Paul Mulholland's research is concerned with developing computational tools and methods to help people make sense of information, and develop and express their ideas. He has been a Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on 12 national or European projects delivering outcomes including: technologies for the visitor use of archives and museum collections, mobile applications for formal and informal learning; automated narrative generation tools; and semantic and knowledge technologies for school and work-based learning. He has a first degree in psychology, a Masters degree in computing and PhD in cognitive science. He has published over 100 conference and journal articles. He is Deputy Editor of the International Journal of Human Computer Studies.
As part of the European Union Horizon 2020 SPICE project he is working on tools and methods to support Citizen Curation, in which citizens are supported in developing personal interpretations of cultural artefacts, sharing their own perspective and understanding the perspectives of others.
Within the European Union Horizon 2020 Polifonia project he is working on the use of visualisation, gesture and haptic interfaces to create novel ways of interacting with musical content.
My research falls in the areas of technology enhanced learning, human computer interaction, museum informatics, digital humanities and music computing.
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Centre for Research in Computing (CRC) | Centre | Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology |
Integrating Citizen Experiences in Cultural Heritage Archives with a Linked Non-Open Data Hub (2024-12-18)
Carvalho, Jason; Daga, Enrico; Mulholland, Paul; Asprino, Luigi; Uwasomba, Chukwudi; Daquino, Marilena; Gangemi, Aldo; Maguire, Mark and Stoneman, Adam
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 17, Article 71(4)
Co‐creating an equality diversity and inclusion learning analytics dashboard for addressing awarding gaps in higher education (2024-09)
Bayer, Vaclav; Mulholland, Paul; Hlosta, Martin; Farrell, Tracie; Herodotou, Christothea and Fernandez, Miriam
British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(5) (pp. 2058-2074)
Democratizing Clinical Movement Analysis: Assessing the Versatility of MoJoXlab with Open-protocol Inertial Sensors (2024)
Islam, Riasat; Bennasar, Mohamed; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul and Price, Blaine
Procedia Computer Science, 246 (pp. 2360-2369)
Path-based and triplification approaches to mapping data into RDF: User behaviours and recommendations (2024)
Warren, Paul; Mulholland, Paul; Daga, Enrico and Asprino, Luigi
Semantic Web, 15(6) (pp. 2479-2505)
Knowledge Graph Construction with a façade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the Web (2023-02)
Asprino, Luigi; Daga, Enrico; Gangemi, Aldo and Mulholland, Paul
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 23, Article 6(1) (pp. 1-31)
Integrating Citizen Experiences in Cultural Heritage Archives: Requirements, State of the Art, and Challenges (2022-02)
Daga, Enrico; Asprino, Luigi; Damiano, Rossana; Daquino, Marilena; Agudo, Belen Diaz; Gangemi, Aldo; Kuflik, Tsvi; Lieto, Antonio; Maguire, Mark; Marras, Anna Maria; Pandiani, Delfina Martinez; Mulholland, Paul; Peroni, Silvio; Pescarin, Sofia and Wecker, Alan
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(1) (pp. 1-35)
A Comparison of Attribute-Focused and Harm-Focused Methods for Assessing the Risk of Organized Crime Groups: Are They in Agreement? (2021-06)
Mulholland, Paul and Cole, Terri
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(2) (pp. 1367-1383)
Uncomfortable Revelations: can citizen curation widen access to museums? (2021)
Stoneman, Adam; Carvalho, Jason; Daga, Enrico; Maguire, Mark and Mulholland, Paul
Museum Ireland, 28 (pp. 64-71)
Rhythmic Haptic Cueing Using Wearable Devices as Physiotherapy for Huntington Disease: Case Study (2020-09-14)
Georgiou, Theodoros; Islam, Riasat; Holland, Simon; Linden, Janet Van Der; Price, Blaine; Mulholland, Paul and Perry, Allan
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 7, Article 18589(2)
The Role of Nonlinear Dynamics in Musicians' Interactions with Digital and Acoustic Musical Instruments (2020)
Mudd, Tom; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
Computer Music Journal, 43(4) (pp. 25-40)
A Nonproprietary Movement Analysis System (MoJoXlab) Based on Wearable Inertial Measurement Units Applicable to Healthy Participants and Those With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Across a Range of Complex Tasks: Validation Study (2020)
Islam, Riasat; Bennasar, Mohamed; Nicholas, Kevin; Button, Kate; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul; Price, Blaine and Al-Amri, Mohammad
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 8, Article e17872(6)
Enabling multiple voices in the museum: Challenges and approaches (2020)
Mulholland, Paul; Daga, Enrico; Daquino, Marilena; Díaz-Kommonen, Lily; Gangemi, Aldo; Kulfik, Tsvi; Wecker, Alan; Maguire, Mark; Peroni, Silvio and Pescarin, Sofia
Digital Culture & Society, 6(2) (pp. 259-266)
Introduction to the Special Issue on the 50th Anniversary of IJHCS (2019-11)
Motta, Enrico; Brumby, Duncan and Mulholland, Paul
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 131 (pp. 1-3)
Supporting the discoverability of open educational resources (2019-09)
Cortinovis, Renato Mario; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Domingue, John; Mulholland, Paul and Farrow, Robert
Education and Information Technologies, 24(5) (pp. 3129-3161)
Nonlinear Dynamical Processes in Musical Interactions: investigating the role of nonlinear dynamics in supporting surprise and exploration in interactions with digital musical instruments (2019-08-01)
Mudd, Tom; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 128 (pp. 27-40)
Improving comprehension of Knowledge Representation languages: a case study with Description Logics (2019-02-28)
Warren, Paul; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 122 (pp. 145-167)
Detecting Important Life Events on Twitter Using Frequent Semantic and Syntactic Subgraphs (2016)
Dickinson, Thomas; Fernandez, Miriam; Thomas, Lisa; Mulholland, Paul; Briggs, Pam and Alani, Harith
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 14(2) (pp. 23-37)
Personal inquiry: orchestrating science investigations within and beyond the classroom (2015)
Sharples, Mike; Scanlon, Eileen; Ainsworth, Shaaron; Anastopoulou, Stamatina; Collins, Trevor; Crook, Charles; Jones, Ann; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Littleton, Karen; Mulholland, Paul and O'Malley, Claire
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24(2) (pp. 308-341)
Using machine-learning and visualisation to facilitate learner interpretation of source material (2014)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Interactive Learning Environments, 22(6) (pp. 771-788)
