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Dr Michel Wermelinger

Profile summary

Professional biography

Michel's broad area of teaching and research is programming and software engineering.

He is currently the university's academic lead for generative AI in learning, teaching and assessment.

He was the Head of the Computing Department in 2012/13 and the Deputy Head of the Computing and Communications Department in 2013/14. During 2017-19 he was the deputy lead of the largest theme of the £40m Institute of Coding (IoC) and the School of Computing and Communications lead for the IoC. From 2006 to 2016, he was an Associate Lecturer (tutor) on the MSc Project. 

Being fluent in German, he was an academic reviewer of the Technology Faculty of Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg on behalf of OU Validation Services. He was also academic reviewer for Ada, the National College for Digital Skills.

Before joining the OU, he was an assistant professor in the Computing Department of the New University of Lisbon, and a consultant to a software house, both in Portugal.

Research interests

Michel's research draws on a variety of techniques (repository mining, natural language analysis, information retrieval) to improve the understanding and practice of software evolution and maintenance and of the architectural design of software systems. Michel is also interested in data visualisation. He has proposed a novel application of concept lattices to visualise hierarchical socio-technical relationships, and developed an interactive scatterplot tool for easier exploration of data sets by non-specialists.​

He is part of the Software Engineering and Design group and in particular a co-I of the EPSRC project Socio-technical resilience in software development and PI of the Huawei-funded project Empirical Data-Driven Bug Localisation in Software Development. He was a member of the £16m smart city MK:Smart project, which included the Urban Data School, a data literacy project in schools using smart city data.

He co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and supervised 7 PhD students to conclusion.

Teaching interests

Michel's teaching is centred on algorithms and programming. In particular he

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
CRC: Software Engineering and DesignGroupFaculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology


Externally funded projects

EPSRC DTP - Pair Programming Project with Toshiba
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Feb 202231 Jan 2026Toshiba Research Europe Ltd

In pair programming, two people work together on the same problem, collaboratively writing code (in a shared window or screen) whilst communicating with each other (via voice or text, face-to-face or remotely). Pair programming is used by professional software developers (Goth, 2016) and has also been shown to help beginning programmers improve their skills. For example, McDowell et al. (2002) found that pair programming increases retention and helps students become better programmers. Also, pair programming was found particularly beneficial for women, helping them persist in computer science (Werner, 2004). The practicalities involved in setting up pair programming sessions can be a barrier to adopting it, both in professional and educational settings (especially distance learning settings). The proposed research explores the use of chatbots to address this issue. Chatbots are dialogue systems that respond to users questions and requests with natural language responses. Task-oriented chatbots are used in business applications while open-domain chatbots are used for entertainment. Katz et al. (2014) explore use of chatbots in an education task. Our work will advance dialogue systems research by applying it in the context of pair programming. Research topic and approach Building on the research strengths in dialogue modelling, question generation, pair programming and multi-modality at the OU and Toshiba, we propose to develop and investigate an AI buddy for pair programming, which can collaborate with a software developer on solving a programming problem (either from scratch or by completing a skeleton program). The AI should be able to: - detect if the developer is stuck and requires help - make contextual suggestions and provide hints - question the developer about the rationale for their programming and problem solving decisions - thereby helping them self-evaluate their work - generate contributions appropriate for the developer's emotional state A distinctive aspect of the project will be the use of multimodal communication. Depending on the strengths of the PhD applicant one or more of the following modalities will be used by the AI to interact with the student: - Spoken voice: analysis (content of what the student says, but also emotion) & synthesis (of the AIs dialogue contributions) - Webcam video to monitor: emotion, focus, level of understanding, cognitive load, etc. - Text-based chat (as an alternative to spoken interaction) - Embodied computer-animated representation of the AI buddy (Andrist 2019)

Empirical Data-Driven Bug Localisation in Software Development
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jun 202131 Aug 2025Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd

