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Dr Jim Hague

Profile summary

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Professional biography

I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Physical Sciences with interests in quantum materials (especially superconductors), quantum simulators and biophysics / mathematical biology. Prior to joining the Open University I carried out postdoctoral research in Germany, the USA and the UK. I gained a physics degree (MPhys) from the University of Oxford, UK, followed by a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Warwick. I have close links to the School of Mathematics and Statistics, the Knowledge Media Institute and the School of Life Health and Chemical Sciences.

Research interests

I have a wide variety of research interests centred around theoretical physics and applied maths. My main acitivity is the development of new models and methods, especially the development of Monte Carlo techniques. The current themes of my main research activity are in the following areas:

Mathematical Biology / Biophysics - Cardiovascular systems and diseases. Models of living tissues.

Cultured tissues are growing in importance and have applications in pharmaceutical testing, regenerative medicine and cultured meat. My research uses physics to understand and predict the self-organisation of key components of tissues - the cells, blood vessels (vasculature) and extra-cellular matrix (the material that sits around cells and gives tissue its structure). I develop new models and techniques for predicting the structures of vasculatures and self-organisation in tissues due to interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix. I also develop mathematical models for the simulation of embolic stroke.

Theory of Quantum Materials - Superconductivity and graphene, especially models involving electron-phonon interactions and strong correlation.

Interactions between electrons in quantum materials lead to important phenomena such as superconductivity and magnetism. I am particularly interested in unconventional superconductivity, and the interplay between strong electronic correlations and electron-phonon interactions (the interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations). I research the role of electron-phonon interactions in quantum materials, especially where they are found in close proximity to strong correlation. This includes the development of quantum Monte Carlo techniques and the use of perturbative and exact diagonalisation techniques. I am particularly interested in systems where the electron-phonon interaction is too strong for low order perterbative techniques.

Theory of Quantum Simulators

Quantum simulators built using optical lattices and arrays of optical tweezers have a growing role for understanding quantum materials. A quantum simulator is a kind of analogue quantum computer that emulates the complex interactions in quantum materials. Optical lattices are formed use lasers to make regular grids representing materials. I research how strong correlation and electron-phonon interactions can be emulated in quantum simulators. This has led to novel proposals for quantum simulators of electron-phonon interactions using Rydberg atoms placed in lattices formed using arrays of optical tweezers.


Teaching interests

I have written material for a wide range of Open University modules on special and general relativity (level 3), quantum physics (levels 1,2,3,4), classical mechanics (level 1), nuclear and particle physics (level 2), statistical mechanics (levels 2,4), astronomy (level 1) and a remote access Compton scattering experiment for carrying out practical physics (level 2). I am currently module team chair for production of a new level 4 module: Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Matter. I became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in 2014.

Impact and engagement

We are developing a system for predicting the organisation of tissues that is user friendly for users without theoretical physics PhDs. We are currently looking for industrial partners. If you are a business interested in tissue engineering (from SME to multinational) then please get in touch. More information can be found through the 'Simulatis' link.


Ubiquitous light real-space pairing from long-range hopping and interactions (2024-05-28)
Adebanjo, G. D.; Hague, J. P. and Kornilovitch, P.E.
Physics Letters A, 507, Article 129474

High-throughput design of cultured tissue moulds using a biophysical model: optimising cell alignment (2023-10-30)
Hague, James P; Andrews, Allison E and Dickinson, Hugh
Physical Biology, 20, Article 66006(6)

Rapid prediction of lab-grown tissue properties using deep learning (2023-10-19)
Andrews, Allison; Dickinson, Hugh and Hague, James Peter
Physical biology, 20, Article 66005

Three-dimensional simulations of embolic stroke and an equation for sizing emboli from imaging (2023-02-21)
Hague, James P.; Keelan, Jonathan; Beishon, Lucy; Swienton, David; Robinson, Thompson G. and Chung, Emma M. L.
Scientific Reports, 13, Article 3021(1)

Superlight pairs in face-centred-cubic extended Hubbard models with strong Coulomb repulsion (2022-01-19)
Adebanjo, G. D.; Kornilovitch, P. E. and Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34(13) (p 135601)

Fermion pairing in body-centered-cubic quantum simulators of extended Hubbard models (2021-12-06)
Adebanjo, Ganiyu D.; Kornilovitch, P. E. and Hague, J. P.
Physics Letters A, 418, Article 127704