Challenges in personalisation: supporting mobile science inquiry learning across contexts (2013-03)
Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen; Gaved, Mark; Blake, Canan; Collins, Trevor; Clough, Gill; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Littleton, Karen; Mulholland, Paul; Petrou, Marilena and Twiner, Alison
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(1) (pp. 21-42)
nQuire: technological support for personal inquiry learning (2012-04-06)
Mulholland, Paul; Anastopoulou, Stamatina; Collins, Trevor; Feisst, Markus; Gaved, Mark; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Paxton, Mark; Scanlon, Eileen; Sharples, Mike and Wright, Michael
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 5(2) (pp. 157-169)
Doing geography: a multimodal analysis of students' situated improvisational interpretation during fieldtrips (2012)
Kerawalla, Lucinda; Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen; Collins, Trevor; Gaved, Mark; Mulholland, Paul; Jones, Ann; Clough, Gill and Blake, Canan
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 1(2) (pp. 78-89)
How technology resources can be used to represent personal inquiry and support students' understanding of it across contexts (2011)
Scanlon, E.; Anastopoulou, S.; Kerawalla, L. and Mulholland, P.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(6) (pp. 516-529)
Personal inquiry learning trajectories in geography: technological support across contexts (2011)
Kerawalla, Lucinda; Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann; Gaved, Mark; Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Blake, Canan; Clough, Gill; Conole, Grainne and Petrou, Marilena
Interactive Learning Environments, 21(6) (pp. 497-515)
What can the language of musicians tell us about music interaction design? (2010-12)
Wilkie, Katie; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
Computer Music Journal, 34(4) (pp. 34-48)
Using netbooks to support mobile learners' investigations across activities and places (2010-11)
Gaved, Mark; Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen; Littleton, Karen; Blake, Canan; Petrou, Marilena; Clough, Gill and Twiner, Alison
Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 25(3) (pp. 187-200)
Networking communities from the bottom up: grassroots approaches to overcoming the digital divide (2010-08)
Gaved, Mark B. and Mulholland, Paul
AI & Society, 25(3) (pp. 345-357)
Personal inquiry: innovations in participatory design and models for inquiry learning (2010)
Conole, Grainne; Scanlon, Eileen; Littleton, Karen; Kerawalla, Lucinda and Mulholland, Paul
Educational Multimedia International, 47(4) (pp. 277-292)
Using mobile phones to map online community resources to a physical museum space (2009)
Collins, Trevor D.; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
International Journal of Web Based Communities, 5(1) (pp. 18-32)
Pragmatic support for taxonomy-based annotation of structured digital documents (2009)
Whitelaw, Lara; Collins, Trevor; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul; Potter, Linda; Scantlebury, Non and Taylor, Josie
The Electronic Library, 27(5) (pp. 755-767)
Blending coherence and control in the construction of interactive educational narratives from digital resources (2008-12-01)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Collins, Trevor
Interactive Learning Environments, 16(3) (pp. 283-296)
Worlds and transformations: Supporting the sharing and reuse of engineering design knowledge (2007-12)
Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul; Valasek, Michael and Bernardi, Ansgar
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(12) (pp. 959-982)
Re-using digital narrative content in interactive games (2007-03)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Joiner, Richard
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(3) (pp. 244-272)
Combining gameplay and narrative techniques to enhance the user experience of viewing galleries (2007)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Joiner, Richard
Computers in Entertainment, 5(1)
Bletchley Park text: using mobile and semantic web technologies to support the post-visit use of online museum resources (2005-12-22)
Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Zdrahal, Zdenek
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2005, Article 22(2)
Introduction: contemporary perspectives on learning for work (2005-03)
Mulholland, Paul; Ivergård, Toni and Kirk, Stuart
Applied Ergonomics, 36(2) (pp. 125-126)
Supporting continuous learning in a large organization: the role of group and organizational perspectives (2005)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Domingue, John
Applied Ergonomics, 36(2) (pp. 127-134)
CIPHER: Enabling Communities of Interest to Promote Heritage of European Regions (2002-11)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Collins, Trevor
Cultivate Interactive, 8
Using digital narratives to support the collaborative learning and exploration of cultural heritage (2002)
Mulholland, P. and Collins, T.
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA) (pp. 527-531)
A Methodological approach to supporting organisational learning (2001-09)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Domingue, John; Hatala, Marek and Bernardi, Ansgar
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 55(3) (pp. 337-367)
Learning by building: A visual modelling language for psychology students (2000-10)
Mulholland, Paul and Watt, Stuart
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 11(5) (pp. 481-504)
Integrating working and enrichment approach learning: a document (2000-05)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Domingue, John and Hatala, Marek
Behaviour & Information Technology, 19(3) (pp. 171-180)
Supporting organisational learning: an overview of the ENRICH approach (2000-01)
Mulholland, Paul; Domingue, John; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Hatala, Marek
Journal of Information Services and Use, 20(1) (pp. 9-23)
Sharing engineering design knowledge in a distributed environment (2000)
Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul; Domingue, John and Hatala, Mark
Behaviour & Information Technology, 19(3) (pp. 189-200)
An effective web-based software visualization learning environment (1998-10-01)
Domingue, John and Mulholland, Paul
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 9(5) (pp. 485-508)
Teaching programming at a distance: the Internet software visualization laboratory (1997-04-08)
Domingue, John and Mulholland, Paul
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1
Fostering debugging communities on the Web (1997-04)
Domingue, John and Mulholland, Paul
Communications of the ACM, 40(4) (pp. 65-71)
Using Linked Data Effectively (2013-12-16)
Simperl, E.; Norton, B.; Acosta, M.; Maleshkova, M.; Domingue, J.; Mikroyannidis, A.; Mulholland, P. and Power, R.
