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Dr Katja Rietdorf

Profile summary

Professional biography

I am a cell physiologist specialising in calcium signalling and the regulation of calcium channels. My PhD was obtained in the laboratory of Bernd Walz at the University of Potsdam in Germany on the topic of ‘Signalling Pathways that Stimulate Protein and Fluid Secretion in Cockroach Salivary Glands’. This was followed by studying IP3 receptor-interacting proteins in Martin Bootman and Mike Berridge’s laboratory at The Babraham Institute in Cambridge, and the characterisation of two-pore channels (TPCs) as endolysosomal calcium channels activated by the second messenger NAADP in Antony Galione’s laboratory at Oxford University. Subsequently I joined the laboratory of Michael Sanderson at UMASS Medical School in Worcester, MA, USA and started working on a special type of cardiac cells called pulmonary vein sleeve cells (PVCs). From UMASS I moved to The Open University, first as a Research Fellow, before I became a Lecturer in Biology in 2016.

Research interests

My research focusses on the role of calcium signalling in health and disease, especially in cardiac cells. Much of my work has focussed on the regulation of intracellular calcium release channels, namely IP3 receptors and ryanodine receptors localised on the endo- or sarcoplasmic reticulum, and two-pore channels (TPCs) on endosomes and lysosomes. All the projects are done in close collaboration with Martin Bootman.

Over the past years, we have worked on a pro-arrhythmic type of cardiac myocyte that is located in the pulmonary vein, called pulmonary vein sleeve cells (PVCs). The spontaneous activity of these cells is one of the main causes of atrial fibrillation, the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia. In one of our projects, we are characterising the structural and functional changes that occur in PVCs during ageing.

Based on my interest in endolysosomal ion channels, especially TPCs, and the fact that recent work provided evidence that the activity of TPCs can modulate the function of cardiac myocytes, we are studying how lysosomal ion channels contribute to the function of healthy cardiac myocytes.

Patients suffering from a lysosomal storage disorder called CLN3 develop cardiac dysfunction during their disease progression. CLN3 belongs to a group of lysosomal storage disorders called Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLs). To study what causes the decline in the cardiac function observed in CLN3 patients, we are comparing the structure and function of iPSC-derived cardiac myocytes using cells from patients with and without mutations in the CLN3 gene.

Other projects in the laboratory study the role of calcium in autophagy, and mechanisms of vascular calcification caused by calcium-phosphate particles.

Teaching interests

MRP Chair and module team member for S294: Cell Biology

Module team member for the production of S290: Humans as a model for investigating health

External collaborations

Dr Katharine Dibb, Manchester University (Studying the structure and function of PVCs)

Dr Emyr Lloyd-Evans, Cardiff University (Lysosomal calcium channels and NCLs)

Externally funded projects

Optimising a novel co-culture system to study cardiomyocyte-epicardial adipocyte interactions
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Feb 201831 Jan 2019The Biochemical Society

‘The Biochemical Society’s Eric Reid Fund for methodological development. The grant is to optimise development of a functional coculture of adipocytes and cardiomyocytes.’

Altered calcium homeostasis in Crohn's Disease
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Oct 201530 Sep 2019Fraser McDonald;MRC Human Nutrition Research (MRC HNR)

This is a collaborative project with the MRC Human Nutrition Research Unit in Cambridge. They have a long-standing interest in understanding how peptidoglycans released by bacteria in the gut lead to dampening of immune responses. The current hypothesis suggests that the peptidoglycans are transported across the gut wall through specialized uptake cells because they are encased in a calcium-phosphate matrix. Following their transport across the gut wall, the peptidoglycan/calcium-phosphate nanoparticles are endocytosed by white blood cells that consequently express a death receptor ligand. This study will investigate the role of the mineral component of the peptidoglycan/calcium-phosphate nanoparticles, and examine whether Crohn's patients have a different response to normal, in that they cannot process the calcium deposit and it leads to abnormal cell function.