Analytic expressions for Hubbard models with arbitrary structures in programmable optical lattices (2021-11-22)
Hague, J. P.; Petit, L. and MacCormick, C.
Physical Review A, 104, Article 53321(5)

The role of vascular complexity on optimal junction exponents (2021)
Keelan, Jonathan and Hague, James P.
Scientific Reports, 11, Article 5408(1)

Microscopic biophysical model of self-organization in tissue due to feedback between cell- and macroscopic-scale forces (2020-12)
Hague, J. P.; Mieczkowski, P. W.; O'Rourke, C.; Loughlin, A. J. and Phillips, J. B.
Physical Review Research, 2, Article 43217(4)

Neurological impact of emboli during adult cardiac surgery (2020-09-15)
Patel, Nikil; Banahan, Caroline; Janus, Justyna; Horsfield, Mark A.; Cox, Anthony; Marshall, David; Colman, Jordan; Morlese, John; Evans, David H.; Hannon, Claire; Egan, Vincent; Garrard, Peter; Hague, James P. and Chung, Emma M.L.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 416, Article 117006

Cold-atom quantum simulator to explore pairing, condensation, and pseudogaps in extended Hubbard-Holstein models (2020-09)
Hague, J.P.; MacCormick, C. and Kornilovitch, P.
Physical Review A, 102(3)

Development of a globally optimised model of the cerebral arteries (2019-06)
Keelan, Jonathan; Chung, Emma and Hague, James
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64, Article 125021(12)

Implementation strategies for multiband quantum simulators of real materials (2017-03-31)
Hague, J. P. and MacCormick, C.
Physical Review A, 95, Article 33636(3)

Role of substrate induced electron–phonon interactions in biased graphitic bilayers (2016-06-24)
Davenport, A. R. and Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28(32) (p 325801)

Simulated annealing approach to vascular structure with application to the coronary arteries (2016-02-10)
Keelan, Jonathan; Chung, Emma M. L. and Hague, James P.
Royal Society Open Science, 3(2) (pp. 150431-150445)

Size Distribution of Air Bubbles Entering the Brain during Cardiac Surgery (2015-04-02)
Chung, Emma M. L.; Banahan, Caroline; Patel, Nikil; Janus, Justyna; Marshall, David; Horsfield, Mark A.; Rousseau, Clément; Keelan, Jonathan; Evans, David H. and Hague, James P.
PLoS ONE, 10, Article e0122166(4)

Optimal interlayer hopping and high temperature Bose–Einstein condensation of local pairs in quasi 2D superconductors (2015-01-28)
Kornilovitch, P. E. and Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27, Article 75602(7)

Bias free gap creation in bilayer graphene (2014-06-04)
Davenport, A. R. and Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26, Article 225601(22)

Ultra high hole mobilities in a pure strained Ge quantum well (2014-04-30)
Mironov, O. A.; Hassan, A. H. A.; Morris, R. J. H.; Dobbie, A.; Uhlarz, M.; Chrastina, D.; Hague, J. P.; Kiatgamolchai, S.; Beanland, R.; Gabani, S.; Berkutov, I. B.; Helm, M.; Drachenko, O.; Myronov, M. and Leadley, D. R.
Thin Solid Films, 557 (pp. 329-333)

Enhancement of gaps in thin graphitic films for heterostructure formation (2014-04-11)
Hague, J. P.
Physical Review B, 89, Article 155415(15)

Cold Rydberg atoms for quantum simulation of exotic condensed matter interactions (2014-04)
Hague, J. P.; Downes, S.; MacCormick, C. and Kornilovitch, P. E.
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 27(4) (pp. 937-940)

Ge/SiGe superlattices for nanostructured thermoelectric modules (2013-09-30)
Chrastina, D.; Cecchi, S.; Hague, J. P.; Frigerio, J.; Samarelli, A.; Ferre–Llin, L.; Paul, D. J.; Müller, E.; Etzelstorfer, T.; Stangl, J. and Isella, G.
Thin Solid Films, 543 (pp. 153-156)

The thermoelectric properties of Ge/SiGe modulation doped superlattices (2013-06-21)
Samarelli, A.; Ferre Llin, L.; Cecchi, S.; Frigerio, J.; Etzelstorfer, T.; Müller, E.; Zhang, Y.; Watling, J. R.; Chrastina, D.; Isella, G.; Stangl, J.; Hague, J. P.; Weaver, J. M. R.; Dobson, P. and Paul, D. J.
Journal of Applied Physics, 113, Article 233704(23)