Publisher : The Open University | Published : Milton Keynes
Deep Learning to Encourage Citizen Involvement in Local Journalism (2022-05-05)
Tessem, Bjørnar; Nyre, Lars; Mesquita, Michel and Mulholland, Paul
In: Manninen, V.J.E.; Niemi, M.K. and Ridge-Newman, A. eds. Futures of Journalism (pp. 211-226)
ISBN : 978-3-030-95072-9 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Facade-X: An Opinionated Approach to SPARQL Anything (2021-08-31)
Daga, Enrico; Asprino, Luigi; Mulholland, Paul and Gangemi, Aldo
In: Alam, Mehwish; Groth, Paul; de Boer, Victor; Pellegrini, Tassilo and Pandit, Harshvardhan J. eds. Volume 53: Further with Knowledge Graphs (pp. 58-73)
Publisher : IOS Press
Modelling museum narratives to support visitor interpretation (2016-07-01)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika; Kilfeather, Eoin; Maguire, Mark and O'Donovan, Danielle
In: Bordoni, Luciana; Mele, Francesco and Sorgente, Antonio eds. Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (pp. 3-22)
ISBN : 978-1-4438-9085-4 | Publisher : Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Weaving location and narrative for mobile guides (2013-05)
Sharples, Mike; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Mulholland, Paul and Jones, Robert
In: Schrøder, Kim and Drotner, Kirsten eds. Museum Communication and Social Media: The Connected Museum. Routledge Research in Museum Studies
ISBN : 978-0-415-83318-9 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York
Music interaction: understanding music and human-computer interaction (2013-02-28)
Holland, Simon; Wilkie, Katie; Mulholland, Paul and Seago, Allan
In: Holland, Simon; Wilkie, Katie; Mulholland, Paul and Seago, Allan eds. Music and Human-Computer Interaction. Cultural Computing (pp. 1-28)
ISBN : 978-1-4471-2989-9 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Towards a participatory approach for interaction design based on conceptual metaphor theory: a case study from music interaction (2013-02-28)
Wilkie, Katie; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In: Holland, Simon; Wilkie, Katie; Mulholland, Paul and Seago, Allan eds. Music and Human-Computer Interaction. Cultural Computing (pp. 259-270)
ISBN : 978-1-4471-2989-9 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Scripting personal inquiry (2012)
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul and Gaved, Mark
In: Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike eds. Orchestrating Inquiry Learning (pp. 87-104)
ISBN : 978-0-415-60113-9 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Whole body interaction in abstract domains (2011-05-14)
Holland, Simon; Wilkie, Katie; Bouwer, Anders; Dalgleish, Mat and Mulholland, Paul
In: England, David ed. Whole Body Interaction. Human-Computer Interaction Series (pp. 19-34)
ISBN : 978-0-85729-432-6 | Publisher : Springer Verlag | Published : London, U.K.
Pioneers, subcultures and cooperatives: The grassroots augmentation of urban places (2008-10)
Gaved, Mark and Mulholland, Paul
In: Aurigi, Alessandro and de Cindio, Fiorella eds. Augmented urban spaces: Articulating the physical and electronic city. Design and the Built Environment (pp. 171-184)
ISBN : 9780754671497 | Publisher : Ashgate Publishing | Published : Farnham, UK
Symbolic modelling (2005-02-10)
Mulholland, Paul and Watt, Stuart
In: Braisby, Nick ed. Cognitive Psychology: A Methods Companion (pp. 69-104)
ISBN : 199281602 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, U.K.
Ubiquity from the bottom up: Grassroots initiated networked communities (2005)
Gaved, Mark and Mulholland, Paul
In: Consalvo, Mia and O'Riordan, Kate eds. Internet Research Annual: Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2004. Digital Formations (32)
ISBN : 9780820478562 | Publisher : Peter Lang | Published : New York
Cognitive modelling and cognitive architectures (2005)
Mulholland, Paul and Watt, Stuart
In: Braisby, Nick and Gellatly, Angus eds. Cognitive Psychology (pp. 579-616)
ISBN : 0-19-9273766 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford
A Critical Analysis of Synthesizer User Interfaces for Timbre (2004)
Seago, Allan; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In: Dearden, Andy and Watt, Leon eds. Proceedings of the XVIII British HCI Group Annual Conference HCI 2004 (pp. 105-108)
ISBN : 1-897851-13-8 | Publisher : Research Press International | Published : Bristol, UK
Community story exchange (2004)
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In: Computer Society, IEEE ed. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 74-78)
ISBN : 0-7695-2195-9 | Publisher : IEEE Computer Society
Supporting the exploration and use of heritage stories (2004)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Collins, Trevor
In: Computer Society, IEEE ed. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 79-83)
ISBN : 0-7695-2195-9 | Publisher : IEEE Computer Society
Scene-Driver: an interactive narrative environment using content from an animated children’s television series (2004)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Joiner, Richard
In: Gobel, Stefan; Spierling, Ulrike; Hoffmann, Anja; Iurgel, Ido; Schneider, Oliver; Dechau, Johanna and Feix, Axel eds. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 213-218)
ISBN : 978-3-540-22283-5 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Berlin
Knowledge support for virtual modelling and simulation (2003)
Steinbauer, P.; Valášek, M.; Zdrahal, Z.; Mulholland, P. and Šika, Z.
