Claudia has been Professor of Design at the Open University since 2013. She returned to the OU in 2008 as a senior lecturer rafter nearly 10 years in the Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge, where she was a senior research associate and associate director, leading the design process improvement group, which developed tools and methods to support the development of complex engineering products working with companies manufacturing helicopters, jet engines, cars and diesel engines.
Claudia completed her PhD in 1997 at the Open University on “Intelligent Support for Knitwear Design” and then worked at the OU as research fellow studying sources of inspiration in the knitwear industry. She studied mathematics at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and philosophy of the Munich School of Philosophy, and has an MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence from the University of Aberdeen.
All the objects that surround us have at some point been designed by groups of people. The design of complex products involves the collaboration of hundreds or even thousands of people and pushes human endeavour to its limits. Their designs are usually based on existing designs and are severely constrained by. Claudia is interested in understanding and supporting the design processes of complex systems in this interplay between creative freedom and the need to reuse and work around existing solutions. She has been working on design process modelling and planning, engineering change prediction and communication in design processes.
Her research is a combination of empirical studies of industrial practice and the development of theoretical analyses and techniques. For example, she has been working on developing the idea of design margins, which describe the overdesign of components of systems with regards to their requirements, through case studies in truck design and in the design of building services. Margins can play an important part in managing engineering design and the use of product platforms.
Design and technology still have weak theoretical foundations. Claudia’s research on design theory is driven by practical problems she encounters in her case studies. She has been working with Dr Martin Stacey at De Montfort University, on unpacking theoretical concepts such as ambiguity and formality and analysing their implication for design in different contexts. One focus of her research is on models in engineering design and their complex relationship to the target system that they bring into being.
Since her master research Claudia has been interested in processes in the fashion and textile industry, which is not only an important industry in its own right, but also a sector where different aspects of design that are important in engineering can be studied and observed on a small scale. Early studies included communication between artistic and technical designers and mechanisms of inspiration in the knitwear industry. Currently she is involved in the Rethinking Fashion Design Entrepreneurship: Fostering Sustainable Practices project with the London College of Fashion and Middlesex University.
Ever since moving from studying knitwear design to studying helicopter design, Claudia has become interested in the similarities and differences between design in different domains.
All the objects that surround us have at some point been designed by groups of people. The design of complex products involves the collaboration of hundreds or even thousands of people and pushes human endeavour to its limits. Their designs are usually based on existing designs and are severely constrained by. Claudia is interested in understanding and supporting the design processes of complex systems in this interplay between creative freedom and the need to reuse and work around existing solutions. She has been working on design process modelling and planning, engineering change prediction and communication in design processes.
Her research is a combination of empirical studies of industrial practice and the development of theoretical analyses and techniques. For example, she has been working on developing the idea of design margins, which describe the overdesign of components of systems with regards to their requirements, through case studies in truck design and in the design of building services. Margins can play an important part in managing engineering design and the use of product platforms.
Design and technology still have weak theoretical foundations. Claudia’s research on design theory is driven by practical problems she encounters in her case studies. She has been working with Dr Martin Stacey at De Montfort University, on unpacking theoretical concepts such as ambiguity and formality and analysing their implication for design in different contexts. One focus of her research is on models in engineering design and their complex relationship to the target system that they bring into being.
Since her master research Claudia has been interested in processes in the fashion and textile industry, which is not only an important industry in its own right, but also a sector where different aspects of design that are important in engineering can be studied and observed on a small scale. Early studies included communication between artistic and technical designers and mechanisms of inspiration in the knitwear industry. Currently she is involved in the Rethinking Fashion Design Entrepreneurship: Fostering Sustainable Practices project with the London College of Fashion and Middlesex University.
Ever since moving from studying knitwear design to studying helicopter design, Claudia has become interested in the similarities and differences between design in different domains.
Claudia is involved in the design and engineering teaching and is interested in what skills future designers and engineers need to acquire to be employable in industry.
Claudia has published over 250 journal articles and conference papers, and has authored several highly influential papers which have shaped the discourse in their areas.
Through her engagement with industry she has been able to influence the thinking of industry experts. For example, she is currently working with her PhD student Darren Jones, the director of Low Carbon Europe, on understanding and quantifying the overdesign of building services in hospitals.
Claudia collaborates with researchers from many different fields on different aspects of her work. She reaches out to industry experts in her research.
Many of Claudia’s research collaborations are international. Claudia has been a visiting professor and has maintained active collaboration with the following intuitions.
Claudia is a member of the board of management of the Design Society and Co-leader of the Design Process special interest group together with Prof Kilian Gericke, University of Rostock.
Claudia also serves as an area editor for Research in Engineering Design, IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management and Design Science.
Claudia has been an external examiner for doctorates in France, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
She is also collaborating with researchers across the world on publications. She has maintained a close collaboration with her former boss, Prof John Clarkson at the University of Cambridge, and her former PhD students Prof Anja Maier at the Technical University of Denmark, Dr David Wynn at the University of Auckland, Dr Khadija Tahera at the University of Huddersfield and Dr Yan Liu at Changchun University.
A fuzzy ontology-based decision tool for concept selection to maintain consistency throughout design iterations (2024)
Liu, Yan; Chen, Xinru; Eckert, Claudia and Zhang, Xin
Journal of Mechanical Design, Article MD-23-1539
Explanatory frameworks in complex change and resilience system modelling (2024)
Addis, Mark and Eckert, Claudia
Logic Journal of IGPL ((Early access))
Managing and modelling margins in design as a means for confronting the challenges of a disruptive world (2024)
Ferguson, Scott; Brahma, Arindam; Eckert, Claudia and Isaksson, Ola
Journal of Engineering Design, 35(10) (pp. 1185-1192)
A semantic similarity-based method to support the conversion from EXPRESS to OWL (2023-11)
Liu, Yan; Jian, Qingquan and Eckert, Claudia M.
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 37, Article e24
Facing extreme uncertainty – how the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced product development (2023)
Hölttä-Otto, Katja; Björklund, Tua; Klippert, Monika; Otto, Kevin; Krause, Dieter; Eckert, Claudia; Nespoli, Oscar and Albers, Albert
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 11(2) (pp. 117-137)
Margins in design – review of related concepts and methods (2023)
Brahma, Arindam; Ferguson, Scott; Eckert, Claudia and Isaksson, Ola
Journal of Engineering Design, 35(10) (pp. 1193-1226)
Hidden overdesign in building services: insights from two UK hospital case studies (2023)
Jones, Darren and Eckert, Claudia
Journal of Engineering Design, 34(7) (pp. 437-461)
A practical guide to interviewing as a method for data gathering in engineering design research (2023)
Summers, Joshua D. and Eckert, Claudia
Journal of Design Research (JDR), 21(2) (pp. 152-176)
My facts are not your facts: data wrangling as a socially negotiated process, a case study in a multisite manufacturing company (2022-12)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola; Hane-Hagström, Malin and Eckert, Calandra
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 22, Article 60906(6)
Assessing Suppliers for Complex Products from the Perspective of Power (2022-08)
Liu, Yan; Eckert, Claudia M. and Earl, Christopher
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(4) (pp. 1605-1621)
Guest Editorial: Innovation in Design Processes (2022-08)
Eckert, Claudia and Luo, Jianxi
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(4) (pp. 1532-1536)
Designing Innovation – The Role of Engineering Design to Realise Sustainability Challenges (2022)
Isaksson, O. and Eckert, C.M.