Modelling of impaired cerebral blood flow due to gaseous emboli (2013-06-06)
Hague, J. P.; Banahan, C. and Chung, E. M. L.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58(13) (pp. 4381-4394)

Bilayers of Rydberg atoms as a quantum simulator for unconventional superconductors (2012-11-30)
Hague, J. P. and MacCormick, C.
Physical Review Letters, 109, Article 223001(22)

Mobile small bipolarons on a three-dimensional cubic lattice (2012-07)
Davenport, A. R.; Hague, J. P. and Kornilovitch, P. E.
Physical Review B, 86(3) (p 35106)

Sizing gaseous emboli using doppler embolic signal intensity (2012-05)
Banahan, Caroline; Hague, James P.; Evans, David H.; Patel, Rizwan; Ramnarine, Kumar V. and Chung, Emma M.L.
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 38(5) (pp. 824-833)

Quantum simulation of electron–phonon interactions in strongly deformable materials (2012)
Hague, J. P. and MacCormick, C.
New Journal of Physics, 14(3) (p 33019)

Gap modification of atomically thin boron nitride by phonon mediated interactions (2012)
Hague, James P.
Nanoscale Research Letters, 7, Article 303(1)

Polarons in highly doped atomically thin graphitic materials (2012)
Hague, J. P.
Physical Review B, 86(6) (p 64302)

Microbubble signal properties from PFO tests using transcranial Doppler ultrasound (2012)
Banahan, Caroline; Patel, Rizwan; Jeyagopal, Vikram; Mistri, Amit; Hague, James P.; Evans, David H. and Chung, Emma M.L.
Perspectives in Medicine, 1(1-12) (pp. 232-235)

Tunable graphene band gaps from superstrate-mediated interactions (2011-10)
Hague, J. P.
Physical Review B, 84(15) (p 155438)

The effects of electron-phonon interactions on bandgaps (2011)
Hague, James
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 286 (p 12032)

Towards analytical approaches to the dynamical-cluster approximation (2010-05)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 159(3-4) (pp. 462-475)

Embolus trajectory through a physical replica of the major cerebral arteries (2010)
Chung, Emma L.; Hague, James P.; Chanrion, Marie-Anne; Ramnarine, Kumar V.; Katsogridakis, Emmanuel and Evans, David H.
Stroke, 41(4) (pp. 647-652)

Light and stable triplet bipolarons on square and triangular lattices (2010)
Hague, J. P. and Kornilovitch, P. E.
Physical Review B, 82(9) (p 94301)

Superconductivity in a Hubbard-Fröhlich model and in cuprates (2009)
Hardy, T. M.; Hague, J. P.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Physical Review B, 79(21) (pp. 1-4)

Bipolarons from long-range interactions: Singlet and triplet pairs in the screened Hubbard-Fröhlich model on the chain (2009)
Hague, J. P. and Kornilovitch, P. E.
Physical Review B, 80(5) (p 54301)

Mountain trail formation and the active walker model (2009)
Gilks, S. J. and Hague, J. P.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20(6) (pp. 869-890)

Similarities between embolic stroke and percolation problems (2009)
Hague, J. P. and Chung, E. M. L.
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23(20-21) (pp. 4150-4157)

Statistical physics of cerebral embolization leading to stroke (2009)
Hague, J. P. and Chung, E. M. L.
Physical Review E, 80, Article 51912(5)

Kinks and d-waves from phonons: the intermediate coupling story (2008-12)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69(12) (pp. 2982-2985)

Breakdown of Migdal–Eliashberg Theory via Catastrophic Vertex Divergence at Low Phonon Frequency (2008-06)
Hague, J. P. and d’Ambrumenil, N.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 151(5-6) (pp. 1149-1163)

Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice (2008)
Hague, J. P; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69(12) (pp. 3304-3306)

Rise of the centrist: from binary to continuous opinion dynamics (2008)
Baker, George A. and Hague, James P.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 19(9) (pp. 1459-1475)

Trapping of lattice polarons by impurities (2008)
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E. and Alexandrov, A.S.
Physical Review B, 78, Article 92302(9)