In: Schiehlen, Werner and Valášek, Michael eds. Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems. NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (103) (pp. 243-252)
ISBN : 978-1-4020-1339-3 | Publisher : Kluwer Academic Publishers | Published : Netherlands
Music and Human-Computer Interaction (2013-02-28)
Holland, Simon; Wilkie, Katie; Mulholland, Paul and Seago, Allan eds.
Cultural Computing
ISBN : 978-1-4471-2989-9 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Prescriptive analytics motivating distance learning student action: A case study of a student-facing dashboard (2025)
Herodotou, Christothea; Carr, Jessica; Shrestha, Sagun; Comfort, Catherine; Bayer, Vaclav; Maguire, Claire; Lee, John; Mulholland, Paul and Fernandez, Miriam
In : LAK25: The 15th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2025) (03-07 Mar 2025, Dublin, Ireland) ((In press))
Musical Meetups Knowledge Graph (MMKG): a collection of evidence for historical social network analysis (2024)
Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Ratta, Marco; Uwasomba, Chukwudi; Mulholland, Paul; Barlow, Helen; Herbert, Trevor and Daga, Enrico
In : ESWC 2024: The 21st Extended Semantic Web Conference (26-30 May 2024, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece)
Supporting the End-User Curation of Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graphs (2024)
Mulholland, Paul; Van Kranenburg, Peter; Carvalho, Jason and Daga, Enrico
In : 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '24) (10-13 Sep 2024, Poznań, Poland) (pp. 35-44)
Investigating Vividness Bias in Language Models Through Art Interpretations (2024)
Samela, Laura; Daga, Enrico and Mulholland, Paul
In : ELMKE: Evaluation of Language Models in Knowledge Engineering 1st Workshop co-located with EKAW-24 (26 Nov 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
CERSEI: Cognitive Effort Based Recommender System for Enhancing Inclusiveness (2023-08-28)
Bonnin, Geoffray; Bayer, Vaclav; Fernandez, Miriam; Herodotou, Christothea; Hlosta, Martin and Mulholland, Paul
In : 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023 (4-8 Sep 2023, Aveiro, Portugal) (pp. 692-697)
Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis (2023-07-19)
Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Mulholland, Paul and Daga, Enrico
In : ESWC 2023 Workshops and Tutorials. Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES) (28-29 May 2023, Hersonissos, Greece)
The Sound of Paintings: Using Citizen Curation to Explore the Cross-Modal Personalization of Museum Experiences (2023-06)
Mulholland, Paul; Stoneman, Adam; Barker, Naomi; Maguire, Mark; Carvalho, Jason; Daga, Enrico and Warren, Paul
In : Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH) at UMAP ’23 (26 Jun 2023, Limassol, Cyprus) (pp. 408-418)
SPICE Linked Data Hub - Data infrastructure and tools to support Citizen Curation (2023-03-15)
Carvalho, Jason; Daga, Enrico; Asprino, Luigi; Gangemi, Aldo; Maguire, Mark; Mulholland, Paul; Stoneman, Adam and Uwasomba, Chukwudi
In : ExICE - Extended Intelligence for Cultural Engagement (15 Mar 2023, Bologna)
Predictive Learning Analytics and University Teachers: Usage and perceptions three years post implementation (2023-03-13)
Herodotou, Christothea; Maguire, Claire; Hlosta, Martin and Mulholland, Paul
In : 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2023) (13-17 Mar 2023, Arlington, Texas) (pp. 68-78)
An agent for creative development in drum kit playing (2023-02-10)
Lederman, Noam; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : PPIG 2022 - 33rd Annual Workshop (5-9 Sep 2022, Milton Keynes) (pp. 88-90)
Deep Viewpoints: Scripted Support for the Citizen Curation of Museum Artworks (2023)
Mulholland, Paul; Stoneman, Adam; Carvalho, Jason; Daga, Enrico and Maguire, Mark
In : HT '23: Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (4-8 Sep 2023, Rome, Italy)
Edge-Labelled Graphs and Property Graphs - To the User, More Similar Than Different (2022-11-13)
Warren, P. and Mulholland, P.
In : KGSWC 2022: Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web. 4th Iberoamerican Conference and third Indo-American Conference (21-23 Nov 2022, Madrid, Spain) (pp. 90-105)
Edge-labelled graphs and property graphs - to the user, more similar than different (2022)
Warren, Paul and Mulholland, Paul
In : KGSWC 2022: Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web. 4th Iberoamerican Conference and third Indo-American Conference (21-23 Nov 2022, Madrid, Spain)
Introducing empathy into recommender systems as a tool for promoting social cohesion (2021-04-13)
Wecker, Alan; Kuflik, Tsvi; Mulholland, Paul; Diaz-Agudo, Belen and Pedersen, Thomas
In : Workshop on Social and Cultural Integration with Personalized Interfaces (SOCIALIZE) (13 Apr 2021, College Station, TX (Online))
Tourist recommendations with a touch of SPICE: A TRS with deep cultural understanding (2021)
Kuflik, T.; Mulholland, P. and Wecker, A. J.