Altered Calcium Homeostasis In Crohn's Disease
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Oct 201531 Jul 2021Fraser McDonald

This is a collaborative project with the MRC Human Nutrition Research Unit in Cambridge. They have a long-standing interest in understanding how peptidoglycans released by bacteria in the gut lead to dampening of immune responses. The current hypothesis suggests that the peptidoglycans are transported across the gut wall through specialized uptake cells because they are encased in a calcium-phosphate matrix. Following their transport across the gut wall, the peptidoglycan/calcium-phosphate nanoparticles are endocytosed by white blood cells that consequently express a death receptor ligand. This study will investigate the role of the mineral component of the peptidoglycan/calcium-phosphate nanoparticles, and examine whether Crohn's patients have a different response to normal, in that they cannot process the calcium deposit and it leads to abnormal cell function. (This record is supplementary to AMS record 171480 which covers the original studentship. Due to the withdrawal of a second student, we are recruiting a third - Fraser McDonald has agreed to fund the 1 year stipend shortfall at £14,553).

Mechanisms of nanoparticle toxicity
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Oct 201531 Jul 2019Midatech Ltd

This is a matched funded PhD student project between LHCS and Midatech. This project will discover why certain nanoparticles are selectively toxic to different cell types.

Characterising The Response Of Foamy Alveolar Macrophages To Inhaled Drug Particulates - Phase II
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator16 Jan 201515 Jan 2018NC3Rs (National Centre for the Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research)

Lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affect the lives of millions of people in the UK. Whilst the number of patients diagnosed with lung disease increases each year, the treatments available have changed very little over the past 30 years, despite large investment from pharmaceutical companies for the development of new treatments. One of the main reasons that many new medicines have not reached the market is the limited understanding of how the immune system in the lungs responds to the inhalation of therapeutic drug powders. Additionally, current methods used to test the safety of new inhaled medicines, rely on animal models which may not accurately predict safety in humans. Regulatory bodies are therefore unable to approve new medicines that appear to sensitise the immune system in animal models, despite not knowing fully if these observations are adverse in human patients. This project aims to better characterise inflammatory responses in the lung to inhaled medicines. Commercially available cell based models of the lung will be used, and imaging, biological and analytical tools will be employed to determine the reactions to inhaled medicines. The ultimate goal will be to use non-animal methods to provide an in depth understanding of the immune responses in the lung to reduce the numbers of animal experiments required to achieve an accurate prediction of the safety of new inhaled medicines in humans.


Improving the Encapsulation of Ferritin‐Like Nanoparticles Within Polymeric Nanofibers Using a New Electrospinning Set‐Up and Its Effect Upon Iron Release Properties (2025)
Anderson, Lewis R.; Hancox, Charlotte C.; Collinson, Simon R.; Rietdorf, Katja; Taylor, Peter G and Chatterton, Nicholas P.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering ((Early access))

Autophagy and cancer drug resistance in dialogue: Pre-clinical and clinical evidence (2023-07-28)
Qin, Yi; Ashrafizadeh, Milad; Mongiardini, Vera; Grimaldi, Benedetto; Crea, Francesco; Rietdorf, Katja; Győrffy, Balázs; Klionsky, Daniel J; Ren, Jun; Zhang, Wei and Zhang, Xianbin
Cancer letters, 570, Article 216307

Cardiac pathology in neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL): More than a mere co-morbidity (2020)
Rietdorf, Katja; Coode, Emily E.; Schulz, Angela; Wibbeler, Eva; Bootman, Martin D. and Ostergaard, John R.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1866, Article 165643(9)

Examining Cardiomyocyte Dysfunction Using Acute Chemical Induction of an Ageing Phenotype (2020)
Masoud, Said; McDonald, Fraser; Bister, Dirk; Kotecki, Claire; Bootman, Martin D. and Rietdorf, Katja
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, Article 197(1)

T-type calcium channels drive the proliferation of androgen-receptor negative prostate cancer cells (2019-09-15)
Silvestri, Roberto; Pucci, Perla; Venalainen, Erik; Matheou, Chrysanthi; Mather, Rebecca; Chandler, Stephen; Aceto, Romina; Rigas, Sushila; Wang, Yuzhuo; Rietdorf, Katja; Bootman, Martin and Crea, Francesco
The Prostate, 79(13) (pp. 1580-1586)

Constitutive IP3 signaling underlies the sensitivity of B-cell cancers to the Bcl-2/IP3 receptor disruptor BIRD-2 (2019-03-31)
Bittremieux, Mart; La Rovere, Rita M.; Akl, Haidar; Martines, Claudio; Welkenhuyzen, Kirsten; Dubron, Kathia; Baes, Myriam; Janssens, Ann; Vandenberghe, Peter; Laurenti, Luca; Rietdorf, Katja; Morciano, Giampaolo; Pinton, Paolo; Mikoshiba, Katsuhiko; Bootman, Martin D.; Efremov, Dimitar G.; De Smedt, Humbert; Parys, Jan B. and Bultynck, Geert
Cell Death & Differentiation, 26 (pp. 531-547)