In software engineering, developers must respond quickly to the change requests raised by product customers. For example, when a bug report arrives, developers need to locate relevant code to patch the bug. External to the product teams, however, customers can only describe the bug using their own (natural) language, with limited understanding of the software. Such a description may not reflect the developers’ rich experience and their deeper understanding of the software architecture, design, data structures, algorithms, etc. Hence substantial amount of time must be wasted on triaging, from a vast repository, where to start the investigation. It is like searching needles in a haystack [1]. To tackle this problem, existing work on bug localisation employs various heuristics in the natural language description of bugs and code to achieve state-of-the-art performance on information retrieval metrics, such as precision/recall and top-K [1]. Precision measures how many pieces of recommended code are indeed related to an average bug report; recall measures how many pieces of code known relevant to a bug report have been recommended; and top-K measures how many out of the K recommended pieces of code are relevant to a bug report. However, existing research methods developed since Zhou et al. [2] are competing against a benchmark of only 4~6 medium-sized open-source Java projects mostly taken from Eclipse development. Although various information retrieval approaches have been attempted, and compared on top of this benchmark, there is a lot of uncertainty as to how they apply to Huawei’s contexts. In this project, we will tackle these challenges with practicability and adoptability in mind.

Socio-technical resilience in software development (STRIDE)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Jul 202030 Sep 2025EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The project will investigate resilience and automation in the socio-technical system that supports software development, which includes people , technical infrastructure, processes and artefacts . Recognising that users are developers and developers are users in different contexts, we’d like to investigate two communities that represent different points along that dimension: commercial software development community and professional end user development community.

SAUSE: Secure, Adaptive, Usable Software Engineering
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 201831 Mar 2024EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

In the last decade, the role of software engineering has changed rapidly and radically. Globalisation and mobility of people and services, pervasive computing, and ubiquitous connectivity through the Internet have disrupted traditional software engineering boundaries and practices. People and services are no longer bound by physical locations. Computational devices are no longer bound to the devices that host them. Communication, in its broadest sense, is no longer bounded in time or place. The Software Engineering & Design (SEAD) group at the Open University (OU) is leading software engineering research in this new reality that requires a paradigm shift in the way software is developed and used. This platform grant will grow and sustain strategic, multi-disciplinary, crosscutting research activities that underpin the advances in software engineering required to build the pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems that will be tightly woven into the fabric of a complex and changing socio-technical world. In addition to sustaining and growing the SEAD group at the OU and supporting its continued collaboration with the Social Psychology research group at the University of Exeter, the SAUSE platform will also enable the group to have lasting impact across several application domains such as healthcare, aviation, policing, and sustainability. The grant will allow the team to enhance the existing partner networks in these areas and to develop impact pathways for their research, going beyond the scope and lifetime of individual research projects.


Discourse annotation - Towards a dialogue system for pair programming (2023-02-28)
Domingo, Cecilia; Piwek, Paul; Stoyanchev, Svetlana and Wermelinger, Michel
TAL Journal, 63, Article 1(3) (pp. 11-35)

Evaluating the effectiveness of risk containers to isolate change propagation (2021-06)
Leigh, Andrew; Wermelinger, Michel and Zisman, Andrea
Journal of Systems and Software, 176, Article 110947

Exploring design principles for data literacy activities to support children’s inquiries from complex data (2019-09)
Wolff, Annika; Wermelinger, Michel and Petre, Marian
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 129 (pp. 41-54)

Locating bugs without looking back (2018-09-30)
Dilshener, Tezcan; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
Automated Software Engineering, 25(3) (pp. 383-434)

Assessing architectural evolution: a case study (2011-10)
Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun; Lozano, Angela and Capiluppi, Andrea
Empirical Software Engineering, 16(5) (pp. 623-666)

Commentary on ‘Software architectures and mobility: A roadmap’ (2010)
Wermelinger, Michel and Bandara, Arosha
Journal of Systems and Software, 83(6) (pp. 899-901)

The CommUnity Workbench (2007)
Oliveira, Cristóvão and Wermelinger, Michel
Science of Computer Programming, 69(1-3) (pp. 46-55)