Novel information theory techniques for phonon spectroscopy (2007-07)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 92, Article 12185

Superlight small bipolarons in the presence of a strong coulomb repulsion (2007-01-16)
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Physical Review Letters, 98(3) (p 37002)

Superlight small bipolarons (2007)
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19, Article 255214(25)

Revealing the mechanisms underlying embolic stroke using computational modelling (2007)
Chung, Emma M. L.; Hague, James and Evans, David H.
Physics in medicine and biology, 52(23) (pp. 7153-7166)

Failure of conventional superconductivity theory for optical-phonon mediated d-wave pairing (2007)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 92, Article 12119

Long-range electron-phonon interactions lead to superlight small bipolarons (2007)
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Samson, J. H. and Alexandrov, A. S.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 92, Article 12118

Unconventional pairing in bipolaronic theories (2007)
Hague, J. P.; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Alexandrov, A. S. and Samson, J. H.
Physica C: Superconductivity, 460-46(2) (pp. 1121-1122)

Effects of lattice geometry and interaction range on polaron dynamics (2006-02-16)
Hague, James; Kornilovitch, P. E.; Alexandrov, A. S. and Samson, J. H.
Physical Review B, 73(5) (pp. 054303-1-054303-14)

d-wave superconductivity from electron-phonon interactions (2006)
Hague, J. P.
Physical Review B, 73(6) (p 60503)

Extending the theory of phonon-mediated superconductivity in quasi-2D (2006)
Hague, J. P.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 846(1) (pp. 255-264)

Spin wave dispersion and magnons from short range order in tapiolite (FeTa2O6); a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet (2005-11-23)
Hague, J. P.; Chung, E. M. L.; Visser, D.; Balakrishnan, G.; Clementyev, E.; Paul, D. McK. and Lees, M. R.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(46) (pp. 7227-7235)

Suppression of Mott–Hubbard states and metal–insulator transitions in the two-band Hubbard model (2005)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(8) (pp. 1385-1397)

Determining the phonon density of states from specific heat measurements via maximum entropy methods (2005)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(15) (pp. 2397-2405)

Tuning Correlation Effects with Electron–Phonon Interactions (2005)
Hague, J. P. and d'Ambrumenil, N.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 140(1-2) (pp. 77-89)

Superconducting states of the quasi-2D Holstein model: effects of vertex and non-local corrections (2005)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(37) (pp. 5663-5676)

Magnetic properties of tapiolite (FeTa2O6); a quasi two-dimensional (2D) antiferromagnet (2004-11-03)
Chung, E. M. L.; Lees, M. R.; McIntyre, G. J.; Wilkinson, C.; Balakrishnan, G.; Hague, J. P.; Visser, D. and Paul, D. McK.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16(43) (pp. 7837-7852)

High mobility SiGe heterostructures fabricated by low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (2004-10)
von Kanel, H.; Chrastina, D.; Roessner, B.; Isella, G.; Hague, J.P. and Bollani, M.
Microelectronic Engineering, 76(1-4) (pp. 279-284)

Fluctuation-exchange supplemented quantum Monte Carlo approach to the Hubbard model (2004)
Hague, J. P; Jarrell, Mark and Schulthess, T. C.
Physical Review B, 69(16) (p 165113)

Electron and phonon dispersions of the two-dimensional Holstein model: effects of vertex and non-local corrections (2003)
Hague, J. P.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15(17) (pp. 2535-2550)

Application of Bryan's algorithm to the mobility spectrum analysis of semiconductor devices (2003)
Chrastina, D.; Hague, J. P. and Leadley, D. R.
Journal of Applied Physics, 94(10) (pp. 6583-6590)

LEPECVD — A Production Technique for SiGe MOSFETs and MODFETs (2005)
Chrastina, D.; Rössner, B.; Isella, G.; von Käenel, H.; Hague, J. P.; Hackbarth, T.; Herzog, H.-J.; Hieber, K.-H. and Köenig, U.
In: Materials for Information Technology. Engineering Materials and Processes (1) (pp. 17-29)
ISBN : 978-1-85233-941-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London, UK

High‐throughput rational design of artificial tissue moulds using a biophysical in‐silico model and machine learning (2023-06)
Hague, James; Andrews, Allison and Dickinson, Hugh
In : TERMIS-EU 2023 (28-31 Mar 2023, Manchester, UK)