9781003280316 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Exploring the conceptual and practical affordances of duality and dualism (2024)
Ison, R. L.
In: Reyes, A. and Perko, I. eds. Addressing challenges of an uncertain world: A CyberSystemic approach (pp. 335-364)
ISBN : 978-958-754-438-1 | Publisher : Ediciones Unibagué | Published : Ibagué, Colombia
Systems Thinking: Towards Transformation in Praxis and Situations (2017-02-22)
Hubert, Bernard and Ison, Ray
In: Ӧborn, Ingrid; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Phillips, Michael; Thomas, Richard; Brooijmans, Willemien and Atta-Krah, Kwesi eds. Sustainable Intensification in Smallholder Agriculture: An integrated systems research approach (pp. 115-129)
ISBN : 9781138668089 | Publisher : Earthscan, Routledge | Published : London
Transdisciplinarity as transformation: a cybersystemic thinking in practice perspective (2017)
Ison, Ray
In: Fam, Dena; Palmer, Jane; Riedy, Chris and Mitchell, Cynthia eds. Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainable Outcomes (pp. 55-73)
Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Mechanisms for inclusive governance (2017)
Ison, Raymond L. and Wallis, Philip J.
In: Karar, Eiman ed. Freshwater Governance for the 21st Century. Global Issues in Water Policy (6) (pp. 159-185)
ISBN : 978-3-319-43348-6 | Publisher : Springer
The role of systems thinking in the practice of implementing sustainable development goals (2017)
Reynolds, M.; Blackmore, C.; Ison, R.; Shah, R. and Wedlock, E.
In: Leal Filho, Walter ed. Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research (pp. 677-698)
ISBN : 978-3-319-63006-9 | Publisher : Springer
Understanding and developing communities of practice through diagramming (2017)
Blackmore, Chris; Foster, Natalie; Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray
In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping environmental sustainability: reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research (pp. 155-182)
Publisher : Policy Press | Published : London
Transforming nature-society relations through innovations in research praxis: a coevolutionary systems approach (2016)
Ison, R. L.
In: Hubert, Bernard and Mathieu, Nicole eds. Interdisciplinarités entre Natures et Sociétés: Colloque de Cerisy. EcoPolis (pp. 47-70)
ISBN : 9782807600188 | Publisher : Peter Lang | Published : Bruxelles
The Journey to R4D: An institutional history of an Australian Initiative on Food Security in Africa (2016)
Hall, A.; Carberry, P.; Djikeng, A.; Roy-Macauley, H.; Pengelly, B.; Njoya, A.; Ndungu, L.; Kollo, I.; Bruce, C.; McMillan, L.; Ison, R. and Keating, B.
In: Innovation Systems: Towards Effective Strategies in support of Smallholder Farmers (pp. 183-201)
ISBN : 978-92-9081-561-7 | Publisher : Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Wageningen University and Research (WUR)/Convergence of Sciences-Strengthening Innovation Systems (CoS-SIS) | Published : Wageningen
What is Systemic about Innovation Systems? The Implications for Policies. Governance and Institutionalization (2016)
Ison, Ray
In: Francis, J.; Mytelka, L.; van Huis, A. and Röling, N. eds. Innovation Systems: Towards Effective Strategies in support of Smallholder Farmers (pp. 37-52)
ISBN : 978-92-9081-561-7 | Publisher : Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Wageningen University and Research (WUR)/Convergence of Sciences-Strengthening Innovation Systems (CoS-SIS) | Published : Wageningen
Embedding sustainability through systems thinking in practice: some experiences from the Open University (2015-04)
Blackmore, Chris; Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond and Lane, Andrew
In: Wyness, Lynne ed. Education for Sustainable Development Pedagogy: Criticality, Creativity, and Collaboration. PedRIO occasional papers (8) (pp. 32-35)
Publisher : Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO) | Published : Plymouth University
Thinking differently about sustainability: experiences from the UK Open University (2015)
Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Raymond and Reynolds, Martin
In: Filho, Walter Leal; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima and Caeiro, Sandra eds. Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula. World Sustainability Series (pp. 613-630)