Learning software engineering at a distance (2006)
Quinn, Brendan; Barroca, Leonor; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Fernandez-Ramil, Juan; Rapanotti, Lucia; Thomas, Pete and Wermelinger, Michel
IEEE Software, 23(6) (pp. 36-43)

Modelling the GSM handover protocol in CommUnity (2005-12-01)
Oliveira, Cristóvão; Wermelinger, Michel; Fiadeiro, José Luiz and Lopes, Antónia
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 141(3) (pp. 3-25)

Higher-order architectural connectors (2003-01)
Lopes, Antónia; Wermelinger, Michel and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 12(1) (pp. 64-104)

A Graph Transformation Approach to Software Architecture Reconfiguration (2002-08)
Wermelinger, Michel and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
Science of Computer Programming, 44(2) (pp. 133-155)

Towards a chemical model for software architecture reconfiguration (1998-10)
Wermelinger, Michel
IEE Proceedings - Software, 145(5) (pp. 130-136)

Connectors for mobile programs (1998-05)
Wermelinger, Michel and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 24(5) (pp. 331-341)

Some issues in the 'archaeology' of software evolution (2011)
Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In: Fernandes, J. M.; Lämmel, R.; Visser, J. and Saraiva, J. eds. Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (6491) (pp. 426-445)
ISBN : 978-3-642-18022-4 | Publisher : Springer

Empirical studies of open source evolution (2008)
Fernandez-Ramil, Juan; Lozano, Angela; Wermelinger, Michel and Capiluppi, Andrea
In: Mens, Tom and Demeyer, Serge eds. Software Evolution (pp. 263-288)
ISBN : 978-3-540-76439-7, 978-3-642-09529-0 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Berlin

Enhancing dependability through flexible adaptation to changing requirements (2004-11)
Wermelinger, Michel; Koutsoukos, Georgios; Lourenço, Hugo; Avillez, Richard; Gouveia, João; Andrade, Luís and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
In: de Lemos, Rogério; Gacek, Cristina and Romanovsky, Alexander eds. Architecting Dependable Systems II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3069) (pp. 3-24)
ISBN : 3540231684 | Publisher : Springer-Verlag

A mathematical semantics for architectural connectors (2003)
Fiadeiro, José Luiz; Lopes, Antónia and Wermelinger, Michel
In: Backhouse, R and Gibbons, J eds. Generic programming: advanced lectures. Lecture notes in computer science (2793) (pp. 178-221)
ISBN : 3540201947 | Publisher : Springer-Verlag | Published : Berlin, Germany

Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 7th International Conference Proceedings (2004)
Wermelinger, Michel and Margaria-Steffen, Tiziana eds.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
ISBN : 3540213058 | Publisher : Springer-Verlag | Published : Berlin

Human-Machine Teaming and Team Effectiveness in AI tools for Software Engineering (2025)
Rauf, Irum; Sharp, Helen; Lopez, Tamara and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of CHASE 2025 (27-28 Apr 2025, Ottawa, Canada)

Annotation Needs for Referring Expressions in Pair-Programming Dialogue (2024-09)
Domingo, Cecilia; Piwek, Paul; Wermelinger, Michel and Stoyanchev, Svetlana
In : SemDial'24 – 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (11-12 Sep 2024, Trento, Italy)

Co-Designing Resilient Socio-Technical Software Systems (2024-07-25)
Lopez, Tamara; Sharp, Helen and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 2024 International Workshop on Designing Software (Designing ’24) (14-15 Apr 2024, Lisbon, Portugal) (pp. 60-63)

An Environment for Algorithmic Essays (2024-03)
Wermelinger, Michel and Snowden, Michael
In : SIGCSE 2024: Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (20-23 Mar 2023, Portland, OR, USA)

Discussing the Changing Landscape of Generative AI in Computing Education (2024-03)
MacNeil, Stephen; Leinonen, Juho; Denny, Paul; Kiesler, Natalie; Hellas, Arto; Prather, James; Becker, Brett A.; Wermelinger, Michel and Reid, Karen
In : SIGCSE 2024: Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (20-23 Mar 2023, Portland, OR, USA)

Algorithmic essays (2024)
Snowden, Michael and Wermelinger, Michel
In : UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference (05-06 Sep 2024, Manchester, UK.)