Proceedings of the Design Society, 2 (pp. 1021-1030)
The role of networks in supporting micro- and small-sized sustainable fashion businesses (2022)
Eckert, Claudia; Crommentuijn-Marsh, Philippa and Black, Sandy
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 18(1) (pp. 544-559)
Objects as Carriers of Engineering Knowledge (2022)
Stacey, Martin and Eckert, Claudia
Engineering Studies, 14(2) (pp. 87-108)
Models in Engineering Design as Decision-Making Aids (2022)
Eckert, Claudia and Hillerbrand, Rafaela
Engineering Studies, 14(2) (pp. 134-157)
Elements of a design method – a basis for describing and evaluating design methods (2022)
Gericke, Kilian; Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Design Science, 8, Article E29
Facilitating Aligned Co-decisions for More Sustainable Food Value Chains (2021-06)
Petit, Gaëlle; Yannou-Le Bris, Gwenola; Eckert, Claudia and Liu, Yan
Sustainability, 13, Article 6551(12)
[Editorial] Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals (2021-02)
Brem, Alexander; Kongar, Elif; Eckert, Claudia; Santiago, Leonardo P. and Daim, Tugrul U.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68(1) (pp. 5-10)
Factors influencing communication in collaborative design (2021)
Maier, Anja M.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Journal of Engineering Design, 32(12) (pp. 671-702)
Data Fairy in Engineering Land: The Magic of Data Analysis as a Sociotechnical Process in Engineering Companies (2020-12)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola; Eckert, Calandra; Coeckelbergh, Mark and Hagström, Malin Hane
Journal of Mechanical Design, 142, Article 121402(12)
Process models: plans, predictions, proclamations or prophecies? (2020-01)
Stacey, Martin; Eckert, Claudia and Hillerbrand, Rafaela
Research in Engineering Design, 31(1) (pp. 83-102)
Designing as playing games of make-believe (2020)
Poznic, Michael; Stacey, Martin; Hillerbrand, Rafaela and Eckert, Claudia
Design Science, 6, Article e10
Supporting designers: Moving from method menagerie to method ecosystem (2020)
Gericke, Kilian; Eckert, Claudia; Campean, Felician; Clarkson, P. John; Flening, Elias; Isaksson, Ola; Kokkolaras, Michael; Köhler, Christian; Panarotto, Massimo and Wilmsen, Miriam
Design Science, 6, Article e21
Design margins in industrial practice (2020)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola; Lebjioui, Safaa; Earl, Christopher and Edlund, Stefan
Design Science, 6, Article e30
Experimental investigation of the implications of model granularity for design process simulation (2019-07)
Maier, Jakob F.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Journal of Mechanical Design, 147, Article 71101(7)
Testing in the incremental design and development of complex products (2019-04-30)
Tahera, Khadija; Wynn, David C.; Earl, Chris and Eckert, Claudia M.
Research in Engineering Design, 30(2) (pp. 291-316)
Research into the design and development process: some themes and an overview of the special issue (2019-04)
Wynn, David. C; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Research in Engineering Design, 30(2) (pp. 157-160)
A fuzzy decision tool to evaluate the sustainable performance of suppliers in an agrifood value chain (2019-01)
Liu, Yan; Eckert, Claudia; Yannou-Le Bris, Gwenola and Petit, Gaëlle
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127 (pp. 196-212)
Design Margins: A hidden issue in industry (2019)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola and Earl, Chris
Design Science, 5, Article e9
A Method for Improving Overlapping of Testing and Design (2017-05)
Tahera, Khadija; Earl, Chris and Eckert, Claudia
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 64(2) (pp. 179-192)
Perspectives on iteration in design and development (2017-04-30)
Wynn, David C. and Eckert, Claudia M.
Research in Engineering Design, 28(2) (pp. 153-184)
On the integration of product and process models in engineering design (2017-03-21)
Eckert, Claudia M.; Wynn, David C.; Maier, Jakob F.; Albers, Albert; Bursac, Nikola; Xin Chen, Hilario L.; Clarkson, P. John; Gericke, Kilian; Gladysz, Bartosz and Shapiro, Daniel
Design Science, 3, Article e3 (pp. 1-41)
Model granularity in engineering design – concepts and framework (2017)
Maier, Jakob F.; Eckert, Claudia M. and Clarkson, P. John
Design Science, 3, Article e1
Function in Engineering: Benchmarking Representations and Models (2017)
Summers, Joshua D.; Eckert, Claudia and Goel, Ashok
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 31(4) (pp. 401-412)
Thoughts on Benchmarking of Function Modeling: Why and How (2017)
Bohm, Matthew; Eckert, Claudia; Sen, Chiradeep; Srinivasan, Venkatamaran; Summers, Joshua D. and Vermaas, Pieter
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 31(4) (pp. 393-400)
Architecture decisions in different product classes for complex products (2016)
Jankovic, Marija and Eckert, Claudia
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 30 (pp. 217-234)
System architecture design (2016)
Eckert, Claudia and Jankovic, Marija
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 30 (pp. 214-216)
Selecting system architecture: What a single industrial experiment can tell us about the traps to avoid when choosing selection criteria (2016)
Moullec, Marie-Lise; Jankovic, Marija and Eckert, Claudia
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 30 (pp. 250-262)
Exploratory making: Shape, structure and motion (2015-11-01)
Harrison, Laura; Earl, Christopher and Eckert, Claudia
Design Studies, 41(A) (pp. 51-78)
Comparing functional analysis methods for product dissection tasks (2015-08-01)
Booth, Joran W.; Reid, Tahira; Eckert, Claudia and Ramani, Karthik
Journal of Mechanical Design, 137, Article 81101(8)
Communicating consumer needs in the design process of branded products (2015-07-01)
Rasoulifar, Golnoosh; Prudhomme, Guy and Eckert, Claudia
Journal of Mechanical Design, 137, Article 71404(7)
Integrating virtual and physical testing to accelerate the engineering product development process (2014-04-09)
Tahera, Khadija; Earl, Christopher and Eckert, Claudia
International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 13(2/3) (pp. 154-175)
That which is not form: the practical challenges in using functional concepts in design (2013-08)
Eckert, Claudia
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 27(3) (pp. 217-231)
Formality in design communication (2013-05)
Eckert, Claudia; Stacey, Martin and Earl, Christopher
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 27(2) (pp. 91-103)
Sketching across design domains: roles and formalities (2012-08)
Eckert, Claudia; Blackwell, Alan; Stacey, Martin; Earl, Christopher and Church, Luke
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 26(3) (pp. 245-266)
Variations in functional decomposition for an existing product: experimental results (2012-04-20)
Eckert, Claudia; Ruckpaul, Anne; Alink, Thomas and Albers, Albert
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 26(2) (pp. 107-128)
Different notions of function: results from an experiment on the analysis of an existing product (2011-11)
Eckert, Claudia; Alink, Thomas; Ruckpaul, Anne and Albers, Albert
Journal of Engineering Design, 22(11-12) (pp. 811-837)
Power-based supplier selection in product development projects (2011-06)
Zolghadri, Marc; Eckert, Claudia; Zouggar, Salah and Girard, Philippe
Computers in Industry, 62(5) (pp. 487-500)
Design Med Omtanke: participation and sustainability in the design of public sector buildings (2011-05)
Nilsson, Birgitta; Peterson, Barbro; Holden, Georgina and Eckert, Claudia
Design Studies, 32(3) (pp. 235-254)
Engineering change: an overview and perspective on the literature (2011-04)
Jarrett, T. A. W.; Eckert, C. M.; Caldwell, N. H. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
Research in Engineering Design, 22(2) (pp. 103-124)
Simulating intertwined design processes that have similar structures: a case study of a small company that creates made-to-order fashion products (2011)
Wynn, David C.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
International Journal of Product Development, 14(1-4) (pp. 118-143)
Change prediction in innovative products to avoid emergency innovation (2011)
Eckert, C. M.; Keller, R. and Clarkson, P. J.