ISBN : 978-3-319-09473-1 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham
The role of action-oriented learning theories for change in agriculture and rural networks (2012-07)
Blackmore, Chris; Cerf, Marianne; Ison, Raymond and Paine, Mark
In: Darnhofer, Ika; Gibbon, David and Dedieu, Benoit eds. Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic (pp. 159-177)
ISBN : 978-94-007-4502-5 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Dordrecht
Designing and developing learning systems for managing systemic change in a climate change world (2012-06)
Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray
In: Wals, Arjen E. J. and Corcoran, Peter Blaze eds. Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change (pp. 347-363)
ISBN : 978-90-8686-203-0 | Publisher : Wageningen Academic Publishers | Published : Wageningen, The Netherlands
A cybersystemic framework for practical action (2012)
Ison, Raymond
In: Murray, Joy; Cawthorne, Glenn; Dey, Christopher and Andrew, Chris eds. Enough for All Forever. A Handbook for Learning about Sustainability (pp. 269-284)
ISBN : 978-1612290140 | Publisher : Common Ground Publishing | Published : Champaign, Illinois
Systems practice: making the systems in farming systems research effective (2012)
Ison, Ray
In: Darnhofer, Ika; Gibbon, David and Dedieu, Benoit eds. Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic (pp. 141-158)
ISBN : 978-94-007-4502-5 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Dordrecht
Learning in European agricultural and rural networks: building a systemic research agenda (2012)
Hubert, Bernard; Ison, Ray; Sriskandarajah, Nadarajah; Blackmore, Chris; Cerf, Marianne; Avelange, Isabelle; Barbier, Marc and Steyaert, Patrick
In: Darnhofer, Ika; Gibbon, David and Dedieu, Benoit eds. Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic (pp. 179-200)
ISBN : 978-94-007-4503-2 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Dordrecht
The worlds we create: designing learning systems for the underworld of extension practice (2011-02-01)
Ison, Ray and Russell, David
In: Jennings, J.; Packham, R. G. and Woodside, D. eds. Shaping Change: Natural Resource Management, Agriculture and the Role of Extension (pp. 44-55)
ISBN : 9780957703070 | Publisher : Australasia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN)
Institutionalising understandings: from resource sufficiency to functional integrity (2011)
Hubert, Bernard and Ison, Ray
In: Kammili, Trish; Hubert, Bernard and Tourand, Jean-François eds. A paradigm shift in livestock management: from Resource Sufficiency to Functional Integrity (pp. 11-16)
ISBN : 9782914053570 | Publisher : Cardère éditeur | Published : Lirac, France
Planning as Performance: The Murray-Darling Basin Plan. (2011)
Ison, Raymond and Wallis, Phil
In: Connell, Daniel and Grafton, R. Quentin eds. Basin Futures: Water reform in the Murray-Darling Basin (pp. 399-411)
ISBN : 9781921862243 | Publisher : ANU ePress | Published : Canberra
Traditions of understanding: language, dialogue and experience (2010)
Ison, Ray
In: Blackmore, Chris ed. Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice (pp. 73-88)
Publisher : Springer
From water supply to water governance (2010)
Godden, Lee and Ison, Raymond
In: Davis, Mark and Lyons, Miriam eds. More Than Luck. Ideas Australia Needs Now. (pp. 177-184)
ISBN : 978-0-9808356-1-8 | Publisher : Centre for Policy Development | Published : Sydney
Governance that works: better governance requires a more skilled use of systems thinking (2010)
Ison, Ray
In: Davis, Mark and Lyons, Miriam eds. More Than Luck: Ideas Australia Needs Now (pp. 215-228)
ISBN : 9780980835601 | Publisher : Centre for Policy Development | Published : Sydney
Systems thinking and practice for action research (2008)
Ison, R. L.
In: Reason, Peter W. and Bradbury, Hilary eds. The Sage Handbook of Action Research Participative Inquiry and Practice (2nd edition) (pp. 139-158)
ISBN : 978 1 4129 2029 2 | Publisher : Sage Publications | Published : London, UK
From sustainable to systemic development: an inquiry into transformations in discourse and praxis (2008)
Ison, R. L.; Bawden, R. J.; Mackenzie, B.; Packham, R. G.; Sriskandarajah, N and Armson, R.