Deleterious effects of calcium indicators within cells; an inconvenient truth (2018-07)
Bootman, Martin D.; Allman, Sarah; Rietdorf, Katja and Bultynck, Geert
Cell Calcium, 73 (pp. 82-87)

The regulation of autophagy by calcium signals: Do we have a consensus? (2018-03)
Bootman, Martin D.; Chehab, Tala; Bultynck, Geert; Parys, Jan B. and Rietdorf, Katja
Cell Calcium, 70 (pp. 32-46)

Investigating interactions between epicardial adipose tissue and cardiac myocytes: what can we learn from different approaches? (2017-10)
Rietdorf, Katja and MacQueen, Hilary
British Journal of Pharmacology, 174(20) (pp. 3542-3560)

The vascular Ca2+-sensing receptor regulates blood vessel tone and blood pressure (2016-02-01)
Schepelmann, M.; Yarova, P. L.; Lopez-Fernandez, I.; Davies, T. S.; Brennan, S. C.; Edwards, P. J.; Aggarwal, A.; Graça, J.; Rietdorf, K.; Matchkov, V.; Fenton, R. A.; Chang, W.; Krssak, M.; Stewart, A.; Broadley, K. J.; Ward, D. T.; Price, S. A..; Edwards, D. H.; Kemp, P. J. and Riccardi, D.
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 310(3) (C193-C204)

Zinc-imidazolate polymers (ZIPs) as a potential carrier to brain capillary endothelial cells (2015-10-26)
Chiacchia, M.; Cerutti, C.; Gromnicova, R.; Rietdorf, K.; Romero, I.A. and Bradshaw, D.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3(46) (pp. 9053-9059)

Unifying principles of calcium wave propagation — Insights from a three-dimensional model for atrial myocytes (2015-09)
Thul, R.; Rietdorf, K.; Bootman, M. D. and Coombes, S.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1853(9) (pp. 2131-2143)

Calcium-sensing receptor antagonists abrogate airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in allergic asthma (2015-04-22)
Yarova, Polina L.; Stewart, Alecia L.; Sathish, Venkatachalem; Britt, Rodney D.; Thompson, Michael A.; Lowe, Alexander P. P.; Freeman, Michelle; Aravamudan, Bharathi; Kita, Hirohito; Brennan, Sarah C.; Schepelmann, Martin; Davies, Thomas; Yung, Sun; Cholisoh, Zakky; Kidd, Emma J.; Ford, William R.; Broadley, Kenneth J.; Rietdorf, Katja; Chang, Wenhan; Bin Khayat, Mohd E.; Ward, Donald T.; Corrigan, Christopher J.; T. Ward, Jeremy P.; Kemp, Paul J.; Pabelick, Christina M.; Prakash, Y. S. and Riccardi, Daniela
Science Translational Medicine, 7(284) (284ra60)

Pulmonary vein sleeve cell excitation–contraction-coupling becomes dysynchronized by spontaneous calcium transients (2015)
Rietdorf, Katja; Masoud, Said; McDonald, Fraser; Sanderson, Michael J. and Bootman, Martin D.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 43(3) (pp. 410-416)

Atrial myocytes demonstrate the diversity of cardiac calcium signalling (2015)
Bootman, Martin D. and Rietdorf, Katja
Channels, 9(5) (pp. 219-220)

Reconstituted human TPC1 is a proton-permeable ion channel and is activated by NAADP or Ca2+ (2014-05-20)
Pitt, Samantha J.; Lam, Andy K. M.; Rietdorf, Katja; Galione, Antony and Sitsapesan, Rebecca
Science Signaling, 7, Article ra46(326)

Spontaneous, pro-arrhythmic calcium signals disrupt electrical pacing in mouse pulmonary vein sleeve cells (2014)
Rietdorf, Katja; Bootman, Martin and Sanderson, Michael J.
PLoS ONE, 9, Article e88649(2)

Loading fluorescent Ca2+ indicators into living cells (2013-02)
Bootman, Martin D.; Rietdorf, Katja; Collins, Tony; Walker, Simon and Sanderson, Michael
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2013, Article pdb.prot072801(2)

Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dyes and intracellular Ca2+ imaging (2013-02)
Bootman, Martin D.; Rietdorf, Katja; Collins, Tony; Walker, Simon and Sanderson, Michael
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2013, Article pdb.top066050(2)

Converting fluorescence data into Ca2+ concentration (2013)
Bootman, Martin D.; Rietdorf, Katja; Collins, Tony; Walker, Simon and Sanderson, Michael
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2013(2) (pp. 126-129)

Loss of activity mutations in phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) abolishes calcium oscillatory ability of human recombinant protein in mouse oocytes (2011-12)
Kashir, Junaid; Jones, Celine; Lee, Hoi Chang; Rietdorf, Katja; Nikiforaki, Dimitra; Durrans, Claire; Ruas, Margarida; Tee, Sze Tian; Heindryckx, Bjorn; Galione, Antony; De Sutter, Petra; Fissore, Rafael A.; Parrington, John and Coward, Kevin
Human Reproduction, 26(12) (pp. 3372-87)

Two-pore channels form homo- and heterodimers (2011-10-28)
Rietdorf, Katja; Funnell, Tim M.; Ruas, Margarida; Heinemann, Jennifer; Parrington, John and Galione, Antony
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(43) (pp. 37058-37062)

TPC2 is a novel NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ release channel, operating as a dual sensor of luminal pH and Ca2+ (2010-11-05)
Pitt, Samantha J.; Funnell, Tim M.; Sitsapesan, Mano; Venturi, Elisa; Rietdorf, Katja; Ruas, Margarida; Ganesan, A.; Gosain, Rajendra; Churchill, Grant C.; Zhu, Michael X.; Parrington, John; Galione, Antony and Sitsapesan, Rebecca
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(45) (pp. 35039-46)

Purified TPC isoforms form NAADP receptors with distinct roles for Ca2+ signaling and endolysosomal trafficking (2010-04-27)
Ruas, Margarida; Rietdorf, Katja; Arredouani, Abdelilah; Davis, Lianne C; Lloyd-Evans, Emyr; Koegel, Heidi; Funnell, Timothy M; Morgan, Anthony J; Ward, John A; Watanabe, Keiko; Cheng, Xiaotong; Churchill, Grant C; Zhu, Michael X; Platt, Frances M; Wessel, Gary M; Parrington, John and Galione, Antony
Current Biology, 20(8) (pp. 703-709)

NAADP mobilizes calcium from acidic organelles through two-pore channels (2009-05-28)
Calcraft, Peter J.; Ruas, Margarida; Pan, Zui; Cheng, Xiaotong; Arredouani, Abdelilah; Hao, Xuemei; Tang, Jisen; Rietdorf, Katja; Teboul, Lydia; Chuang, Kai-Ting; Lin, Peihui; Xiao, Rui; Wang, Chunbo; Zhu, Yingmin; Lin, Yakang; Wyatt, Christopher N.; Parrington, John; Ma, Jianjie; Evans, A. Mark; Galione, Antony and Zhu, Michael X.
Nature, 459(7246) (pp. 596-600)

Phosphorylation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors by protein kinase B/Akt inhibits Ca2+ release and apoptosis (2008-02-19)
Szado, Tania; Vanderheyden, Veerle; Parys, Jan B.; De Smedt, Humbert; Rietdorf, Katja; Kotelevets, Larissa; Chastre, Eric; Khan, Farid; Landegren, Ulf; Söderberg, Ola; Bootman, Martin D. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(7) (pp. 2427-2432)

Regulation of InsP3 receptor activity by neuronal Ca2+-binding proteins (2004-01-28)
Kasri, Nael Nadif; Holmes, Anthony M.; Bultynck, Geert; Parys, Jan B.; Bootman, Martin; Rietdorf, Katja; Missiaen, Ludwig; McDonald, Fraser; De Smedt, Humbert; Conway, Stuart J.; Holmes, Andrew B.; Berridge, Michael J. and Roderick, H. Llewelyn
The EMBO Journal, 23(2) (pp. 312-21)

Tissue Specificity: Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry in Cardiac Myocytes (2017)
Bootman, Martin D. and Rietdorf, Katja
In: Groschner, K.; Graier, W. and Romanin, C. eds. Store-Operated Ca²⁺ Entry (SOCE) Pathways. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (pp. 363-387)
ISBN : 978-3-319-57732-6 | Publisher : Springer