International Journal of Technology Management, 55(3/4) (pp. 226-237)
Reshaping the box: creative designing as constraint management (2010)
Stacey, Martin and Eckert, Claudia
International Journal of Product Development, 11(3/4) (pp. 241-255)
Shared conversations across design (2010)
Eckert, C. M.; Blackwell, A. F.; Bucciarelli, L. L. and Earl, C. F.
Design Issues, 26(3) (pp. 27-39)
Planning development processes for complex products (2010)
Eckert, Claudia M. and Clarkson, P. John
Research in Engineering Design, 21(3) (pp. 153-171)
Editorial (2010)
Eckert, Claudia and Zolghadri, Marc
International Journal of Product Development, 12(1) (pp. 1-5)
Using an engineering change methodology to support conceptual design (2009-12)
Keller, R.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
Journal of Engineering Design, 20(6) (pp. 1466-1837)
Witnesses to design: A phenomenology of comparative design (2009-02)
Blackwell, A. D; Eckert, C. M.; Bucciarelli, L. L and Earl, C. F.
Design Issues, 25(1) (pp. 36-47)
Change propagation analysis in complex technical systems (2009)
Griffin, Monica; de Weck, Olivier; Bounova, Gerganga; Keller, Rene; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Journal of Mechanical Design, 131(8) (p 81001)
Challenges in identifying the knock-on effects of engineering change (2009)
Ariyo, Owolabi O.; Eckert, Claudia M. and Clarkson, P. John
International Journal of Design Engineering, 2(4) (pp. 414-431)
Editorial (2009)
Zolghadri, Marc and Eckert, Claudia
International Journal of Design Engineering, 2(4) (pp. 369-379)
Exploration of Correlations between Factors Influencing Communication in Complex Product Development (2008)
Maier, Anja M.; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Hepperle, Clemens; Eckert, Claudia M.; Lindemann, Udo and Clarkson, P. John
Concurrent Engineering, 16(1) (pp. 37-59)
Externalising tacit overview knowledge: A model-based approach to supporting design teams (2007-08)
Flanagan, Tomas; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 21(3) (pp. 227-242)
Identifying requirements for communication support: A maturity grid-inspired approach (2006-11)
Maier, Anja M.; Eckert, Claudia M. and Clarkson, P. John
Expert Systems with Applications, 31(4) (pp. 663-672)
Matrices or network diagrams: which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models? (2006-04)
Keller, R; Eger, T; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P.J.
Information Visualization, 5(1) (pp. 62-76)
A meta-model for communication in engineering design (2005-12)
Maier, A. M.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 1(4) (pp. 243-254)
Change and customisation in complex engineering domains (2004-03)
Eckert, Claudia; Clarkson, P. and Zanker, Winfried
Research in Engineering Design, 15(1) (pp. 1-21)
Predicting change propagation in complex design (2004)
Clarkson, P.J.; Simons, C and Eckert, Claudia
Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(5) (pp. 788-797)
Adaptation of Sources of Inspiration in Knitwear Design (2003-10)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Creativity Research Journal, 15(4) (pp. 355-384)
Against Ambiguity (2003-06)
Stacey, Martin and Eckert, Claudia
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 12(2) (pp. 153-183)
The role of objects in design co-operation: communication through physical or virtual objects (2003-06)
Eckert, Claudia and Boujut, Jean-François
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 12(2) (pp. 145-151)
Sources of Inspiration in Industrial Practice. The Case of Knitwear Design (2003)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Journal of Design Research, 3(1) (doi:10.1504/JDR.2003.009826)
Expertise and Creativity in Knitwear Design (2002)
Eckert, Claudia; Stacey, M. K. and Wiley, J.
International Journal of New Product Development and Innovation Management, 4(1) (pp. 49-64)
The communication bottleneck in knitwear design: Analysis and computing solutions (2001-03)
Eckert, Claudia
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 10(1) (pp. 29-74)
Intelligent support for communication in design teams: garment shape specifications in the knitwear industry (2000-01)
Eckert, Claudia M.; Cross, Nigel and Johnson, Jeffrey H.
Design Studies, 21(1) (pp. 99-112)
A garment design system using constrained Bézier curves (2000)
Eckert, Claudia M. and Bez, Helmut E.
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 12(2) (pp. 134-143)
Sources of inspiration: a language of design (2000)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Design Studies, 21(5) (pp. 523-538)
Interactive generative systems for conceptual design: an empirical perspective (1999-09)
Eckert, Claudia; Kelly, Ian and Stacey, Martin
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 13(4) (pp. 303-320)
Managing effective communication in knitwear design (1999)
Eckert, Claudia
Design Journal, 2(3) (pp. 29-41)
Computer support for early design in aesthetic design domains Cognitive Systems (1999)
Eckert, Claudia
Cognitive Systems, 5(3) (pp. 271-290)
Fortune favours only the prepared mind: Why sources of inspiration are essential for continuing creativity (1998)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, M. K.
Creativity and Innovation Management, 7(1) (pp. 9-16)
A Transdisciplinary Engineering and Systems Approach for Decarbonizing UK Home Heating (2024-12-04)
Wise, Freya; Cooper, Adam and Eckert, Claudia
In: Cooper, Adam; Trigos, Federico; Stjepandić, Josip; Curran, Richard and Lazar, Irina eds. Engineering for Social Change: Proceedings of the 31st ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 9-11 July 2024. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering (359 -368)
ISBN : 9781643685502 | Publisher : IOS Press
Fostering sustainable practices: The case of micro and small designer fashion enterprises (2024)
Black, Sandy; Burcikova, Mila; Williams, Dilys; Rocamora, Agnès; Lyon, Fergus; Werner, Andrea; Vickers, Ian; Elf, Patrick; Eckert, Claudia and Crommentuijn-Marsh, Philippa
In: Charter, Martin; Pan, Bernice and Black, Sandy eds. Accelerating Sustainability in Fashion, Clothing and Textiles (pp. 128-140)
ISBN : 9781032225197 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, Oxon
Past Designs as Repositories of Tacit Collective Knowledge (2023-04-29)
Addis, Mark; Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
In: Fritzsche, Albrecht and Santa-María, Andres eds. Rethinking Technology and Engineering - Dialogues Across Disciplines and Geographies. Philosophy of Engineering and Technology (45) (pp. 55-66)
Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham
The evolution of complex engineering systems (2022-07-31)
Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P.John
In: Maier, Anja; Oehmen, Josef and Vermaas, Pieter eds. Handbook of Engineering Systems Design (pp. 101-139)
ISBN : 978-3-030-81159-4 | Publisher : Springer
Design perspectives, theories and processes for engineering systems design (2022-07-31)
Isaksson, Ola; Wynn, David and Eckert, Claudia
In: Maier, Anja; Oehmen, Josef and Vermaas, Pieter eds. Handbook of Engineering Systems Design (pp. 53-99)
ISBN : 978-3-030-81160-0 | Publisher : Springer
Chinese Consumers and the Knitwear Fashion Market (2018-03-09)
Zhang, Xin; Gale, Colin and Eckert, Claudia
In: Xu, Yingjiao; Chi, Ting and Su, Jin eds. Chinese Consumers and the Fashion Market. Springer Series in Fashion Business (pp. 193-212)
ISBN : 978-981-10-8428-7 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Singapore
Models in Engineering Design: Generative and epistemic function of product models (2018-03-03)
Eckert, Claudia and Hillerbrand, Rafaela
In: Vermaas, Pieter and Vial, Stéphane eds. Advancements in the Philosophy of Design. Design Research Foundations (pp. 219-242)
ISBN : 978-3-319-73302-9 | Publisher : Springer
Constraints and conditions: drivers for design processes (2014)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
In: Chakrabarti, Amaresh and Blessing, Lucienne eds. An Anthology of Theories and Models of Design: Philosophy, Approaches and Empirical Explorations (pp. 395-415)
ISBN : 978-1-4471-6337-4 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Design for Values in the fashion and textile industry (2014)
Eckert, Claudia
In: van den Hoven, Jeroen; Vermaas, Pieter E. and van de Poel, Ibo eds. Handbook of Ethics, Values and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains
ISBN : 978-94-007-6994-6 | Publisher : Springer Netherlands
Disziplinen der Produktentwicklung aus der Perspektive des angelsächsischen Raums (2011-03-24)
Eckert, Claudia and Schadewitz, Nicole
In: Banse, Gerhard and Fleischer, Lutz-Günther eds. Wissenschaft im Kontext. Inter- und Transdisziplinarität in Theorie und Praxis. Abhandlungen der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften (27)
ISBN : 978-3-89626-896-9 | Publisher : trafo wissenschaft verlag | Published : Berlin
Product form evolution (2010-03)
Muir Wood, A. P.; Moultrie, J. and Eckert, C. M.