In: Sheffield, James ed. Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (pp. 231-252)
ISBN : 9780981703275 | Publisher : ISCE Publishing, USA
Boundaries for thinking in action (2007-05-16)
Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray
In: Blackmore, Christine and Ison, Raymond eds. Research Skills for Policy and Development: How to Find Out Fast (pp. 47-71)
ISBN : 9781412945646 | Publisher : Sage Publications | Published : London, UK
Traditions of understanding: language, dialogue and experience (2005-05)
Ison, Raymond
In: Keen, M.; Brown, V.A. and Dyball, R. eds. Social learning In environmental management: towards a austainable future (pp. 22-40)
ISBN : 1844071839 | Publisher : Earthscan | Published : London, UK
Systems practice at the United Kingdom's Open University (2001)
Ison, Raymond
In: Wilby, Jennifer and Ragsdell, Gillian eds. Understanding Complexity (pp. 45-54)
ISBN : 306465868 | Publisher : Kluwer Academic
Experience, tradition and service? Institutionalised R&D in the rangelands (2000-08-20)
Ison, Raymond L.
In: Ison, Ray and Russell, David eds. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions (pp. 103-132)
ISBN : 9780521642019 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Technology: transforming grazier experience (2000)
Ison, Raymond L.
In: Ison, Ray and Russell, David eds. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions (pp. 52-76)
ISBN : 9780521642019 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
The research-development relationship in rural communities: an opportunity for contextual science (2000)
Russell, David B. and Ison, Raymond L.
In: Ison, Ray and Russell, David eds. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions (pp. 10-31)
ISBN : 9780521642019 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Enthusiasm: developing critical action for second-order R&D (2000)
Russell, David B. and Ison, Raymond L.
In: Ison, Ray and Russell, David eds. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions (pp. 136-160)
ISBN : 0-521-64201-9 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Designing R&D systems for mutual benefit (2000)
Russell, David B. and Ison, Raymond L.
In: Ison, Ray and Russell, David eds. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions (pp. 208-218)
ISBN : 9780521642019 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
The 'problematique' with respect to industrialised country agricultures (2000)
Hubert, B.; Ison, R. and Röling, N.
In: Cerf, Marianne; Gibbon, David; Hubert, Bernard; Ison, Ray; Jiggins, Janice; Paine, Mark; Proost, Jet and Röling, Niels eds. Cow up a Tree: Knowing and Learning for Change in Agriculture. Case Studies from Industrialised Countries (pp. 13-30)
ISBN : 978-2-7380-0929-6 | Publisher : INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) Editions | Published : Paris
Theoretical frameworks for learning-based approaches to change in industrialised-country agricultures (2000)
Ison, R. L.; High, C.; Blackmore, C. P. and Cerf, M.
In: Cerf, Marianne; Gibbon, David; Hubert, Bernard; Ison, Ray; Jiggins, Janice; Paine, Mark; Proost, Jet and Röling, Niels eds. Cow up a Tree: Knowing and Learning for Change in Agriculture. Case Studies from Industrialised Countries. Science update (pp. 31-54)
ISBN : 978-2-7380-0929-6 | Publisher : INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) Editions | Published : Paris
Supported open learning and the emergence of learning communities. The case of the Open University UK (2000)
Ison, Raymond
In: Miller, Ron ed. Creating Learning Communities. Models, Resources, and New Ways of Thinking about Teaching and Learning,. Foundations of Holistic Education Series (1) (pp. 90-96)
ISBN : 9781885580047 | Publisher : Foundation for Educational Renewal, Inc. | Published : Brandon VT
Soft systems: a non computer view of decision support (1993)
Ison, Raymond
In: Stuth, J. W and Lyons, B. G eds. Decision Support Systems for the Management of Grazing Lands: Emerging Issues. Man and the Biosphere Series (11) (pp. 83-118)
ISBN : 922-3-102-835-9/1-85070-382-5 | Publisher : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO)/Parthenon Publishing Group Limited | Published : Paris, France/Carnforth, U.K.
Problem identification for agronomic research: evaluation of rapid rural appraisal in the Forbes Shire of N.S.W. (1993)
Ampt, P. R. and Ison, R.