Checking Conformance to a Subset of the Python Language (2023-06)
Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (8-12 Jul 2023, Turku, Finland) (pp. 573-574)

The Implications of Large Language Models for CS Teachers and Student (2023-03-06)
MacNeil, Stephen; Kim, Joanne; Leinonen, Juho; Denny, Paul; Bernstein, Seth; Becker, Brett A.; Wermelinger, Michel; Hellas, Arto; Tran, Andrew; Sarsa, Sami; Prather, James and Kumar, Viraj
In : Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (SIGCSE 2023) (15-18 Mar 2023, Toronto ON Canada) (p 1255)

Using GitHub Copilot to Solve Simple Programming Problems (2023-03-03)
Wermelinger, Michel
In : 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (15-18 Mar 2023, Toronto, Canada) (pp. 172-178)

Using a Virtual Computing Lab to Teach Programming at a Distance (2023-01-06)
Hackett, Phil; Wermelinger, Michel; Kear, Karen and Douce, Chris
In : Proceedings of 7th Conference on Computing Education Practice (CEP '23) (6 Jan 2023, Durham, UK) (pp. 5-8)

Accounting for socio-technical resilience in software engineering (2023)
Lopez, Tamara; Sharp, Helen; Wermelinger, Michel; Langer, Melanie; Levine, Mark; Jay, Caroline; Yu, Yijun and Nuseibeh, Bashar
In : 2023 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE) (14-15 May 2023, Melbourne)

Informed consent and participant recruitment in studies of software practice (2022-05)
Sharp, Helen; Lopez, Tamara and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 1st International Workshop on Recruiting Participants for Empirical Software Engineering (RoPES’22) (17 May 2022, Virtual)

Investigating Remote Pair Programming In Part-Time Distance Education (2021-09-02)
Adeliyi, Adeola; Wermelinger, Michel; Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jonathan
In : 3rd Conference on United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research, UKICER 2021 (2-3 Sep 2021, Online)

Remote Pair Programming (2021-03)
Adeliyi, Adeola; Hughes, Janet; Kear, Karen; Law, Bobby; Murphy, Brendan; Rosewell, Jon; Walshe, Ann and Wermelinger, Michel
In : SIGCSE'21 - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (13-20 Mar 2021, Virtual)

Visualizing Sets and Changes in Membership Using Layered Set Intersection Graphs (2020)
Agarwal, Shivam; Tkachev, Gleb; Wermelinger, Michel and Beck, Fabian
In : 25th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (28 Sep - 1 Oct 2020) (pp. 69-78)

Risk Containers – A Help or Hindrance to Practitioners? (2019-05)
Leigh, Andrew; Wermelinger, Michel and Zisman, Andrea
In : IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) (25-29 Mar 2019, Hamburg) (pp. 230-233)

Learning to program: from problems to code (2019-01-09)
Piwek, Paul; Wermelinger, Michel; Laney, Robin and Walker, Richard
In : Third Conference in Computing Education Practice (CEP) (9 Jan 2019, Durham, UK)

An Open Networking Lab for practical open education (2019)
Kear, Karen; Smith, Andrew; Donelan, Helen; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Jones, Allan; Rosewell, Jonathan; Wermelinger, Michel; Connolly, Teresa; Sanders, Chris; Peasgood, Alice; Williams, Judith; Moss, Nicky and Third, Allan
In : OER19: Recentering Open (10-11 Apr 2019, National University of Ireland, Galway)

The Open Networking Lab: Hands-on Vocational Learning in Computer Networking (2018-10)
Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Kear, Karen; Smith, Andrew; Jones, Allan; Rosewell, Jonathan; Donelan, Helen; Wermelinger, Michel; Sanders, Chris; Third, Allan and Connolly, Teresa
In : IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (3-6 Oct 2018, San Jose, California, USA)

