Science and health: an evidence-based approach (SDK100), the first module in the Open University’s Health Sciences qualifications, gives a broad multi-disciplinary view of the Health Sciences and provides a foundation for the study of higher level Health Sciences modules.
SDK100 does not assume any previous science qualifications, but in order to study successfully you need to be sufficiently prepared. You need to have some basic maths and IT skills and an ability to read and write to a good standard in English. It would also be valuable to have a little science general knowledge. Our online self-assessment package Are you ready for SDK100? offers an interactive quiz to help you decide whether you have the recommended background knowledge to start the module.
To study SDK100 you need to be able to read and write to a good standard in English. You can check your language skills on the English for OU study website which will also point you towards some online resources for developing language skills.
To study SDK100 you will need a computer and some basic IT skills such as writing a document using a word processor programme. You will learn all the other online study skills you will need while studying SDK100. You can find some advice about acquiring a computer and studying online on the Skills for OU study website.
You will find lots of helpful advice on developing your mathematical skills here Maths Help website
Free 12 hour course on OpenLearn Basic science: understanding numbers This practical, hands-on course will help you to start thinking like a scientist, by using numbers to describe and understand the natural world.
There are no set text books for this module, but if you'd like to do some preparatory reading around some of the SDK100 topics, or even if you want to keep up with current news in global health issues, we also recommend the following links.
BBC Bitesize GCSE Biology and GCSE Chemistry are a good place to brush up on some relevant science. Look out for a new free course on Openlearn The science of nutrition and healthy eating that explores the science behind what you eat and the concept of healthy eating.
You can use the World Health Organisation (WHO) website to browse a wide range of health topics, and their impact in various parts of the world.
You can also visit the websites of the national health protection agencies for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Study skills for online learning
SDK100 is an online only module. All the module materials are accessed via computer and it is worthwhile thinking about how to study effectively online before the module starts. We have a wealth of online study skills resources to support you in becoming a successful online learner.
If you are studying in the UK, an OU Access module is the place to start if you feel you need to develop your study skills and build your confidence before starting SDK100. For many students, Access modules are the perfect way to prepare for their qualification, and in the past, students who have taken an Access module have gone on to be more successful in their future studies.
Go to the online interactive quiz to check whether an Access module is for you.
The most appropriate Access module to take as preparation for SDK100 is Science, technology and maths Access Module (Y033). You can find out more on the Access modules website. Select your own country from the drop-down menu near the top of the page.
Alternatively (or if you are not studying in the UK), you may want to consider studying one of our not-for-credit Science online short courses that can be studied online at any time. For example, Science: human genetics and health issues or Science: molecules, medicines and drugs. Find out more on the Science online short courses website.
If you have any further questions about studying SDK100 or other Open University modules, please contact us.
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