In: Silva, A. and Simoes, R. eds. Handbook of Research on Trends in Product Design and Development: Technological and Organizational Perspectives
ISBN : 9781615206179 | Publisher : Business Science Reference | Published : Hershey, PA
What is a process model? Reflections on the epistemology of design process models (2010)
Eckert, C. M. and Stacey, M. K.
In: Heisig, Peter; Clarkson, John and Vanja, Sandor eds. Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes (pp. 3-14)
ISBN : 978-1-84996-198-1 | Publisher : Springer | Published : New York, USA
Complexity in engineering design (2009-09-07)
Eckert, Claudia; Keller, R and Clarkson, P.J.
In: Alexiou, Katerini; Johnson, Jeffrey and Zamenopoulos, Theodore eds. Embracing Complexity in Design
ISBN : 978-0-415-49700-8 | Publisher : Routledge
From Ronchamp by sledge: on the pragmatics of object references (2009-06-24)
Stavey, M.K.; Eckert, Claudia and Earl, Christopher
In: McDonnell, Janet and Lloyd, Peter eds. About designing: analysing design meetings (pp. 360-379)
ISBN : 9780415440585 | Publisher : CRC Press | Published : London
Embracing complexity in design (2007-12)
Johnson, Jeffrey; Alexiou, Katerina; Creigh-Tyte, Anne; Chase, Scott; Duffy, Alex; Eckert, Claudia; Gascoigne, Damian; Kumar, Bimal; Mitleton-Kelly, Eve; Petry, Michael; Qin, Sheng Fen; Robertson, Alec; Rzevski, George; Teymour, Necdet; Thompson, Avril; Young, Robert; Willis, Mateo and Zamenopoulos, Theodore
In: Inns, Tom ed. Designing for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Questions and Insights (pp. 129-149)
ISBN : 9780566087370 | Publisher : Gower Publishing Limited | Published : Aldershot
Applied signposting: a modeling framework to support design process improvement (2007)
Wynn, D.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Design Engineering Division, ASME and Computers and Information in Engineering Division, ASME eds. Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2006
Publisher : American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Published : New York
Unpleasant surprises in the design of complex products: why do changes propagate? (2007)
Ariyo, O. O; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Design Engineering Division, ASME and Computers and Information in Engineering Division, ASME eds. Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2006
ISBN : 9780791842584 | Publisher : American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Published : New York
Product models in design: a combined use of two models to assess change risks (2007)
Keller, René; Alink, Thomas; Pfeifer, Christian; Eckert, Claudia M.; Clarkson, P. John and Albers, Albert
In: Bocquet, J.-C. ed. Proceedings of ICED 2007 (book of abstracts) (pp. 673-674)
ISBN : 1-904670-01-6 | Publisher : The Design Society | Published : Glasgow, UK
Pitfalls of engineering change: change practice during complex product design (2006)
Jarratt, T.; Eckert, C. and Clarkson, P. J.
In: ElMaraghy, Hoda A. and ElMaraghy, Waguih H. eds. Advances in Design. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing (pp. 413-423)
ISBN : 9781846280047 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Building connectivity models in design: representations and tools to support cognitive preferences (2006)
Keller, René; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
In: Gero, John S. ed. Design Computing and Cognition '06 (pp. 41-60)
ISBN : 9781402051302 | Publisher : Springer
Heuristics for change prediction (2006)
Keller, R.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Marjanovic, Dorian ed. Proceedings of the 9th International Design Conference
ISBN : 9789536313792 | Publisher : The Design Society | Published : Glasgow, UK
Change impact analysis at the interface of the system design and embedded software disciplines (2006)
Kilpinen, M. S.; Clarkson, P. J. and Eckert, Claudia
In: Marjanovic, Dorian ed. Proceedings of the 9th International Design Conference
ISBN : 9789536313792 | Publisher : The Design Society | Published : Glasgow, UK
On the use of function, behaviour and structural relations as clues for predicting engineering change propagation (2006)
Ariyo, O. O.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Marjanovic, Dorian ed. Proceedings of the 9th International Design Conference
ISBN : 9789536313792 | Publisher : The Design Society | Published : Glasgow, UK
Predictability of change in engineering: A complexity view (2005)
Eckert, C. M.; Earl, C. E. and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Design Engineering Division, ASME and Computers and Information in Engineering Division, ASME eds. 17th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (pp. 341-350)
ISBN : 9780791847428 | Publisher : American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Published : New York
Complexity (2005)
Earl, Chris; Johnson, Jeffrey and Eckert, Claudia
In: Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia eds. Design Process Improvement: A Review Of Current Practice (pp. 174-197)
ISBN : 185233701X | Publisher : Springer Science + Business Media | Published : London, U.K.
The reality of design (2005)
Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, John
In: Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia eds. Design Process Improvement: A Review of Current Practice (pp. 1-29)
ISBN : 978-1-85233-701-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Design planning and modelling (2005)
O'Donovan, Brendan; Eckert, Claudia; Clarkson, John and Browning, Tyson R.
In: Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia eds. Design Process Improvement: A Review of Current Practice (pp. 60-87)
ISBN : 978-1-85233-701-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Communication in design (2005)
Eckert, Claudia; Maier, Anja and Mcmahon, Chris
In: Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia eds. Design Process Improvement (pp. 232-261)
ISBN : 978-1-85233-701-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London
Engineering Change (2005)
Jarratt, Timothy; Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia
In: Clarkson, John and Eckert, Claudia eds. Design Process Improvement: A review of current practice (pp. 262-285)
ISBN : 978-1-85233-701-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : London, UK
Complexity of planning in design (2005)
Earl, Christopher; Eckert, Claudia and Johnson, Jeffrey
In: Tumer, Irem Y.; Hayes, Caroline and Gupta, S. K. eds. Proceedings of the 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
ISBN : 9780791847381 | Publisher : American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Published : New York
Auditing communication in design: a maturity grid-inspired approach (2005)
Maier, A. M.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Shen, Weiming ed. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design
ISBN : 9781846000041 | Publisher : Coventry University | Published : Coventry, UK
Addressing uncertainty in design planning and modeling: a case study of complex aerospace design (2005)
Wynn, D. C.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Design Engineering Division, ASME and Computers and Information in Engineering Division, ASME eds. 17th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology
ISBN : 9780791847428 | Publisher : American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Published : New York
Rework revisited: the criticality of iteration due to task failure in NPD planning (2005)
Flanagan, T. L.; Keller, R.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Engineering Management Society, IEEE ed. 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference
ISBN : 9780780391390 | Publisher : IEEE Operations Center
Multiple views to support engineering change management for complex products (2005)
Keller, R.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Roberts, Jonathan C. ed. Third International Conference on Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization (CMV 2005)
ISBN : 9780769523965 | Publisher : IEEE Computer Society | Published : Los Alamitos, California
Using design structure matrices in visualizing design (2004)
August, Elias; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
In: Malcolm, Grant ed. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Visual Representations and Interpretations. Studies in Multidisciplinarity (pp. 305-318)
ISBN : 978-0-444-51463-9 | Publisher : Elsevier | Published : Amsterdam
If only I knew what you were going to do. Communication and planning in large organizations (2004)
Eckert, C. and Clarkson, P.