Broken Hearts in Juvenile Dementia: investigating cardiac myocytes in CLN3 disease (2019)
Coode, Emily; McDonald, Fraser; Bister, Dirk; Bootman, Martin and Rietdorf, Katja
In : Gordon Conference on Lysosomal Diseases (3-8 Mar 2019, Galveston, Texas)

Ultrastructural changes in hearts from CLN3 mice (2019)
Rietdorf, K.; Coode, E.; McDonald, F.; Bister, D.; Cooper, J.D. and Bootman, M.
In : Gordon Conference on Lysosomal Diseases (3-8 Mar 2019, Galveston, Texas)

Broken Hearts in Juvenile Dementia: investigating cardiac myocytes in CLN3 disease (2018-09)
Rietdorf, Katja; Coode, Emily; MacDonald, Fraser; Bister, Dirk and Bootman, Martin
In : International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (9-13 Sep 2018, Hamburg, Germany)

Broken Hearts in Juvenile Dementia: investigating cardiac myocytes in CLN3 disease (2018-09)
Rietdorf, Katja; Coode, Emily; MacDonald, Fraser; Bister, Dirk and Bootman, Martin
In : NCL 2018 (12-16 Sep 2018, London. UK)

Automatic Hotspots Detection for Intracellular Calcium Analysis in Fluorescence Microscopic Videos (2017)
Traore, David; Rietdorf, Katja; Al-Jawad, Naseer and Al-Assam, Hisham
In : Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (Jun 2017) (pp. 862-873)

How does fat cause heart diseases? Effects of epicardial adipocytes on cardiomyocyte signalling and contractility (2016-09)
Masoud, Said; Bootman, Martin D.; McDonald, Fraser; MacQueen, Hilary and Rietdorf, Katja
In : 14th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (25-29 Sep 2016, Valladolid, Spain)

Can we use chemical-induction of ageing to develop a model of cardiac ageing? (2016-09)
Masoud, Said; Bootman, Martin D.; McDonald, Fraser and Rietdorf, Katja
In : 14th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (25-29 Sep 2016, Valladolid, Spain)

Calcium phosphate crystals found in atherosclerotic plaques induce cytotoxic effects via loss of cellular calcium homeostasis. (2016-09)
Sharma, Kumar; Rietdorf, Katja; Proudfoot, Diane; McDonald, Fraser and Bootman, Martin D.
In : 14th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (25-29 Sep 2016, Valladolid, Spain)

Mibefradil; a T-type calcium channel blocker as a potential anti-cancer agent. (2016-09)
Matheou, Chrysanthi; Chandler, Stephen; Crea, Francesco; Faria, Nuno; Powell, Jonathan; McDonald, Fraser; Rietdorf, Katja and Bootman, Martin D.
In : 14th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (25-29 Sep 2016, Valladolid, Spain)

The sources and characteristics of calcium signals determine whether autophagy is up- or downregulated. (2016-09)
Chehab, Tala; Rietdorf, Katja; Parys, Jan B.; Bultynck, Geert and Bootman, Martin D.
In : 14th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (25-29 Sep 2016, Valladolid, Spain)

Chemically inducing ageing in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (2016-03)
Masoud, Said; Bootman, Martin; McDonald, Fraser and Rietdorf, Katja
In : Evolution brings Ca2+ and ATP together to control life and death (16-17 Mar 2016, Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell)

How cells outside the heart can affect the heart beat: The role of pulmonary vein sleeve cells for the development of atrial fibrillation (2016-03)
Rietdorf, Katja; Masoud, Said; McDonald, Fraser and Bootman, Martin
In : Evolution brings Ca2+ and ATP together to control life and death (16-17 Mar 2016, Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell)

Intracellular calcium: a dual role in autophagy (2016)
Chehab, Tala; Rietdorf, Katja; Parys, Jan B.; Bultynck, Geert and Bootman, Martin
In : Evolution brings Ca2+ and ATP together to control life and death (16-17 Mar 2016, Chichley Hall, Newport Pagnell)

Calcium phosphate crystals observed during atherosclerosis have a cytotoxic effect that results in loss of calcium homeostasis (2016)
Sharma, Kumar; Rietdorf, Katja; Proudfoot, Diane; McDonald, Fraser and Bootman, Martin
In : Evolution brings Ca2+ and ATP together to control life and death (16-17 Mar 2016, Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell)