In : 2021 Workshop on Web Tourism, WebTour 2021 (12 Mar 2021, Jerusalem; Israel) (pp. 19-20)
A principled approach to the development of drum improvisation skills through interaction with a conversational agent (2020-11)
Lederman, Noam; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : PPIG 2020 - 31st Annual Workshop (30 Nov - 4 Dec 2020, Online)
Towards Advanced Interfaces for Citizen Curation (2020-09-29)
Bruni, Luis Emilio; Daga, Enrico; Damiano, Rossana; Diaz, Lily; Kuflik, Tsvi; Lieto, Antonio; Gangemi, Aldo; Mulholland, Paul; Peroni, Silvio; Pescarin, Sofia and Wecker, Alan
In : AVI2CH 2020: Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage (29 Sep 2020, Ischia, Italy)
A comparison of the cognitive difficulties posed by SPARQL query constructs (2020-09)
Warren, Paul and Mulholland, Paul
In : 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020) (16-20 Sep 2020, Bolzano (Italy) (Online)) (pp. 3-19)
Gait Rehabilitation for Neurological Conditions using Wearable Devices (2019-05)
Islam, Riasat; Holland, Simon; Price, Blaine and Mulholland, Paul
In : Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Health, CHI 2019: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (5 May 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Deriving Personas Based on Attitudes to Interruption and Information Overload (2019)
Goddard, David; Mulholland, Paul and Piccolo, Lara
In : Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing and the Design of Cooperation Technologies - Demos and Posters (8-12 Jun 2019, Salzburg)
Choosers: The design and evaluation of a visual algorithmic music composition language for non-programmers (2018-09-05)
Bellingham, Matt; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : 29th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG 2018) (5-7 Sep 2018, London)
Patterns of Design (2018-07-04)
Corneli, Joseph; Holland, Simon; Pease, Alison; Mulholland, Paul; Murray-Rust, Dave; Scaltsas, Theodore and Smaill, Alan
In : 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP ’18) (4-8 Jul 2018, Irsee, Germany)
Wearable Haptic Devices for Long-Term Gait Re-education for Neurological Conditions (2018-06-13)
Islam, Riasat; Holland, Simon; Georgiou, Theodoros; Price, Blaine and Mulholland, Paul
In : Haptic Technologies for Healthcare, EuroHaptics 2018 (13-16 Jun 2018, Pisa, Italy)
How can rhythmic haptic cueing using wearable haptic devices help gait rehabilitation for stroke survivors: a longitudinal pilot study (2018-05-01)
Islam, Riasat; Georgiou, Theodoros; Holland, Simon; Price, Blaine and Mulholland, Paul
In : 2nd Digital Health & Wellbeing Conference 2018 (01-03 May 2018, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
Wearables for Long Term Gait Rehabilitation of Neurological Conditions (2018-04-21)
Islam, Riasat; Holland, Simon; Price, Blaine; Georgiou, Theodoros and Mulholland, Paul
In : A Short Workshop on Next Steps Towards Long Term Self Tracking, CHI 2018: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (21-26 Apr 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada)
A longitudinal rehabilitation case study for hemiparetic gait using outdoor rhythmic haptic cueing via a wearable device (2018-04-11)
Islam, Riasat; Holland, Simon; Georgiou, Theodoros; Price, Blaine and Mulholland, Paul
In : 27th European Stroke Conference (11-13 Apr 2018, Athens, Greece)
Gait rehabilitation by outdoor rhythmic haptic cueing using wearable technology for neurological conditions: a case study (2018-03-19)
Islam, Riasat; Holland, Simon; Georgiou, Theodoros; Price, Blaine and Mulholland, Paul
In : ACPIN International Neurophysiotherapy Conference (19-20 Mar 2018, Manchester, UK)
Using SPARQL – the practitioners’ viewpoint (2018)
Warren, Paul and Mulholland, Paul
In : 21st International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2018) (12-16 Nov 2018, Nancy, France) (pp. 485-500)
Choosers: designing a highly expressive algorithmic music composition system for non-programmers (2017-10-17)
Bellingham, Matt; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Second Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity (11-13 Sep 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
Using Insights from Psychology and Language to Improve How People Reason with Description Logics (2017)
Warren, Paul; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico
In : ESWC 2017 (28 May - 1 Jun 2017, Portorož, Slovenia) (pp. 465-481)
Characterizing the Landscape of Musical Data on the Web: State of the Art and Challenges (2017)
Daquino, Marilena; Daga, Enrico; d'Aquin, Mathieu; Gangemi, Aldo; Holland, Simon; Laney, Robin; Penuela, Albert Merono and Mulholland, Paul
In : Second Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web - WHiSe II (21-25 Oct 2017, Vienna, Austria)
Designing a Highly Expressive Algorithmic Music Composition System for Non-Programmers (2016-12-20)
Bellingham, Matt; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-Day Workshop 2016 (20 Dec 2016, Queen Mary University of London)
Identifying Important Life Events from Twitter Using Semantic and Syntactic Patterns (2016)
Dickinson, Thomas; Fernandez, Miriam; Thomas, Lisa A.; Mulholland, Paul; Briggs, Pam and Alani, Harith
In : 15th International Conference WWW/Internet 2016 (28-30 Oct 2016, Mannheim, Germany) (pp. 143-150)
Identifying Prominent Life Events on Twitter (2015-10-07)
Dickinson, Thomas; Fernández, Miriam; Thomas, Lisa A.; Mulholland, Paul; Briggs, Pam and Alani, Harith
In : K-CAP 2015 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (6-10 Oct 2015, New York)
Making sense of description logics (2015-09-16)
Warren, Paul; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico
In : 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems (Semantics 2015) (16-17 Sep 2015, Vienna) (pp. 49-56)
Navigation strategies in the cityscape/datascape (2015-09)
Wolff, Annika and Mulholland, Paul
In : 4th International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications (PURBA 2015) (7 Sep 2015, Osaka) (pp. 1143-1151)
Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering Communities (2015-08-24)
Burel, Gregoire; Mulholland, Paul; He, Yulan and Alani, Harith
In : 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (1-4 Sep 2015, Cyprus) (pp. 201-210)
Prototyping a method for the assessment of real-time EEG sonifications (2015-08)
Steffert, Tony; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul; Dalton, Sheep and Väljamäe, Aleksander
In : 21st International Conference on Auditory Display (8-10 Jul 2015, Graz, Austria) (pp. 217-224)
Investigating the effects of introducing nonlinear dynamical processes into digital musical interfaces (2015-07-26)
Mudd, Tom; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul and Dalton, Nick
In : Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2015 (26 Jul - 1 Aug 2015, Maynooth University, Ireland)
Modelling Question Selection Behaviour in Online Communities (2015-05-18)
Burel, Gregoire; He, Yulan; Mulholland, Paul and Alani, Harith
In : 2015 International Conference on the World Wide Web (18-22 May 2015, Florence, Italy) (pp. 357-358)