In: Tichkiewitch, Serge and Brissaud, Daniel eds. Methods and Tools for Co-operative and Integrated Design (pp. 375-384)
ISBN : 978-1-4020-1889-3 | Publisher : Kluwer Academic Publishers | Published : Dordrecht
Status in industrial studies (2004)
Eckert, Claudia
In: Subrahmanian, E.; Sriram, R.; Herder, P.; Christiaans, H. and Schneider, R. eds. The Role of Empirical Studies in Understanding and Supporting Engineering Design
ISBN : 978-90-407-2531-9 | Publisher : Delft University Press | Published : Delft
The benefits of predicting change in complex products: application areas of a DSM-based prediction tool (2004)
Jarratt, T. A. W.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Marjanović, D. ed. Proceedings of Design 2004
ISBN : 9789536313600 | Publisher : The Design Society | Published : Glasgow, UK
Simulating design processes to assist in design process planning (2004)
O'Donovan, B. D.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Design Engineering Division, ASME and Computers and Information in Engineering Division, ASME eds. 2004 Proceedings of Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers & Information Engineering Conference: Vol 3. 16th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology.
ISBN : 9780791846964 | Publisher : American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Published : New York
Connectivity as a key to supporting design a state-action approach to planning (2002)
Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Gero, John S. ed. Artificial Intelligence in Design 02 (pp. 479-502)
ISBN : 1402007167 | Publisher : Kluwer Academic Publishers | Published : Norwell, MA, USA
Aspects of a better understanding of changes (2001-08)
Eckert, C. M.; Zanker, W. and Clarkson, P. J.
In: Culley, S. ed. Design Applications in Industry and Education (pp. 147-154)
ISBN : 978-1-86058-357-5 | Publisher : Professional Engineering Publishing | Published : Bury St Edmunds
An architecture for the intelligent support of knitwear design (1995)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
In: Sharpe, John E. E. ed. AI System Support for Conceptual Design: International Workshop on Engineering Design : Papers (pp. 71-92)
ISBN : 9783540760009 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Berlin
CAD systems and the division of labour in the knitwear industry (1994)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
In: Adam, Alison; Emms, Judy; Green, Eileen and Owen, Jenny eds. Women, Work and Computerization: Breaking Old Boundaries - Building New Forms (pp. 409-422)
ISBN : 9780444819277 | Publisher : Elsevier | Published : Amsterdam
Design Process Improvement: A review of current practice (2005)
Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, John eds.
ISBN : 978-1-85233-701-8 | Publisher : Springer
Durability as a techno-socio-economic concept (2024-05)
Campean, Felician and Eckert, Claudia
In : Proceedings of the Design Society (20-23 May 2024, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia) (pp. 1219-1228)
Barriers Leading To Building Services Overdesign (2023-07)
Jones, Darren Anthony and Eckert, Claudia Margot
In : ICED 23 (23-27 Jul 2023, Bordeaux, France) (pp. 747-756)
Industrial Perspectives on the Adoption of Virtual Testing (2023)
Tahera, Khadija; Jowers, Iestyn; Loureiro-Koechlin, Cecilia; Eckert, Claudia and Lockett, Helen
In : 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2023) (24-28 Jul 2023, Bordeaux, France) (pp. 2305-2314)
Combining Exploration/Exploitation with Domain Theory: A two-dimensional categorization of design research and product development. (2023)
McMahon, Chris and Eckert, Claudia
In : International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'23) (24-28 Jul 2023, Bordeaux) (pp. 977-986)
Combining Exploration/Exploitation with Domain Theory: A two-dimensional categorization of design research and product development. (2023)
Eckert, Claudia
In : International Conference on engineering design (ICED'23) (24-28 Jul 2023, Bordeaux)
Analysis of functional reference architecture through an industry lens (2021-08)
Mactaggart, Ivan Mervyn; Eckert, Claudia and Lockett, Helen
In : 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 2021 (16-20 Aug 2021, GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN) (pp. 467-476)
Fostering Sustainable Practices? The case of micro and small designer fashion enterprises (2021)
Black, sandy; Williams, Dilys; Rocamora, Agnes; Burcikova, Mila; Lyon, Fergus; Werner, Andrea; Vickers, Ian; Elf, Patrick; Eckert, Claudia and Crommentuijn-Marsh, Philippa
In : Sustainable Innovation 2021 (15-21 Mar 2021, Farnborough)
Managing Margins: Overdesign In Hospital Building Services (2020-06-11)
Jones, D. A.; Eckert, C. and Garthwaite, P.
In : DESIGN Conference (26-29 Oct 2020, Cavtat, Croatia) (pp. 215-224)
You Need To Focus To Validate (2020-06-11)
Isaksson, Ola; Eckert, Claudia; Panarotto, Massimo and Malmqvist, Johan
In : 16th International Design Conference DESIGN 2020 (26-29 Oct 2020, Cavtat (online)) (pp. 31-40)
Industry Trends to 2040 (2019-07-26)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola; Hallstedt, Sophie; Malmqvist, Johan; Öhrwall Rönnbäck, Anna and Panarotto, Massimo
In : International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 19 (5-8 Aug 2019, Delft, Holland) (pp. 2121-2128)
Empowering Decision Makers to Avoid the Oversizing of Building Service Systems (2019-07-26)
Jones, Darren Anthony and Eckert, Claudia
In : International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED19 (5-8 Aug 2019, Delft, The Netherlands) (pp. 1135-1144)
Perspectives on innovation: The role of engineering design (2019)
Isaksson, Ola; Eckert, Claudia; Borgue, Olivia; Hellstedt, Sophie; Hein, Andreas Makoto; Gericke, Kilian; Panarotto, Massimo; Reich, Yoram and hrwall Rönnbäck, Anna
In : International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'19) (5-8 Aug 2019, Delft, Holland)
Agile Method Development: A Live-Lab Case Study on Product Properties for Process Planning (2018-05)
Albers, A.; Bursac, N.; Eckert, C. M.; Walter, B.; Wilmson, M. and Heimicke, J.
In : DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference (21-24 May 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia) (pp. 713-724)
Margins Leading to Over-Capacity (2018-05)
Jones, D. A.; Eckert, C. M. and Gericke, K.
In : DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference (21-24 May 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia) (pp. 781-792)
Safety Margins and Design Margins: A Differentiation between Interconnected Concepts (2017)
Eckert, Claudia and Isaksson, Ola
In : 27th CIRP Design Conference (10-12 May 2017, Cranfield University (In Press)) (pp. 267-272)
Overdesign in building services: the hidden energy use (2017)
Jones, Darren and Eckert, Claudia
In : 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (21-25 Aug 2017, Vancouver, Canada)
What do we need to say about a design method? (2017)
Gerrike, Kilian; Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
In : 21th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (21-25 Aug 2017, Vancouver, Canada)
Economic development as design: Insight and guidance through the PSI framework (2017)
Subrahmanian, Eswaran; Eckert, Claudia; McMahon, Christopher and Reich, Yoram
In : 21sr International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (21-25 Aug 2017, Vancouver)
Don’t Look Back: The Paradoxical Role of Recording in the Fashion Design Process (2016-06)
McGilp, H.; Eckert, C. and Earl, C.
In : DRS2016: Design + Research + Society - Future-Focused Thinking (27-30 Jun 2016, Brighton) (pp. 2521-2534)
Model granularity and related concepts (2016-05-12)
Maier, J. F.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference (13-16 May 2016, Cavtat, Croatia) (pp. 1327-1336)
Understanding the relationship between design margins and trade-offs (2016-05-12)
Lebjioui, S.; Eckert, C. M. and Earl, C.
In : DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference (13-16 May 2016, Cavtat, Croatia) (pp. 1515-1522)
Design Margins: Impact on Building Energy Performance (2016)
Jones, D.A. and Eckert, C.M.
In : DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference (16-19 May 2016, Cavtat, Croatia) (pp. 1295-1304)
Towards a Framework of Choices Made During the Lifecycles of Process Models (2016)
Gericke, K.; Eckert, C.M. and Wynn, D.
In : DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference (16-19 May 2016, Cavtat, Croatia) (pp. 1275-1284)
Towards product platform introduction: optimising commonality of components (2015-07-27)
Zapico, Miguel; Eckert, Claudia; Jowers, Iestyn and Earl, Christopher
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
Highlighting the importance of testing in the product development process (2015-07-27)
Tahera, Khadija; Eckert, Claudia and Earl, Christopher
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
The long road to improvement in modelling & managing engineering processes (MMEP) (2015-07-27)
Gericke, Kilian and Eckert, Claudia
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
The impact of criteria in system architecture selection: observation from industrial experiment (2015-07-27)
Moullec, Marie-Lise; Jankovic, Marija and Eckert, Claudia
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
Different levels of product model granularity in design process simulation (2015-07-27)
Maier, Jakob; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, John
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
Integrated product and process models: towards an integrated framework and review (2015-07-27)
Eckert, Claudia; Albers, Albert; Bursac, Nikola; Chen, Hilario Xin; Clarkson, John; Gericke, Kilian; Gladysz, Bartosz; Maier, Jakob; Rachenkova, Galina; Shapiro, Daniel and Wynn, David
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
Towards a decision support framework for system architecture design (2015-07-27)
Ben Hamida, Sonia; Jankovic, Marija; Callot, Martine; Monceaux, Anne and Eckert, Claudia
In : 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2015) (27-30 Jul 2015, Milan)
Design margins as a key to understanding design iteration (2014-08-17)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola and Earl, Christopher
In : 2nd Biennial International Conference on Dynamics for Design; 26th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (IDETC/CIE 2014) (17-20 Aug 2014, Buffalo, New York, USA)
Improving overlapping between testing and design in engineering product development processes (2013-08)
Tahera, Khadija; Earl, Chris F. and Eckert, Claudia
In : ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) (4-7 Aug 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA)
Optimizing overlap between testing and design in engineering product development processes (2013-03-11)
Tahera, Khadija; Eckert, Claudia and Earl, Christopher
In : 23rd CIRP Design Conference (14-15 Mar 2013, Bochum, Germany) (pp. 201-210)
Components margins through the product lifecycle (2013)
Eckert, Claudia; Earl, Christopher; Lebjioui, Safaa and Isaksson, Ola
In : Product Lifecycle Management for Society (5-7 Jul 2013, Nantes) (pp. 39-47)
Integrating physical and virtual testing to improve confidence in product design (2012-11-29)
Tahera, K.; Earl, C. and Eckert, C.
In : Workshop on Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes (29-30 Nov 2012, Trinity College, University of Cambridge)
The role of testing in the engineering product development process (2012-05-07)
Tahera, Khadija; Earl, Christopher and Eckert, Claudia
In : Proceedings of TMCE 2012 (7-11 May 2012, Karlsruhe, Germany)
Product property margins: an underlying critical problem of engineering design (2012-05)
Eckert, Claudia; Isaksson, Ola and Earl, Christopher
In : 9th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2012) (7-11 May 2012, Karlsruhe) (pp. 1027-1040)
Supply chain collaboration under uncertainty (2012)
Hasan, Saad; Eckert, Claudia and Earl, Chris
In : 21st Annual IPSERA Conference: Purchasing & Supply Management in a Changing World (1-4 Apr 2012, Naples, Italy)
Multilayered change: engineering change in building refurbishment (2012)
Garthwaite, Pam and Eckert, Claudia
In : DESIGN 2012 (21-24 May 2012, Dubrovnik - Croatia) (pp. 161-170)
Glitches, snags and crises: a study of change in hospital adaptation projects (2012)
Garthwaite, Pam and Eckert, Claudia
In : 28th Annual ARCOM Conference (3-5 Sep 2012, Edinburgh)
Designing for resilience: using a Delpi Study to indentify resilience issues for hospital design in a changing climate (2011)
Masko, Mary Lou; Eckert, Claudia M.; Caldwell, Nicholas H. M. and Clarkson, P. John
In : 18th International conference on engineering design (ICED 11) (15-18 Aug 2011, Copenhagen, Demark)
Strategic, tactical decisions and information in Rapid Manufacturing supply chain (2011)
Hasan, S.; Eckert, C. M. and Earl, C. F.
In : Twelfth National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping and Manufacturing (17 Jun 2011, Lancaster, UK)
The role of rapid prototyping in the generative design of mechanisms (2011)
Harrison, Laura; Earl, Christopher and Eckert, Claudia
In : 12th Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing (17 Jun 2011, Lancaster University)
Engineering fashion: killer heels (2010-06-11)
Delamore, P. and Eckert, C. M.
In : 11th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing (RDPM 2010) (11 Jun 2010, Lancaster, United Kingdom)
Consumer behaviour towards sustainability in fashion (2010)
Crommentuijn-Marsh, Philippa; Eckert, Claudia and Potter, Stephen
In : KEER2010: Iinternational Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2010 (2-4 Mar 2010, Paris, France)
The need for a tool to exchange information in non-hierarchical network of the electronic Industry: an European project (2010)
Rasoulifar, Rahi; Zolghadri, Marc and Eckert, Claudia
In : Design 2010 (17-20 May 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Dialogue across design domains: rapid prototyping in aerospace and fashion (2010)
Eckert, C. M.; Delamore, P. and Bell, C.
In : the 11th International Design Conference DESIGN 2010 (17-20 May 2010, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Issue driven analysis of an existing product at different levels of abstraction (2010)
Eckert, C. M.; Alink, T. and Albers, A.
In : the 11th International Design Conference DESIGN 2010 (17-20 May 2010, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Different function breakdowns for one existing product: experimental results (2010)
Alink, Thomas; Eckert, Claudia; Ruckpaul, Anne and Albers, Albert
In : Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'10) (Jul 2010, Stuttgart, Germany)
Modelling decision and data dependencies in engineer-to-order project management (2010)
Zolghadri, Marc; Eckert, Claudia and Rasoulifar, Rahi
In : 12th International DSM Conference 2010 (22-23 Jul 2010, Cambridge)
Considerate design for personalized fashion: towards sustainable production (2009-10)
Black, Sandy; Eckert, Claudia; Watkins, Penelope; Delamore, Philip; Geesin, Frances and Harkin, Steven
In : Proceedings of MCPC09 (2009, Helsinki)
Change propagation modelling to support the selection of solutions in incremental change (2009)
Koh, E.C.Y.; Keller, R.; Eckert, C.M. and Clarkson, P.J.
In : International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD '09) (2009, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Engineering change: drivers, sources and approaches in industry (2009)
Eckert, C.M.; De Weck, O.; Keller, R. and Clarkson, P.J.
In : 17th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) (2009, Stanford, California)
Assessing impact analysis practice to improve change management capability (2009)
Kalpinen, M.S.; Eckert, C.M. and Clarkson, P.J.
In : International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) (2009, Stanford, CA)
Towards managing team-interfaces: an exploratory elicitation of factors influencing communication (2009)
Maier, A.M.; Eckert, C.M. and Clarkson, P.J.
In : 17th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) (2009, Stanford, CA)
Design of product architectures in incrementally developed complex products (2009)
Wyatt, D.F.; Eckert, C.M. and Clarkson, P.J.