Open Networking Lab: online practical learning of computer networking (2018-10)
Rosewell, Jonathan; Kear, Karen; Jones, Allan; Smith, Andrew; Donelan, Helen; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Peasgood, Alice; Sanders, Chris; Third, Allan; Wermelinger, Michel; Moss, Nicky; Williams, Judith and Connolly, Teresa
In : The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference: Blended and online Learning: Changing the Educational Landscape (10-12 Oct 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark)

Wide, long, or nested data? Reconciling the machine and human viewpoints (2018-09-07)
Hall, Alan Geoffrey; Wermelinger, Michel; Hirst, Tony and Phithakkitnukoon, Santi
In : Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG) (5-7 Sep 2018, London)

The Open Networking Lab: an open online course for experiential learning of computer networking (2018)
Kear, Karen; Smith, Andrew; Mikroyannidis, Alex; Jones, Allan; Rosewell, Jon; Donelan, Helen; Wermelinger, Michel; Sanders, Chris; Third, Allan and Connolly, Teresa
In : Association for Learning Technology (ALT) annual conference 2018 (11-13 Sep 2018, Manchester)

Structuring Spreadsheets with the “Lish” Data Model (2017-07)
Hall, Alan Geoffrey; Wermelinger, Michel; Hirst, Tony and Phithakkitnukoon, Santi
In : European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group Conference 2017 (06 Jul 2017, London)

Software Architecture Risk Containers (2017)
Leigh, Andrew Philip; Wermelinger, Michel and Zisman, Andrea
In : European Conference on Software Architecture (11-15 Sep 2017, Canterbury, UK)

An Evaluation of Design Rule Spaces as Risk Containers (2016-07-21)
Leigh, Andrew; Wermelinger, Michel and Zisman, Andrea
In : 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) (5-8 Apr 2016, Venice, Italy) (pp. 295-298)

Locating Bugs without Looking Back (2016-05-14)
Dilshener, Tezcan; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : Mining Software Repository (14-15 May 2016, Austin, TX, USA) (pp. 286-290)

Some future scenarios for ‘in the wild’ visualisations (2015-10-13)
Cavero, Jose; Wermelinger, Michel and Wolff, Annika
In : Death of the Desktop: Envisioning Visualization without Desktop Computing Workshop (09 Nov 2014, Paris)

Investigating naming convention adherence in Java references (2015-09)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : 31st International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME2015) (29 Sep - 1 Oct 2015, Bremen, Germany) (pp. 41-50)

Teaching software systems thinking at The Open University (2015-05)
Wermelinger, Michel; Hall, Jon; Rapanotti, Lucia; Barroca, Leonor; Ramage, Magnus and Bandara, Arosha
In : Joint Software Engineering Education and Training Conference (18-22 May 2015, Florence, Italy) (pp. 307-310)

An architectural evolution dataset (2015-05)
Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (16-17 May 2015, Florence, Italy) (pp. 502-505)

A survey of the forms of Java reference names (2015-05)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension (18-19 May 2015, Florence, Italy) (pp. 196-206)

Run-time generation, transformation, and verification of access control models for self-protection (2014-06)
Bailey, Christopher; Montrieux, Lionel; de Lemos, Rogério; Yu, Yijun and Wermelinger, Michel
In : SEAMS'14: 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (2-3 Jun 2014, Hyderabad, India) (pp. 135-144)

Developing a domain-specific plug-in for a modelling platform: the good, the bad, the ugly (2013-05-21)
Montrieux, Lionel; Yu, Yijun and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 3rd Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins (21 May 2013, San Francisco)

Issues in representing domain-specific concerns in model-driven engineering (2013-05)
Montrieux, Lionel; Yu, Yijun; Wermelinger, Michel and Hu, Zhenjiang
In : Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering @ ICSE 2013 (18-19 May 2013, San Francisco)