Storyscope: Using setting and theme to assist the interpretation and development of museum stories (2015-04-21)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika; Kilfeather, Eoin and McCarthy, Evin
In : 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2014) (24-28 Nov 2014, Linköping, Sweden) (pp. 164-167)
Automatic Identification of Personal Life Events in Twitter (2015)
Dickinson, Thomas; Fernández, Miriam; Thomas, Lisa A.; Mulholland, Paul; Briggs, Pam and Alani, Harith
In : ACM Web Science (WebSci '15) (28 Jun - 1 Jul 2015, Oxford, UK)
Storyscope: Supporting the authoring and reading of museum stories using online data sources (2015)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika and Kilfeather, Eoin
In : 2015 ACM Web Science Conference (28 Jun - 01 Jul 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom)
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems as Enablers of Exploratory Engagement with Musical Instruments (2014-11-19)
Mudd, Tom; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul and Dalton, Nicholas
In : INTER-FACE: International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014 (19-23 Nov 2014, Lisbon, Portugal)
Mobile technology to support coherent story telling across freely explored outdoor artworks (2014-11)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul; Maguire, Mark and O'Donovan, Danielle
In : Advances in Computer Entertainment (11-14 Nov 2014, Madeira)
Eliciting Domain Knowledge Using Conceptual Metaphors: A Case Study from Music Interaction (2014-09-09)
Wilkie, Katie; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2014) (9-12 Sep 2014, Southport, UK) (pp. 126-129)
Dynamical Interactions with Electronic Instruments (2014-07-01)
Mudd, Tom; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul and Dalton, Nicholas
In : Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (30 Jun - 4 Jul 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London, London) (pp. 126-129)
A cognitive dimensions analysis of interaction design for algorithmic composition software (2014-06-25)
Bellingham, Matt; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Proceedings of Psychology of Programming Interest Group Annual Conference 2014 (25-27 Jun 2014, Brighton) (pp. 135-140)
Dynamical Systems in Interaction Design for Improvisation (2014-06-21)
Mudd, Tom; Dalton, Nick; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Workshop on Human Computer Improvisation at 2014 ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (21-25 Jun 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Cultural learning across the smart city (2014)
Wolff, Annika and Mulholland, Paul
In : Smart City Learning (16 Sep 2014, Graz, Austria)
The usability of description logics: understanding the cognitive difficulties presented by description logics (2014)
Warren, Paul; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico
In : Extended Semantic Web Conference 2014 (ESWC 2014) - Research Track (25-29 May 2014, Anissaras, Crete) (pp. 550-564)
Using ontologies: understanding the user experience (2014)
Warren, Paul; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico
In : 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2014) (24-28 Nov 2014, Linköping, Sweden) (pp. 579-590)
Using event spaces, setting and theme to assist the interpretation and development of museum stories (2014)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika; Kilfeather, Eoin and McCarthy, Evin
In : 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2014) (24-28 Nov 2014, Linköping, Sweden) (pp. 320-332)
Modelling the meaning of museum stories (2013-04)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Collins, Trevor
In : Annual Conference of Museums and the Web (17-20 Apr 2013, Portland, OR, USA)
Storyscope: using theme and setting to guide story enrichment from external data sources (2013)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Collins, Trevor
In : 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (1-3 May 2013, Paris, France) (pp. 79-88)
Curation, curation, curation (2013)
Wolff, Annika and Mulholland, Paul
In : Narrative and Hypertext (NHT'13) (1-3 May 2013, Paris, France)
Exploring scholarly data with Rexplore. (2013)
Osborne, Francesco; Motta, Enrico and Mulholland, Paul
In : International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013) (21-25 Oct 2013, Sydney, Australia) (pp. 460-477)
An empirical perspective on representing time (2013)
Scheuermann, Andreas; Motta, Enrico; Mulholland, Paul; Gangemi, Aldo and Presutti, Valentina
In : Seventh International Conference on Knowledge Capture (23-26 Jun 2013, Banff, Canada) (pp. 89-96)
Storyspace: a story-driven approach for creating museum narratives (2012)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Collins, Trevor
In : Hypertext 2012: 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (25-28 Jun 2012, Milwaukee, WI, USA)
QrAte: historical learning through a curatorial inquiry task using web resources (2012)
Wolff, Annika and Mulholland, Paul
In : ICALT 2012: 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (04-06 Jul 2012, Rome, Italy)
Web supported emplotment: using object and event descriptions to facilitate storytelling online and in galleries (2012)
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul and Wolff, Annika
In : WebSci 2012 (22-24 Jun 2012, Evanston, IL, USA) (pp. 104-107)
Curate and storyspace: an ontology and web-based environment for describing curatorial narratives (2012)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika and Collins, Trevor
In : 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2012) (27-31 May 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece)
We can work it out: towards a participatory approach to designing music interactions (2011-07)
Wilkie, Katie; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : When Words Fail: What can Music Interaction tell us about HCI? (04 Jul 2011, Newcastle Upon Tyne)
CHARACTER-EYES: story-driven inquiry from a character’s viewpoint (2011-05)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) (6-8 May 2011, Noordwijkerhout)
An information foraging theory based user study of an adaptive user interaction framework for content-based image retrieval (2011)
Liu, Haiming; Mulholland, Paul; Song, Dawei; Uren, Victoria and Rüger, Stefan
In : 17th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM) (Jan 2011, Taipei, Taiwan) (pp. 241-251)
A “laboratory of knowledge-making” for personal inquiry learning (2011)
Sharples, Mike; Collins, Trevor; Feißt, Markus; Gaved, Mark; Mulholland, Paul; Paxton, Mark and Wright, Michael
In : 15th International Conference, AIED 2011 (28 Jun - 01 Jul 2011, Auckland, New Zealand)
A novel approach to visualizing and navigating ontologies (2011)
Motta, Enrico; Mulholland, Paul; Peroni, Silvio; d'Aquin, Mathieu; Gomez-Perez, Jose Manuel; Mendez, Victor and Zablith, Fouad
In : The 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011) (23-27 Oct 2011, Bonn, Germany) (pp. 470-486)
An event-based approach to describing and understanding museum narratives (2011)