In : International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) (2009, Stanford, CA)
The elusive act of synthesis: Creativity in conceptual design of complex engineering products (2009)
Eckert, Claudia; Wyatt, David and Clarkson, John
In : ACM Creativity and Cognition 2009 (27-30 Oct 2009, Berkeley, California)
Innovation the long way round: transferring rapid prototyping technology into fashion design (2009)
Eckert, Claudia and Delamore, Philip
In : International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) (2009, Stanford, CA)
A taxonomy of collaboration in supply chains (2009)
Zolghadri, Marc; Eckert, Claudia; Zouggar, Salah and Girard, Philippe
In : International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09) (2009, Stanford, CA)
An investigation into consumers’ attitudes towards sustainability within the context of fashion (2009)
Eckert, C.; Potter, S. and Crommentuijn, P.
In : Sustainable Innovation 09: Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution (26-27 Oct 2009, Farnham, UK)
The development and positioning of 'the considerate design tool' in the fashion and textile sector (2009)
Eskandarypur, F.; Black, S. and Eckert, C.
In : Sustainable Innovation 09: Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution (26-27 Oct 2009, Farnham, UK)
Design customisation in multi-project environments: using process simulation to explore the issues (2009)
Eckert, Claudia; Wynn, David and Clarkson, John
In : 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2010) (12-16 Apr 2010, Ancona, Italy)
The relationship between functions and requirements for an improved detection of component linkages (2008)
Boesting, P.; Keller, R.; Alink, T.; Eckert, C. M.; Albers, A. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the DESIGN 2008, 10th International Design Conference (May 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Analysing the relationship between design process composition and robustness to task delays (2008)
Chalupnik, M. J.; Wynn, D.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the DESIGN 2008, 10th International Design Conference (May 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Investigating design process performance under uncertainty (2008)
Chalupnik, M. J.; Wynn, D. C.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2008) (21-25 Apr 2008, Izmir, Turkey)
Design for service: The new challenge for long-life products (2008)
Eckert, C. M.; Kerley, W.; Clarkson, P. J. and Moss, M.
In : 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2008) (21-25 Apr 2008, Izmir, Turkey)
Process simulation to make personalisation economically viable (2008)
Eckert, Claudia M.; Wynn, David C.; Clarkson, P. John and Black, Sandy
In : 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2008) (21-25 Apr 2008, Izmir, Turkey)
The role of life cycle assessment in product-service design decision making (2008)
Jupp, J. R.; Wild, P.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 15th International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (17-19 Mar 2008, Sydney, Australia)
Determining component freeze order: a redesign cost perspective using simulated annealing (2008)
Keller, R.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) (3-6 Aug 2008, New York, USA)
Using simulation to support integration of life-cycle engineering activities into an existing design process: A case study (2008)
Kerley, W. P.; Wynn, D. C.; Moss, M. A.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the DESIGN 2008, 10th International Design Conference (May 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Influence of feature change propagation on product attributes in concept selection (2008)
Koh, E. C. Y.; Keller, R.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J
In : Proceedings of the DESIGN 2008, 10th International Design Conference (May 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Applying trends to design: A theoretical framework (2008)
Muir Wood, A. P; Moultire, J and Eckert, C. M.
In : Proceedings of the DESIGN 2008, 10th International Design Conference (May 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Trends and Design: Relating literature to industry practice (2008)
Muir Wood, Andrew; Moultrie, James and Eckert, Claudia
In : Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference 2008 (16-19 Jul 2008, Sheffield, UK)
Assessing communication: An enabling technology for more effective R&D management (2008)
Maier, A. M.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : R&D Management Conference (17-20 Jun 2008, Ottawa, Canada)
Development of an audit tool for communication in product development: The communication grid method (2008)
Maier, A. M.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting (8-13 Aug 2008, California, USA)
Avoiding emergency innovation: change prediction in innovative products (2007)
Eckert, C. M.; Keller, R. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of ERIMA07': International Symposium on Innovative Management Practices (15-16 Mar 2007, Biarritz, France)
The emergence of change at the interface of system and embedded software design (2007)
Kilpinen, M.S.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 5th Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2007) (14-16 Mar 2007, Hoboken, NJ, US)
Change propagation analysis in complex technical systems (2007)
Giffin, M. L.; De Weck, O. L.; Bounova, G.; Keller, R.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 2007 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (4-7 Sep 2007, Las Vegas, USA)
Developing considerate design: Meeting individual fashion and clothing needs within a framework of sustainability (2007)
Black, Sandy; Eckert, Claudia M. and Delamore, Philip
In : Proceedings of the MCPC 2007 World Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization (7-12 Oct 2007, Boston)
Change Prediction for Mass Customised Products: A Product Model View (2007)
Keller, R.; Eckert, C.M. and Clarkson, P.J
In : Proceedings of Mass Customization (2007, Boston, USA)
Towards a framework for profiling of products and services (2007)
Wild, P.; Jupp, J.; Kerley, W.; Eckert, C. and Clarkson, J
In : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR'07) (11-13 Sep 2007, Leicester, UK)
Understanding design process robustness: a modelling approach (2007)
Chalupnik, M. J.; Wynn, D. C.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Associations between factors influencing engineering design communication (2007)
Maier, A. M; Kreimeyer, M.; Hepperle, C.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Modelling iteration in engineering design (2007)
Wynn, D. C.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Predicting change propagation on different levels of granularity: an algorithmic view (2007)
Ariyo, O. O.; Keller, R.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Prioritising engineering change propagation risk estimates (2007)
Ariyo, O. O.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Change propagation at the interface of system and embedded software design: characterising impact analysis task and techniques (2007)
Kilpinen, M.S.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
A classification of uncertainty for early product and system design (2007)
De Weck, Olivier; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Project structure: an important factor in design planning? (2007)
Flanagan, Tomas; Eckert, Claudia M. and Clarkson, Clarkson P.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
Engineering change analysis during ongoing product development (2007)
Eger, T.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'07) (28-31 Aug 2007, Paris, France)
From ronchamp by sledge: on the pragmatics of object references (2007)
Stacey, M. K.; Eckert, C. M. and Earl, C.
In : Proceedings of the Seventh Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS'07) (19-21 Sep 2007, London, UK)
Overview: the link between project plans and industrial reality (2006)
Flanagan, T. L.; Eckert, Claudia; Clarkson, P. J. and Keller, R.
In : Theory and Methods of Competitive Engineering (Apr 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Generic and specific process models: lessons from modeling the knitwear design process (2006)
Eckert, Claudia
In : Theory and Methods of Competitive Engineering (Apr 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Abstracting complexity for design planning (2005)
Wynn, David.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
In : 2nd Workshop on Complexity in Design and Engineering (Mar 2005, University of Glasgow, UK)
Design change and complexity (2005)
Earl, Chris; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, John
In : 2nd Workshop on Complexity in Design and Engineering (Mar 2005, University of Glasgow, UK)
Viewpoints and views in engineering change management (2005)
Keller, René; Eckert, Claudia M. and Clarkson, P. John
In : 2nd Workshop on Complexity in Design and Engineering (Mar 2005, University of Glasgow, UK)
Robust scheduling of design tasks using simulation (2005)
Flanagan, T. L.; Keller, R.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 15th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED05) (15-18 Aug 2005, Melbourne, Australia)
Visualising change propagation (2005)
Keller, R.; Eger, T.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 15th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED05) (15-18 Aug 2005, Melbourne, Australia)
Modelling and simulating iterative development processes (2005)
Wynn, D. C.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 15th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED05) (15-18 Aug 2005, Melbourne, Australia)
Simulation in project management: potential value and barriers to adoption (2005)
Flanagan, T. L.; Keller, R.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Irish Academy of Management 8th Annual Conference (7-9 Sep 2005, Galway, Ireland)
The Lure of the Measurable in Design Research (2004-05)
Eckert, C; Stacey, M.K and Clarkson, P.J.