INVocD: Identifier Name Vocabulary Dataset (2013)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Sharp, Helen
In : 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (18-19 May 2013, San Francisco)

The Challenge of Software Complexity (2013)
Moore, Kevin and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012 (3-7 Sep 2012, Brussels) (pp. 179-187)

Software evolution prediction using seasonal time analysis: a comparative study (2012)
Goulão, Miguel; Fonte, Nelson; Wermelinger, Michel and Brito e Abreu, Fernando
In : 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (27-30 Mar 2012, Szeged, Hungary)

Improving the tokenisation of identifier names (2011)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Sharp, Helen
In : 25th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (25-29 Jul 2011, Lancaster, UK) (pp. 130-154)

Sound Spheres: A Design Study of the Articulacy of a Non-Contact Finger Tracking Virtual Musical Instrument (2011)
Hughes, Craig; Wermelinger, Michel and Holland, Simon
In : 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference (6-9 Jul 2011, Padova, Italy)

Tool support for UML-based specification and verification of role-based access control properties (2011)
Montrieux, Lionel; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : 8th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (4-9 Sep 2011, Szeged, Hungary)

Challenges in Model-Based Evolution and Merging of Access Control Policies (2011)
Montrieux, Lionel; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : Joint 12th International Workshop on Principles on Software Evolution and 7th ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (5-6 Sep 2011, Szeged, Hungary)

Mining Java Class Naming Conventions (2011)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Sharp, Helen
In : 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (25-30 Sep 2011, Williamsburg, VA, USA) (pp. 93-102)

Relating Developers’ Concepts and Artefact Vocabulary in a Financial Software Module (2011)
Dilshener, Tezcan and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (25-30 Sep 2011, Williamsburg VA, USA)

Maleku: an evolutionary visual software analytics tool for providing insights into software evolution (2011)
González, Antonio; Therón, Roberto; García-Peñalvo, Francisco; Wermelinger, Michel and Yu, Yijun
In : 27th International Conference on Software Maintenance (25-30 Sep 2011, Williamsburg VA, USA)

Exploring the Influence of Identifier Names on Code Quality: An empirical study (2010-03)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Sharp, Helen
In : 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (15-18 Mar 2010, Madrid, Spain) (pp. 156-165)

Tracking clones' imprint (2010)
Lozano Rodriguez, Angela and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 4th International Workshop on Software Clones (8 May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa)

Using formal concept analysis to construct and visualise hierarchies of socio-technical relations (2009-05)
Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Strohmaier, Markus
In : Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, Companion Volume (18-24 May 2009, Vancouver)

Managing assumptions during agile development (2009)
Ostacchini, Ireo and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Fourth ICSE Workshop on Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (16 May 2009, Vancouver, Canada)

Relating identifier naming flaws and code quality: An empirical study (2009)
Butler, Simon; Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Sharp, Helen
In : 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (13-16 Oct 2009, Lille, France)

Design Principles in Architectural Evolution: a Case Study (2008-10)
Wermelinger, Michel; Yu, Yijun and Lozano Rodriguez, Angela
In : Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (28 Sep - 4 Oct 2008, Beijing, China) (pp. 396-405)

Assessing the effect of clones on changeability (2008-10)
Lozano, Angela and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (28 Sep - 4 Oct 2008, Beijing, China) (pp. 227-236)

Evaluating the relation between changeability decay and the characteristics of clones and methods (2008-09)
Lozano Rodriguez, Angela; Wermelinger, Michel and Nuseibeh, Bashar
In : 4th International ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution and Evolvability (15-16 Sep 2008, L'Aquila, Italy) (pp. 100-109)

Graph-centric tools for understanding the evolution and relationships of software structures (2008)
Yu, Yijun and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (15-18 Oct 2008, Antwerp, Belgium) (p 329)

A model-driven approach to extract views from an architecture description language (2007-01)
Oliveira, Cristóvão and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'07) (6-9 Jan 2007, Mumbai, India)