Mulholland, Paul; Wolff, Annika; Collins, Trevor and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2011) in conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference 2011 (ISWC 2011) (23 Oct 2011, Bonn, Germany)
More notspots than hotspots: strategies for undertaking networked learning in the real world (2010-10)
Gaved, Mark; Mulholland, Paul; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Collins, Trevor and Scanlon, Eileen
In : mLearn 2010 9th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (20-22 Oct 2010, Valetta, Malta)
nQuire: a customizable toolkit for inquiry learning across school, home and field trip locations (2010-10)
Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Gaved, Mark
In : 9th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mlearn 2010) (19-22 Oct 2010, Valletta, Malta)
Personal Inquiry: scripting support for inquiry learning by participatory design (2010-07)
Scanlon, Eileen; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Twiner, Alison; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor; Jones, Ann; Gaved, Mark; Littleton, Karen; Blake, Canan and Conole, Grainne
In : Computer-Based Learning in Science (7-10 Jul 2010, Warsaw, Poland)
A novel user interface for musical timbre design (2010-05-22)
Seago, Allan; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Audio Engineering Society 128th Convention (22-25 May 2010, London, UK)
Applying information foraging theory to understand user interaction with content-based image retrieval (2010)
Liu, Haiming; Mulholland, Paul; Song, Dawei; Uren, Victoria and Rüger, Stefan
In : The Information Interaction in Context Conference (IIiX 2010) (18-22 Aug 2010, New Brunswick, NJ, USA)
Visual summaries of data: a spatial hypertext approach to user feedback (2010)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : Hypertext 2010 : 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (13-16 Jun 2010, Toronto, Canada) (pp. 287-288)
The challenge of supporting networked personal inquiry learning across contexts (2010)
Scanlon, Eileen; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Gaved, Mark; Jones, Ann; Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Blake, Canan; Petrou, Marilena and Littleton, Karen
In : The 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010 (3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark)
Knowledge modelling to support inquiry learning tasks (2010)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Blasko, Miroslav
In : 4th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM`2010) (1-3 Sep 2010, Belfast, UK) (p 198)
Being a Geographer: the role of mobile, scripted inquiry in mediating embodied meaning-making during Geography fieldtrips (2010)
Kerawalla, Lucinda; Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann; Littleton, Karen; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor; Twiner, Alison; Clough, Gill; Blake, Canan; Petrou, Marilena; Conole, Grainne and Gaved, Mark
In : 9th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mlearn 2010) (19-22 Oct 2010, Valletta, Malta)
Analysis of conceptual metaphors to improve music software: the role of prior experience in inclusive music interaction (2009-09)
Wilkie, Katie; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : British Computer Society HCI Conference 2009 Workshop (01-05 Sep 2009, Cambridge)
Evaluating musical software using conceptual metaphors (2009)
Wilkie, Katie; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Proceedings of BCS Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2009) (1-5 Sep 2009, Cambridge UK)
Activity guide: an approach to scripted inquiry learning (2009)
Mulholland, P.; Collins, T.; Gaved, M.; Wright, M.; Sharples, M.; Greenhalgh, C.; Kerwalla, L.; Scanlon, E. and Littleton, K.
In : AIED Workshop on Exploratory Learning Environments (6-10 Jul 2009, Brighton, UK)
Characterising participation trajectories and the negotiation of personalised inquiry learning in the secondary school geography classroom (2009)
Kerawalla, L.; Scanlon, E.; Jones, A.; Collins, T.; Conole, G.; Littleton, K.; Mulholland, P.; Twiner, A.; Tosunoglu Blake, C. and Gaved, Mark
In : British Educational Research Association (Sep 2009, Manchester, UK)
Intelligent support for inquiry learning from images: a learning scenario and tool (2009)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Abrahamcik, Jan and Wolff, Annika
In : The 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2009) (6-10 Jul 2009, Brighton, UK) (pp. 417-424)
Technological mediation of personal inquiry in UK GCSE geography: opportunities and challenges (2009)
Kerawalla, Lucinda; Scanlon, Eileen; Twiner, Alison; Jones, Ann; Littleton, Karen; Conole, Grainne; Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor; Blake, Canan; Clough, Gill and Gaved, Mark
In : CAL09 - Learning in Digital Worlds (23-25 Mar 2009, Brighton, UK)
Reasoning across multilingual learning resources in human genetics (2009)
Zdrahal, Zdenek; Knoth, Petr; Collins, Trevor and Mulholland, Paul
In : The International 2009 ICL Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning (23-25 Sep 2009, Villach, Austria)
Supporting location-based inquiry learning across school, field and home contexts (2008-10)
Collins, Trevor; Gaved, Mark; Mulholland, Paul; Kerawalla, Cindy; Twiner, Alison; Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann; Littleton, Karen; Conole, Grainne and Blake, Canan
In : Proceedings of the MLearn 2008 Conference (7-10 Oct 2008, Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire, UK)
From design to narrative: the development of inquiry-based learning models (2008-07)
Conole, Grainne; Scanlon, Eileen; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Mulholland, Paul; Anastopoulou, Stamatina and Blake, Canan
In : World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) (30 Jun - 4 Jul 2008, Vienna)
Investigating the Effects of Exploratory Semantic Search on the Use of a Museum Archive (2008-03)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Collins, Trevor
In : IEEE 2008 International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems (9-12 Mar 2008, Athens, Greece)
Exploring pathways across stories (2008-03)
Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul and Collins, Trevor
In : IEEE 2008 International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems (10-12 Mar 2008, Athens, Greece)
Investigating personal inquiry: An activity theory approach (2008)
Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann; Collins, Trevor; Conole, Grainne; Gaved, Mark; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Littleton, Karen; Mulholland, Paul; Twiner, Alison and Blake, Canan
In : Proceedings of mLearn (8-10 Oct 2008, Wolverhampton, UK)
Timbre space as synthesis space: towards a navigation based approach to timbre specification (2008)
Seago, Allan; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Spring Conference of the Institute of Acoustics 2008: Widening Horizons in Acoustics (10-11 Apr 2008, Reading, UK)
Using ICT to support public and private community memories: case studies and lessons learned (2006-10)
Mulholland, P.; Gaved, Mark; Collins, T.; Zdrahal, Z. and Heath, T.