In: Delfosse., E.S. ed. Pests of Pastures: weed invertebrate and disease pests of Australian sheep pastures (pp. 404-408)
Publisher : Australian Wool Corporation/CSIRO | Published : Melbourne
The purposes of field-crop ecosystems: social and economic aspects (1992)
Bawden, R. J. and Ison, R. L.
In: Pearson, C. J. ed. Field Crop Ecosystems. Ecosystems of the World (18) (pp. 11-35)
ISBN : 9780444886750 | Publisher : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. | Published : Amsterdam
A research paradigm for systems agriculture. (1985)
Bawden, Richard J.; Ison, Raymond L.; Macadam, Robert D.; Packham, Roger G. and Valentine, Ian
In: Remenyi, J. V. ed. Agricultural systems research for developing countries (pp. 31-42)
ISBN : 0-949511-18-8 | Publisher : ACIAR | Published : Canberra
Pasture legumes and grasses in warm climate regions (1985)
Ison, Raymond and Hopkinson, J.M.
In: Halevy, A.H. ed. A Handbook of Flowering. (pp. 208-252)
ISBN : 9780849339110 | Publisher : CRC Press | Published : Boca Raton, FL.
Acid soils: An example of problem based learning. (1985)
Duff,, C.; Ison, R. L. and Valentine, I.
In: Boud, D. ed. Problem based learning in education for professions (pp. 185-188)
Publisher : HERDSA | Published : Sydney, Australia
Reproductive physiology of Stylosanthes. (1984)
Ison, R. L. and Humphreys, L. R.
In: Stacey, Helen M. and Edye, L. A. eds. The Biology and Agronomy of Stylosanthes (pp. 257-277)
ISBN : 0-12-661680-9 | Publisher : Academic Press | Published : Sydney
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking Out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions (2000)
Ison, Ray and Russell, David eds.
ISBN : 9780521642019 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Systems for Sustainability: People, Organizations and Environments (1997)
Stowell, Frank A.; Ison, Ray L.; Armson, Rosalind; Holloway, Jacky; Jackson, Susan and McRobb, Steve eds.
Proceedings of UKSS Conference
ISBN : 978-1-4899-0267-2 | Publisher : Springer | Published : New York
Beyond employability: a more radical role for Higher Education in developing workplace capabilities (2020)
Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond; Shah, Rupesh and Wilding, Helen
In : Employability Conference 2020 Expanding the narrative for a rapidly changing world (11 Mar 2020, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes)
Systemic 'biodiversity' governing (2019)
Ison, Ray and Straw, Ed
In : ‘Seeds of change: provocations for a new research agenda’, Biodiversity Revisited Symposium Conference Proceedings (11-13 Sep 2019, Vienna, Austria) (pp. 80-83)
Team 3: Exploring the relationship of systems research to systems literacy (2017)
Edson, Mary; Buckle Henning, Pam; Ferris, Tim; Hieronymi, Andreas; Ison, Ray; Metcalf, Gary; Mobus, George; Nguyen, Nam; Rousseau, David; Sankaran, Shankar and Tuddenham, Peter
In : Proceedings of the Eighteenth IFSR Conversation 2016 (3-8 Apr 2016, St Magalena Linz, Austria) (pp. 64-76)
Structural coupling: can ecological economics offer value? (2017)
Ison, Raymond L.
In : 12th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (20-23 Jun 2017, Budapest)
From competence to capability: learning laboratories in postgraduate pedagogy (2017)
Reynolds, M.; Shah, R.; Wedlock, E.; Ison, R. L. and Blackmore, C.
In : 6th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2017: STEM Futures: Supporting Students to Succeed (25-26 Apr 2017, Milton Keynes, UK)
Mediating boundaries between knowledge and knowing: ICT and R4D praxis (2016)
Reichelt, N. T.; Wallis, P. J.; Ison, R. L.; Davies, J.; Carberry, P.; Sparrow, A.; Hall, A. and Maru, Y.
In : 12th European IFSA Symposium (12-16 Jul 2016, Harper Adams University, UK)
Renegotiating boundaries for systemic water governance: some experiences from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in England (2016)
Foster, N.; Blackmore, C. P.; Ison, R. L. and Collins, K. B.