In : Proceedings of Design 2004, 8th International Design Conference (18-21 May 2004, Dubrovnik - Cavtat, CROATIA,) (pp. 21-26)
Development of a Product Model to Support Engineering Change Management (2004-04)
Jarratt, T.A.W.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P.J.
In : Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Tools and Methods; Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (13-17 Apr 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland,) (pp. 331-342)
Visualization techniques for product change and product modelling in complex design (2004)
Jarratt, Timothy; Keller, René; Nair, Seena; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
In : Proceedings of Diagrams 2004 (Mar 2004, Cambridge University, Cambridge,) (pp. 388-391)
Pitfalls of engineering change: change practice during complex product design (2004)
Jarratt, T. A. W.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 14th CIRP Design Seminar (May 2004, Cairo, Egypt)
Simulating design processes to increase managers’ understanding (2004)
O'Donovan, B. D.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of Design 2004, 8th International Design Conference (18-21 May 2004, Dubrovnik - Cavtat, Croatia)
What designers think we need to know about their processes: early results from a comparative study (2004)
Eckert, Claudia; Blackwell, B. D.; Bucciarelli, L. L.; Clarkson, P. J.; Earl, Christopher; Knight, T. W.; Macmillan, S.; Stacey, M. K and Whitney, D. E.
In : Proceedings of Design 2004, 8th International Design Conference (18-21 May 2004, Dubrovnik - Cavtat, Croatia)
Providing an Overview during the Design of Complex Products:The Development of a Product Linkage modelling method (2004)
Jarratt, Tomothy AW; Eckert, Claudia M; Clarkson, P John and Stacey, Martin K
In : International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'04 (17-18 Jul 2004, MIT, Cambridge, USA) (pp. 239-258)
Sketching across design domains (2004)
Eckert, Claudia; Blackwell, A. D.; Stacey, M. K. and Earl, Christopher
In : Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design (22-23 Jul 2003, University of Sydney, Cambridge, MA, USA)
Engineering design in a different way: cognitive perspective on the contact and channel model approach (2004)
Albers, Albert; Ohmer, Manfred and Eckert, Claudia
In : Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design (22-23 Jul 2003, University of Sydney, Cambridge, MA, USA)
Tolerance margins as constraining factors of changes in complex products (2004)
Arivo, O. O.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 5th Integrated Product Development Workshop (IPD 2004) (22-24 Sep 2004, Schonebeck/Bad Salzelmen b. Magdeburg, Germany)
A communication audit for engineering design (2004)
Maier, A. M.; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. J.
In : 5th Integrated Product Development Workshop (IPD 2004) (22-24 Sep 2004, Schonebeck/Bad Salzelmen b. Magdeburg, Germany)
The reality of design process planning (2003-08)
Eckert, C. M and Clarkson, P. J
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
The spiral of applied research: A methodological view on integrated design research (2003-08)
Eckert, C. M.; Stacey, M. K. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Ambiguity is a double-edged sword: similarity references in communication (2003-08)
Eckert, Claudia; Stacey, Martin and Earl, Christopher
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Towards a change process planning tool (2003-08)
Eger, T.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Parameter trails (2003-08)
Flanagan, T. L.; Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Planning business processes in product development organisations (2003-06)
Wynn, David; Eckert, Claudia and Clarkson, P. John
In : The 15th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Workshop Proceedings. Information Systems for a Connected Society (16-20 Jun 2003, Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria) (pp. 383-388)
A functional analysis of change propagation (2003)
Flanagan, T. L.; Eckert, C. M.; Smith, J.; Eger, T. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Environmental legislation as a driver of design (2003)
Jarratt, T. A. W.; Eckert, Claudia; Weeks, R. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Signposting: modelling uncertainty in design processes (2003)
O'Donovan, B. D.; Clarkson, P. J. and Eckert, Claudia
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
A methodology for comparing design processes (2003)
Stacey, M. K.; Earl, Christopher; Eckert, Claudia and O'Donovan, B. D.
In : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'03) (19-21 Aug 2003, Stockholm, Sweden)
Knitwear customisation as repeated redesign (2003)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
In : 2nd Interdisciplinary World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC'03) (6-8 Oct 2003, Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Planning design processes in industry: Initial observations (2002)
Eckert, C. M. and Clarkson, P. J.
In : Engineering Design Conference (EDC 2002) (9-11 Jul 2002, London, UK) (pp. 637-646)
The structure of similarity in design (2002)
Earl, C. F. and Eckert, C. M.
In : Engineering Design Conference (EDC 2002) (9-11 Jul 2002, London, UK) (pp. 527-536)
Use of Monte Carlo methods in the prediction of change propagation (2002)
Jarratt, T. A. W.; Clarkson, P. J.; Parks, G. and Eckert, C. M.
In : Engineering Design Conference (EDC 2002) (9-11 Jul 2002, London, UK) (pp. 487-498)
Product architecture and the propagation of engineering change (2002)
Jarratt, T. A. W; Eckert, C. M.; Clarkson, P. J. and Schwankl, L.
In : 7th International Design Conference (Design 2002) (14-17 May 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia) (pp. 75-80)
Perspectives on similarity in design (2002)
Eckert, C. M. and Earl, C. F.
In : 7th International Design Conference (Design 2002) (14-17 May 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia) (pp. 131-136)
Change prediction for product redesign (2001-08)
Clarkson, P. J.; Simons, C. and Eckert, C. M.
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Management – Process and Information Issues (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 557-584)
Visualization techniques to assist design process planning (2001-08)
Clarkson, P. J.; Melo, A. F. and Eckert, C. M.
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Management – Process and Information Issues (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 321-328)
Dimensions of communication in design (2001-08)
Eckert, C. M. and Stacey, M. K.
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Management – Process and Information Issues (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 473-480)
Innovation in the tension of change and reuse (2001-08)
Gerst, M.; Eckert, C. M.; Clarkson, P. J and Lindermann, U.
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Research – Theories, Methodologies and Product Modelling (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 371-378)
Managing uncertainty in engineering design (2001-08)
Stacy, M. K. and Eckert, C. M.
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Management – Process and Information Issues (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 441-448)
Complexity in planning design processes (2001)
Earl, C. F.; Eckert, C. M. and Johnson, J.
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Research – Theories, Methodologies and Product Modelling (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 149-156)
Information flow in engineering companies: Problems and their causes (2001)
Eckert, C. M.; Clarkson, P. J. and Stacery, M. K
In : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design Management – Process and Information Issues (ICED'01) (21-23 Aug 2001, Glasgow, UK) (pp. 43-50)
Designing in the context of fashion – designing the fashion context (2001)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, M.K.
In : 5th Design Thinking Research Symposium (18-20 Dec 2001, Delft, The Netherlands) (pp. 113-129)
Intelligent support for knitwear design (1997)
Eckert, Claudia
PhD thesis The Open University
Fortune Favours only the Prepared Mind - Why Sources of Inspiration are Essential for Continuing Creativity (1998)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Department of Computing, The Open University
Sources of Inspiration in Knitwear Design (1998)
Eckert, Claudia
Department of Computing, The Open University
Shape Grammars for Knitwear Cable Design (1998)
Eckert, Claudia and Hall, Jon G.
Department of Computing, The Open University
Design Inspiration and Design Performance (1997)
Eckert, Claudia
Department of Computing, The Open University
Understanding Design Creativity by Researching Intelligent Computer Support Strategies (1997)
Eckert, Claudia
Department of Computing, The Open University
Concurrent Design (1997)
Eckert, Claudia and Demaid, Adrian
Department of Computing, The Open University
Fortune Favours Only The Prepared Mind (1997)
Eckert, Claudia and Stacey, Martin
Department of Computing, The Open University