In : Proceedings: 3rd Prato International Community Informatics Conference (CIRN 2006): Constructing and Sharing Memory (9-11 Oct 2006, Monash Centre, Prato, Italy)
Knowledge support of simulation model development by reuse (2006)
Valasek, Michael; Steinbauer, Pavel; Šika, Zbyněk; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Mulholland, Paul
In : International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2006) (7-10 Feb 2003, Vienna, Austria)
Semantic browsing of digital collections (2005-11-06)
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005) (6-10 Nov 2005, Galway, Ireland) (pp. 157-141)
Spotlight browsing of resource archives (2005-09-06)
Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT 05) (6-9 Sep 2005, Salzburg, Austria)
Towards a mapping of timbral space (2005)
Seago, Allan; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
In : Proceedings of Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM05) (10-12 Mar 2005, Montreal, Canada)
Grassroots initiated networked communities: A study of hybrid physical/virtual communities (2005)
Gaved, Mark and Mulholland, Paul
In : 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (3-6 Jan 2005, Big Island, Hawaii, USA) (pp. 191-193)
Scene-driver: a narrative-driven game architecture reusing broadcast animation content (2004-09-01)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : The 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology (3-5 Jun 2004, Singapore)
Story Fountain: Intelligent support for Story Research And Exploration (2004-01-13)
Mulholland, Paul; Collins, Trevor and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (13-16 Jan 2004, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal)
Scene driver: reusing broadcast animation content for engaging, narratively coherent games (2004)
Wolff, Annika; Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : 2004 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2004) (25-28 May 2004, Gallipoli, Italy)
Grassroots initiated networked communities: a viable method of overcoming multiple digital inequalities within communities of locality? (2004)
Gaved, Mark and Mulholland, Paul
In : Building & Bridging Community Networks: Knowledge, Innovation & Diversity through Communication conference (31 Mar - 2 Apr 2004, Brighton, UK)
Knowledge support of cautious sharing of knowledge for simulation model assembly (2004)
Valasek, Michael; Šika, Zbyněk; Steinbauer, Pavel; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul and Trejtnar, T.
In : Advanced Engineering Design Conference (AED 2004) (5-8 Sep 2004, Glasgow, Scotland)
Methodology and tools to support storytelling in cultural heritage forums (2003)
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Bradbury, David and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : 2nd International Workshop on Presenting and Exploring Heritage on the Web in conjunction with DEXA 2003 (1-5 Sep 2003, Prague, Czech Republic) (p 105)
Supporting the sharing and reuse of modelling and simulation design knowledge (2003)
Mulholland, Paul; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Valasek, Michael; Sainter, Phillip; Koss, Matt and Trejtnar, Lukas
In : 9th International Conference of Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2003) (16-18 Jun 2003, Espoo, Finland)
Knowledge support for story construction, exploration and personalization in Cultural Heritage Forums (2003)
Mulholland, Paul and Zdrahal, Zdenek
In : 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'03) (1-5 Sep 2003, Prague, Czech Republic) (p 70)
A toolkit and methodology to support the collaborative development and reuse of engineering models (2003)
Zdrahal, Zdenek; Mulholland, Paul; Valasek, Michael; Sainter, Phil; Koss, Matt and Trejtnar, Lucas
In : 14th international conference, DEXA 2003 (1-5 Sep 2003, Prague, Czech Republic) (pp. 856-865)
Framework for Knowledge Support of Simulation in Engineering (2002)
Valášek, Michael; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Mulholland, Paul
In : 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2002) (2-5 Apr 2002, Vienna, Austria)
A Cultural Heritage Forum Celebrating Technological Innovation at Station X (2002)
Collins, T. and Mulholland, P.
In : the IEEE International workshop on Presenting and Exploring Heritage on the Web (PEH'02) in conjunction with DEXA 2002 (02-06 Sep 2002, Aix En Provence, France)
Using genre to support active participation in learning communities (2001-03)
Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul and Watt, Stuart
In : The European Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (Euro CSCL 2001) (21-24 Mar 2001, Maastricht, Holland) (pp. 156-164)
Using a fine-grained comparative evaluation technique to understand and design software visualization tools (1997)
Mulholland, Paul
In : 7th Workshop [of the] Empirical Studies of Programmers 1997 (ESP 97) (24-26 Oct 1997, Alexandria, Virginia) (pp. 91-108)
PVC-Challenges Response: A student facing dashboard for online undergraduate students (2023-12)
Herodotou, Christothea; Shrestha, Sagun; Comfort, Catherine; Fernandez, Miriam; Andrews, Heshan; Mulholland, Paul; Bayer, Vaclav; Maguire, Claire and Lee, John
Quality Enhancement and Innovation, The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
An analysis of algorithmic composition interaction design with reference to Cognitive Dimensions (2014-05-29)
Bellingham, Matt; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
Department of Computing, The Open University
Synthesizer user interface design - lessons learned from a heuristic review (2004-06-11)
Seago, Allan; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul
Department of Computing, The Open University