Interactions between epicardial adipose tissue and cardiomyocytes: results from a 3D co-culture system (2015-12-17)
Rietdorf, Katja and MacQueen, Hilary
In : Pharmacology 2015 (British Pharmacological Society) (15-17 Dec 2015, London)

How does fat cause heart diseases? Effects of epicardial adipocytes on cardiomyocyte signalling and contractility (2015)
Rietdorf, Katja; MacQueen, Hilary and Bootman, Martin
In : Physiology 2015 (6-8 Jul 2015, Cardiff)

Ageing-induced ultrastructural changes of mitochondria of pulmonary vein sleeve cells (2015)
Masoud, Said; McDonald, Fraser; Bootman, Martin and Rietdorf, Katja
In : Physiology 2015 (6-8 Jul 2015, Cardiff)

Inhibition of calcium release from InsP3Rs triggers autophagy (2015)
Chehab, Tala; Rietdorf, Katja; Parys, Jan; Bultynck, Geert and Bootman, Martin
In : Physiology 2015 (6-8 Jul 2015, Cardiff)

Effect of calcium-phosphate crystals on intracellular calcium homeostasis and viability of smooth muscle cell (2015)
Sharma, G.; Rietdorf, K.; Proudfoot, D.; McDonald, F. and Bootman, M.
In : Physiology 2015 (6-8 Jul 2015, Cardiff, UK)

Intracellular calcium has a dual role in the regulation of autophagy (2015)
Chehab, Tala; Rietdorf, Katja; Parys, Jan B.; Bultynck, Geert and Bootman, Martin
In : 6th ECS Workshop: Calcium and Cell Fate (21-24 Jun 2015, Seillac, France)

How cells outside the heart can affect the heart beat: The role of pulmonary vein sleeve cells for the development of atrial fibrillation (2015)
Rietdorf, Katja; Masoud, Said; McDonald, Fraser and Bootman, Martin
In : Gordon Conference on Calcium Signalling (7-12 Jun 2015, Newry, Maine, USA)

Spontaneous Ca2+ signalling and ultrastructural changes in pulmonary vein sleeve cells during ageing – risk factors for atrial fibrillation? (2014-10-09)
Masoud, Said; Bootman, Martin D.; McDonald, Fraser and Rietdorf, Katja
In : Calcium Signalling: The Next Generation (9-10 Oct 2014, London, UK)

Inhibition of InsP3 receptor signalling induces autophagy (2014-10-09)
Chehab, Tala; Rietdorf, Katja; Parys, Jan B.; Bultynck, Geert and Bootman, Martin D.
In : Calcium Signalling: The Next Generation (9-10 Oct 2014, London, UK)

Novel improved Ca2+ indicator dyes on the market-a comparative study of novel Ca2+ indicators with fluo-4 (2014-10-09)
Rietdorf, Katja; Chehab, Tala; Allman, Sarah and Bootman, Martin D.
In : Calcium Signalling: The Next Generation (9-10 Oct 2014, London, UK)

A comparative study into the ultrastructure changes of atrial myocytes, pulmonary vein sleeve cells and ventricular myocytes during ageing (2014-10-09)
Masoud, Said R.; McDonald, Fraser; Bootman, Martin D. and Rietdorf, Katja
In : Calcium Signalling: The Next Generation (9-10 Oct 2014, London, UK)

Spontaneous Ca2+ signalling and ultrastructural changes in pulmonary vein sleeve cells during ageing – risk factors for atrial fibrillation? (2014-09)
Rietdorf, Katja; Masoud, Said; McDonald, Fraser and Bootman, Martin
In : 13th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (13-17 Sep 2014, Aixe-en-Provence, France)

Spontaneous Ca2+ signalling in pulmonary vein sleeve cells increases during ageing (2014-06)
Masoud, Said; Bootman, Martin and Rietdorf, Katja
In : Physiology 2014 (30 Jun - 02 Jul 2014, London)

Inhibition of InsP3 receptor signalling induces autophagy (2014)
Chehab, Tala; Rietdorf, Katja; Parys, Jan; Bultynck, Geert and Bootman, Martin
In : 13th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (13-17 Sep 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France)

In vitro assessment of alveolar macrophage responses to inhaled particulate medicines (2014)
Hutter, V.; Murnane, D.; Rietdorf, K.; Fowler, D.; Walton, C. and Bootman, M.
In : Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL25) (10-12 Dec 2014, Edinburgh)