A Prolog toolkit for formal languages and automata (2005)
Wermelinger, Michel and Dias, Artur Miguel
In : Proceedings of the 10th annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (27-29 Jun 2005, Caparica, Portugal)

Challenges in Software Evolution (2005)
Mens, Tom; Wermelinger, Michel; Ducasse, Stéphane; Demeyer, Serge; Hirschfeld, Robert and Jazayeri, Mehdi
In : 8th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (5-6 Sep 2005, Lisbon, Portugal)

A survey of self-management in dynamic software architecture specifications (2004)
Bradbury, Jeremy S.; Cordy, James R.; Dingel, Juergen and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-managed Systems (31 Oct - 1 Nov 2004) (pp. 28-33)

Architectural primitives for distribution and mobility (2002)
Lopes, Antónia; Fiadeiro, José Luiz and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 10th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (18-22 Nov 2002, Charleston, South Carolina, USA) (pp. 41-50)

Maintaining software through intentional source-code views (2002)
Mens, Kim; Mens, Tom and Wermelinger, Michel
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (15-19 Jul 2002, Ischia, Italy) (pp. 289-296)

A Graph based architectural (re)configuration language (2001)
Wermelinger, Michel; Lopes, Antónia and Fiadeiro, José Luiz
In : 8th European software engineering conference held jointly with 9th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering (10-14 Sep 2001, Vienna, Austria) (pp. 21-32)

Towards a software evolution benchmark (2001)
Demeyer, Serge; Mens, Tom and Wermelinger, Michel
In : 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (Sep 2001, Vienna, Austria) (pp. 174-177)

A different perspective on canonicity (1997)
Wermelinger, Michel
In : Fifth International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'97 (3-8 Aug 1997, Seattle, WA, USA) (pp. 110-124)

A hierarchic architecture model for dynamic reconfiguration (1997)
Wermelinger, Michel
In : 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems (17-18 May 1997, Boston, MA, USA) (pp. 243-254)

Conceptual graphs and first-order logic (1995)
Wermelinger, Michel
In : Third International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS '95 (14-18 Aug 1995, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) (pp. 323-337)

Basic conceptual structures theory (1994)
Wermelinger, Michel and Lopes, José Gabriel
In : 2nd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'94 (16-20 Aug 1994, College Park MD, USA) (pp. 144-159)

Conceptual structures for modeling in CIM (1993)
Wermelinger, Michel and Bejan, Alex
In : First International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'93 (4-7 Aug 1993, Quebec City, Canada) (pp. 345-360)

An X-Windows Toolkit for knowledge acquisition and representation based on conceptual structures (1993)
Wermelinger, Michel and Lopes, José Gabriel
In : Conceptual Structures: Theory and Implementation: 7th Annual Workshop (8-10 Jul 1992, Las Cruces, NM, USA) (pp. 262-271)

Specification of Software Architecture Reconfiguration (1999-12)
Wermelinger, Michel
PhD thesis Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Teoria Básica das Estruturas Conceptuais (1995-01)
Wermelinger, Michel Alexandre
mphil thesis Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Mathematical and Data Literacy: Competencies and curriculum implications at the intersection of mathematics, data science, statistics and computing (2023-09)
Smith, Cathy; Kathotia, Vinay; Ward-Penny, Robert; Howson, Oli and Wermelinger, Michel
The Royal Society

Best Practices in using Technological Infrastructures (2020-07)
Howson, Oliver; Adeliyi, Adeola; Willis, Alistair; Hirst, Tony; Charlton, Patricia; Gooch, Daniel; Rosewell, Jonathan; Richards, Mike; Wermelinger, Michel; Piwek, Paul; Savage, Simon; Lowndes, Charly; Thomas, Elaine and Smith, Andrew
The Institute of Coding

Depiction of Additional Node-related Elements in Graph-based Software Visualisations (2008-12-19)
Yu, Yijun; Wermelinger, Michel; Kaiya, Haruhiko and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Department of Computing, The Open University