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Dr Louise Thomas

Photo of Louise Thomas in Iceland

Profile summary

Professional biography

After 7 years of Research Managment at the Open University, including being the Finance Project Manager for Europlanet 2020 RI, I am currently the Senior Manager for AstrobiologyOU.

I have a PhD in Geochemistry from the Open University - Uranium Series isotopes and Geochemistry from lavas from Lanzarote and Tenerife 1998.

Following my PhD I undertook postdoctoral research into large scale volcanic eruptions in Toba and Iceland and 10 years experience in Laboratory Management.


Research interests

My academic career included lab management of the NERC Uranium Facility and research into timescales of magma genesis in Iceland, Canaries and Sumatra.

External collaborations

Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure


Uranium-thorium dating potential of the marine bivalve Lithophaga lithophaga (2015-10)
Rowe, P. J.; Turner, Jenni; Andrews, Julian; Leeder, M. R.; van Calsteren, Peter and Thomas, Louise
Quaternary Geochronology, 30(Part A) (pp. 80-89)

Quantitation of protactinium, 231Pa in abyssal carbonate (2012-04)
van Calsteren, Peter and Thomas, Louise
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(6) (pp. 952-956)

Processes and timescales of Magma Genesis and differentiation leading to the Great Tambora Eruption in 1815 (2012-02)
Gertisser, Ralf; Self, Stephen; Thomas, Louise E.; Handley, Heather K.; Van Calsteren, Peter and wolff, John A.
Journal of Petrology, 53(2) (pp. 271-297)

North Atlantic forcing of Amazonian precipitation during the last ice age (2012)
Mosblech, Nicole A.S.; Bush, Mark B.; Gosling, William D.; Hodell, David; Thomas, Louise; van Calsteren, Peter; Correa-Metrio, Alexander; Valencia, Bryan G.; Curtis, Jason and van Woesik, Robert
Nature Geoscience, 5 (pp. 817-820)

A discovery of possible upper palaeolithic parietal art in Cathole Cave, Gower Peninsula, South Wales (2012)
Nash, George H.; van Calsteren, Peter; Thomas, Louise and Simms, Michael J.
Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, 25(3) (pp. 327-336)

Marks of sanctity? Discovery of rock art on the Gower Peninsula, South Wales (2011-07)
Nash, George; van Calsteren, Peter and Thomas, Louise
Time & Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness & Culture, 4(2) (pp. 149-154)

Testing rival tectonic uplift models for the Lechaion Gulf in the Gulf of Corinth rift (2010-12)
Turner, J. A.; Leeder, M. R.; Andrews, J. E.; Rowe, P. J.; van Calsteren, P. and Thomas, L.
Journal of the Geological Society, 167(6) (pp. 1237-1249)

Quaternary tufa deposition in the Naukluft Mountains, Namibia (2010-12)
Stone, Abigail E. C.; Viles, Heather A.; Thomas, Louise and van Calsteren, Peter
Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(8) (pp. 1360-1372)

Pleistocene ice caps on the coastal mountains of the Adriatic Sea. (2010-12)
Hughes, P. D.; Woodward, J. C.; van Calsteren, P. C.; Thomas, L. E. and Adamson, K. R.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(27-28) (pp. 3690-3708)

Decadal-scale rainfall variability in Ethiopia recorded in an annually laminated, Holocene-age, stalagmite (2010-09)
Baker, Andy; Asrat, Asfawossen; Fairchild, Ian J.; Leng, Melanie J.; Thomas, Louise; Widmann, Martin; Jex, Catherine N.; Dong, Buwen; van Calsteren, Peter and Bryant, Charlotte
The Holocene, 20(6) (pp. 827-836)

Speleothem record of the last 180 ka in Villars cave (SW France): investigation of a large δ18O shift between MIS-6 and MIS-5 (2010-01)
Wainer, K.; Genty, D.; Blamart, D.; Daëron, M.; Bar-Matthews, M.; Vonhof, H.; Dublyansky, Y.; Pons-Branchu, E.; Thomas, L.; van Calsteren, P.; Quinif, Yves and Caillon, N.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(1-2) (pp. 130-146)

Calibration of Speleothem ?18O with instrumental climate records from Turkey (2010)
Jex, N. Catherine; Baker, Andy; Fairchild, Ian J.; Eastwood, Warren J.; Leng, Melanie J.; Sloane, Hilary J.; Thomas, Louise and Bekaro?lu, Erdem
Global and Planetary Change, 71(3-4) (pp. 207-217)

The scale and origin of the osmium isotope variations in mid-ocean ridge basalts (2007-07)
Gannoun, A.; Burton, K.W.; Parkinson, I.J.; Alard, O.; Schiano, P. and Thomas, L.E.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259(3-4) (pp. 541-556)

Bimodal volcanism at the Katla subglacial caldera, Iceland: insight into the geochemistry and petrogenesis of rhyolitic magmas (2006-02)
Lacasse, C.; Sigurdsson, H.; Carey, S. N.; Johannesson, H.; Thomas, L. E. and Rogers, N. W.
Bulletin of Volcanology, 69(4) (pp. 373-399)

Determination of thorium and uranium isotope ratios in low-concentration geological materials using a fixed multi-collector-ICP-MS (2001)
Turner, Simon; van Calsteren, Peter; Vigier, Nathalie and Thomas, Louise
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 16 (pp. 612-615)

A discovery of possible Upper Palaeolithic Parietal art in Cathole Cave, Gower Peninsula, South Wales (2018)
Nash, George; van Calsteren, Peter; Thomas, Louise and Simms, Michael
In: Nash, George and Manzel, Aron eds. Narratives and Journeys in Rock Art: A Reader (pp. 459-468)
ISBN : 978-1-78491-561-2 | Publisher : Archaeopress

U-series data of recent volcanism at an Axial Volcanic Ridge (2010)
van Calsteren, P. W. and Thomas, L. E.
In : 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU (13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA, US)

U-series dating of pillow rim glass from recent volcanism at an Axial Volcanic Ridge (2010)
Thomas, L. E. and van Calsteren, P. W.
In : 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU (13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA, US)