In : 12th European IFSA Symposium - Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways (12-16 Jul 2016, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK)
Relational policy design and enactment: exploring intersections with cybersystemic praxis traditions (2016)
Ison, Ray
In : 10th ECPR General Conference (7-10 Sep 2016, Prague)
Transforming to Sustainable Futures: Learning From 45 Years of Systems Thinking In Practice Pedagogy (2016)
Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray
In : 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) (23-30 Jul 2016, Boulder, Colorado)
Modelling praxis, social learning and systemic governance, Session K26 “Integrated Modelling of the human-nature system co-evolution and the interactions between different components of the human-nature system” (2016)
Ison, R. L.
In : International Geographical Congress (21-25 Aug 2016, Beijing)
Designing and evaluating a conference-based critical social learning system to support systems thinking in practice in PhD research (2015)
Blackmore, C. P.; Sriskandarajah, Nadarajah and Ison, Ray
In : Proc. ISSS Conference (2-7 Aug 2015, Berlin)
Fostering social learning and innovation to transform Australian food security international aid and development programs: insights from moving from theory to practice (2014-05-08)
Stone-Jovicich, Samantha; Butler, James; Carter, Lucy; Cosijn, Michaela; Darbas, Toni; Dixon, John; Hall, Andy; Harris, Claire; Hicks, Joanna; Ison, Ray; Hendrickx, Kris; Kelly, Jennifer; Lankester, Ally; Maru, Yiheyis; Wanjura, Wolf; Wilson, Peter; Wood, Mellissa and Wood, Jim
In : Resilience & Development: Mobilising for Transformation (4-8 May 2014, Montpelier, France)
Towards systemic governance of social-biophysical systems: social learning as collaborative performance (2014)
Ison, Ray; Collins, Kevin; Blackmore, Chris and Lonsdale, Kate
In : Resilience & Development: Mobilising for Transformation (4-8 May 2014, Montpelier, France)
Program projects and learning inquiries: institutional mediation of innovation in research for development (2014)
Ison, R. L.; Carberry, P.; Davies, J.; Hall, A.; McMillan, L.; Maru, Y.; Pengelly, B.; Reichelt, N.; Stirzaker, R.; Wallis, P. J.; Watson, I. and Webb, S.
In : European Farming Systems Research Conference (2-4 Apr 2014, Berlin, Germany)
Cybersystemics, institutional complexity and human co‐evolution (2014)
Ison, Ray
In : 50th Anniversary Conference of the American Society for Cybernetics (3-9 Aug 2014, Washington D.C.)
Systems and design: mutually influencing disciplines and practices? (2014)
Ison, R. L.
In : Proceedings of the 58th Meeting of ISSS ‘Learning Across Boundaries: Exploring the Variety of Systemic Theory and Practice’ (Jul 2014, Washington, D.C)
Environmental cyber-systemic governance and social processes (2014)
Ison, R. L. and Schlindwein, S.
In : WOSC 16th Congress (WOSC 2014) (15-17 Oct 2014, Ibagué, Colombia)
Supporting Water Governance and Climate Change Adaptation Through Systemic Praxis (2013)
Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin
In : 12th Biennial Conference on Communication and Environment, Participation Revisited: Openings and Closures for Deliberations on the Commons, (6-11 Jun 2013, Uppsala, Sweden) (pp. 107-117)
Social learning for the integrated managing of Australian river catchments (2013)
Wallis, P. and Ison, R. L.
In : 16th International River Symposium (23-23 Sep 2013, Brisbane)
Learning from food security interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa: development of evidence-based propositions to improve practice (2013)
Rodriguez, Luis; Walker, Daniel H.; Maru, Yiheyis T.; Ison, Ray; Wanjura, Wolf; Kershaw, Ian and Dixon, John
In : First International Conference on Global Food Security (29 Sep - 2 Oct 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands)
Improving approaches, design and implementation of research for better food security impact: insights and lessons from thought leaders (2013)
Maru, Yiheyis T.; Wanjura, Wolf; Banerjee, Onil; Ison, Ray and Butler, James
In : First International Conference on Global Food Security (29 Sep - 2 Oct 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands)
A ‘learning system design’ for more effective agricultural research for development (2012)
Ison, R. L.; Bruce, C.; Carberry, P. S.; Maru, Y.; McMillan, L.; Pengelly, B. C; Sparrow, A.; Stirzaker, R. and Wallis, P. J.
In : 10th European IFSA Symposium (01-04 Jul 2012, Aarhus, Denmark)
Designing and developing a reflexive learning system for managing systemic change in a climate-change world based on cyber-systemic understandings (2012)
Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Chris
In : European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2012) (09-13 Apr 2012, Vienna)
Damning dams in Australia: dams as structurally-coupled social-biophysical systems (2012)
Godden, Lee; Ison, Raymond and Wallis, Phil
In : Tapping the Turn Conference (15-16 Nov 2012, Canberra)
Institutionalising social learning: towards systemic and adaptive governance (2012)
Ison, Raymond; Wallis, Phil and Collins, Kevin
In : Sustainable Hyderabad – Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer Kolloquium 2012 on “Crafting or Designing? Intended Institutional Change for Social-Ecological Systems”, (8-9 Jun 2012, Berlin)
Social learning systems for collective action: a critical review of cases from UK, South Africa, China and Australia using social learning systems (2012)
Blackmore, C.; Collins, K.; Ison, R.; Colvin, J. and Wallis, P.
In : Planet Under Pressure 2012 (25-29 Mar 2012, London, UK)
Paradigm shift towards systemic and adaptive governance: praxis relevant to a structurally-coupled social-biophysical system? (2012)
Ison, Raymond
In : American Society of Cybernetics (ASC)/ Bateson Idea Group BIG Conference, ‘An Ecology of Ideas’, (04-06 Jul 2012, Asilomar, California)
Understandings and practices for a complex, coevolutionary systems approach (2008)
Ison, Ray
In : Proc. International Symposium: Selected Topics on Complex Systems engineering applied to Sustainable Animal Production. (29-31 Oct 2008, Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Morelia, in Morelia Michoacán, Mexico)
Public policy that does the right thing rather than the wrong thing righter (2008)
Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin
In : Analysing Collaborative and Deliberative Forms of Governance (14 Nov 2008, The Australia National University, Canberra, Australia)
Reprising “wicked problems”: social learning, climate change adaptation and the sustainable management of water (2008)
Ison, Raymond
In : Proc. 2008 ANZSYS (Australia NZ Systems Society) Conference (1-2 Dec 2008, Perth)
History repeats itself: current traps in complexity practice from a systems perspective (2006-12)
Ison, Raymond and Schlindwein, Sandro Luis
In : 12th Australia New Zealand Systems Society (ANZSYS) Conference 'Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital' (3-6 Dec 2006, Katoomba, NSW Australia)
Dare we jump off Arnstein's ladder? Social learning as a new policy paradigm (2006-06)
Collins, Kevin and Ison, Raymond
In : Proceedings of PATH (Participatory Approaches in Science & Technology) Conference (4-7 Jun 2006, Edinburgh)
Learning to start systemically in environmental decision making (2006)
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Collins, Kevin
In : 7th European IFSA Symposium (7-11 May 2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
Learning participation as systems practice (2003-04)
Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Armson, Rosalind
In : International Workshop on Teaching and Learning Participation in Higher Education (2-4 Apr 2003, Brighton, UK)
Some reflections on a knowledge transfer strategy: a systemic inquiry (2002)
Ison, R. L.
In : Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension, 5th IFSA European Symposium (Apr 2002, Florence, Italy)
Systems practice and the design of learning systems: orchestrating an ecological conversation (2002)
Ison, Ray L.
In : Agriculture and ecosystems management (Proceedings of OECD workshop, 2002) (11-16 Nov 2002)
If you're a fish, what can you know about the water? (2001)
Armson, Rosalind and Ison, Ray
In : American Society for Cybernetics 2001 Conference (27 May - 29 May 2001, Vancouver, Canada)
Systems approaches to managing sustainable development: experiences from developing supported open-learning. (2000-11)
Ison, R. L.
In : 16th Symposium of the International Farming Systems Association and 4th Latin American Farming Systems Research & Extension Symposium (27-29 Nov 2000, Centro de Extension Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile)
Supported open learning for rural development: some experiences from the Open University, UK (1998)
Ison, Ray
In : Proc. Seminar on The role of distance education and open learning for rural development in the Greater Mekong sub-region and South East Asia (1998, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University & UNESCO, Thailand)
The future challenge: the search for system. (1998)
Ison, Raymond
In : Proc. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference (1998, Wagga Wagga, NSW)
Designing learning systems: How can systems approaches be applied in the training of research workers and development actors? (1994)
Ison, Raymond
In : Proceedings International Symposium on Systems-oriented Research in Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 2. Lectures and Debates. (1994, Montpellier) (pp. 369-394)
Revealing and concealing metaphors for a systemic agriculture. (1994)
McClintock, D. and Ison, R. L.
In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Systems-Oriented Research in Agriculture and Rural Development (1994, Montpellier) (pp. 212-216)
Participative Ecodesign: A New Paradigm for Professional Practice (1993)
Ison, R.
In : Epidemiology Chapter, Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference (1993, Cobar, Australia) (pp. 41-50)
The research-development relationship in rangelands: an opportunity for contextual science. (1993)
Russell, D. B. and Ison, R. L.
In : Proc. IVth International Rangeland Congress, Montpellier, Vol. 3 (1991) (pp. 1047-1054)
Pastoralist patterns of understanding of vegetation in the semi-arid rangelands of New South Wales. (1993)
Kersten, S. M. M. and Ison, R.
In : Proc. XVII International Grassland Congress, Palmerston North & Rockhampton Vol 1 (1993) (pp. 641-643)
Improving herbage seed industry productivity and stability through action research. (1989)
Ison, Raymond; Potts, W. H. C. and Beale, G.
In : XVI International Grassland Congress (1989, Nice) (pp. 685-686)
Rapid rural appraisal for the identification of grassland research problems. (1989)
Ampt, P. R. and Ison, R. L.
In : XVI International Grassland Congress (4-11 Oct 1989, Nice) (pp. 1291-1292)
Systems Thinking at the Open University: 50-year celebration (OU Systems @50) (2021)
Ison, Ray
The Open University, Milton Keynes.
John Beishon Memorial Lectures: Summary Overview (2021)
The Open University ASTIP (Applied Systems Thinking in Practice), and Ison, Raymond
The Open University
Opportunities for improving NRM governance in Victoria (2020)
Mackay, Moragh; Colliver, Ross; Wallis, Phillip J.; Ison, Ray; Davidson, Seanna and Allan, Catherine
Institute for Land,Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, NSW
Partnerships for action in river catchment governance. A case study in the Irwell, UK. (2018)
Foster, Natalie; Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Collins, Kevin
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Duality, dualism, duelling and Brexit (2018)
Ison, Ray and Straw, Ed
Open Democracy, March 1st
Water governance in the UK and EU: So far, so what and what next? Symposium Report. 16th September 2015, Royal Society, London. (2015-09-16)
Foster, Natalie; Collins, Kevin; Ison, Raymond and Blackmore, Chris
The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Transitioning to Water Sensitive Cities: A summary of the key findings, issues and actions arising from five national capacity building and leadership workshops (2009)
Ison, Ray; Collins, Kevin; Bos, Annette and Iaquinto, Ben
NUWGP/IWC, Monash University, Clayton.
Water Politics: New Plan - Same Old Thinking (2007-02-07)
Ison, Ray
New Matilda, Surry Hills, Australia.
River basin planning project: social learning (Science Report SC050037/SR1) (2005-09-01)
Collins, Kevin; Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Chris
Environment Agency, Bristol, UK.
LEARNing in European Agricultural and Rural Networks: institutions, networks and governance. Final Report. Contract no. HPSE-CT-2002-60059 (2005)
Hubert, Bernard; Avelange, Isabelle; Proost, M. D. C.; Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Chris
INRA France
The SLIM (Social learning for the integrated management and sustainable use of water at catchment scale) Final Report (2004-08)
Ison, R.L.; Steyaert, P.; Roggero, P.P.; Hubert, B. and Jiggins, J.
The SLIM Project supported by the European Commission
A Critical Review of Rural Extension Theory and Practice. (1989)
Russell, David B.; Ison, Raymond L.; Gamble, Dennis R. and Williams, Ruth K.
University of Western Sydney, Richmond, NSW.